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Sunday, April 22, 2007

hello again

For starters, I put up two new fanart things. THe newest one is one which took me most of today to work on... mainly 'cause the day has been short and I got side tracked a lot. It's not the best, but I like it.[click here to check them out.]

Anyways, last week, i got my hair cut. I did the locks of love thing, so it was free. My mom was surprised. She thought my hair cut was going to be so expensive because it looked so nice and took so long, but it ended up being free. haha. It was really cute the way the lady designed it, but alas, as the next day came, I could not do what the salon lady could. lol. sad. But I can come close!
Things really haven't been going well. I think I made one of my friends think I dislike him because I was reading his blog on myspace and it said that he decided to straighten his hair. He mentioned about the different comments he got and then he said that the person he wanted a comment from the most didn't say anything... and y'know what? I didn't say anything... So, I think it was me... *sigh* and then all my friends have problems of their own that they've been telling me... It's rather depressing. Like, Crazy Bunny and VoloptuousSheena. Sheena has a problem with her sis, Chibidragongal, for some reason. *sigh* On top of that, I'm studying for this big history test... So, like, I have all these overwhelming thoughts going on and I have to concentrate on a test, but I can't.
hmm... maybe that's why I was in a desperate drawing mood...
I kinda wonder because I practically planned out the rest of my high school life the other day... with classes and all. But, I really wanted a drawing class because I haven't had one since middle school and you know they don't teach you anything in middle school... at least around here.. I mean, they sorta do, but sorta don't. It's more intro. So, I'm rather disappointed that the next two years are focused on medical rather than art... I really want an art class... *sigh* 'cause I need it... but it's not my major. oh right... college next year.. heh, not sure how that works...
anyways, be safe. I'm off to watch naruto. lol.
[click here to check my art out.]
Yours Truly,

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Sunday, April 8, 2007

Happy Easter

Hello hello hello, I'm back. For now anyways. Sorry.
but, I had to come back. I went on tour a while back to San Francisco which was a lot of fun. It was for band. We played at Great America and the judge sucked. The San Jose University had much better people there. The directore actually seemed to speak musically when telling us how to improve compared to that nut-case of a judge.
The bus ride back wasn't so pleasant. I mean, it was so uncomfortable and it was all night long. I hardly slept at all.
And today, the most exciting thing ever happened. I got my license. I got to drive home from my mom's house to my dad's. That was fun. I was all by myself. ahahaha. It was great.
Now that I can drive, I need to find Barnes and Nobles so I can use my gift cards and buy stuff. lol. That'll be cool. Like, today, I went to Target and bought 2 CDs. One was 30 seconds to mars, and the other was the red jumpsuit apparatus.
Anyways, I felt the need to update. I apologize for not taking the time to visit. I've procrastinated on my homework and must work on it. *sighs* I am so bad.... Forgive me. And you've come all this way to visit me...
Okay, well, thanks for stopping by. It means a lot to me.
I should put some more art up some time... It's been a while. My scanner's just been stupid. *sigh* oh well.
Happy Easter everyone! ^_^ Be safe.
Yours Truly,

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Sunday, March 11, 2007

   Quick Hello

How's everyone been lately? Good I hope. ^_^
It's been finals week which was stressful for the history test... and I got a C- T_T That is so bad! it was a 80 question test that we had to answer in 55 minutes. An A would be getting half of the 80 right. and a wrong answer subtracts a point to 5 points. *sigh* That's not all, it goes from the Renaissance through to Napolean's rule. *sigh* Have you ever heard of the AP European test? hmm... it's nation wide.
Anyways, next week is state testing. The WASL. Anyone in Washington probably knows of it. lol.
Guess what else? I took a test this week to get into running start which is a program to go to college during your last two years of high school. I passed. I mean, it was soooo easy! lol. except for the math. i didn't know any of that, so I'm gonna try to retake that part. But I can still get into college nonetheless.
Also, sometime in the next week, I'm going to take my driving test for my license.
Right now is a very exciting part of my life having all these doors being opened. New oppertunities await. blah blah blah. lol. It's great. Life is grand.
I'm still sick though. I've been sick for about a month now. Except for under a week in between that where I was fine. lol.
Anyways, I gotta dash or I'm gonna be late.. >.>
Be safe!
Yours Truly,

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Saturday, February 10, 2007

   A Very Happy Sweet Sixteen

Today was a very very happy day for me. One of the best ever. Let me tell you about it. But right now I'm terribly sick and coughing a lot. So, yeah. You know what tastes bad? Cough drops.

Okay, this is personal, so don't be, um... I don't know. Anyways, Sunday is like, my birthday. So, I'm just going through the day and whatever. By third period, I was taking a test in medical careers. Then along comes my friend with a bunch of balloons and asks for me and then he spots me and gives them to me... along with a bag. ^_^ After that, i couldn't exactly concentrate on the test, don't worry, I was pretty much finished anyways. I got 22/25.
It didn't quite occur to me at first that he didn't exactly work in the floral shop. But then at lunch, I pretty much avoided the den because I didn't really want anyone to spot me out, so I walked through the back hallways to my locker. I released the balloons so I could open my locker and they all flew up to the ceiling. This couple looked at me and laughed. Then the guy ran to the locker and jumped off to grab the balloons. After three trys he got them back for me. I was so thankful.
After that, I sat in another hallway with my friends as I always do. And like, I saw these two guys at the end of the hallway at some point, looking through the hall. I knew them and wasn't used to seeing them in that area of the school. Then they left, but then they came back with my friend who gave me the balloons. They had spent lunch time searching for me. >.< The two guys left, but my friend stayed and spent the rest of lunch with me.
The bag had shoes in them and this really really cool necklace! ^____^
Anyways, my friends are starting to think he likes me. >//< And like, i have to get him a birthday present that lives up to the one he gave me. I could never do that. I don't know how. He has the same birthday as me too.
My mom's been teasing me a lot, but she thinks it's really really cool at the same time.

And in band, the director made me stand a chair which was on top of the director thing and made me sing a pitch so that the band could sing happy birthday. That was so embarrassing.
Another good thing that happened today was I added my 7th grade crush on myspace. I haven't seen him since 7th grade and he looks so different. He's so tall now too, according to his myspace anyways.

I truly think that my sweet sixteen is going to be a real sweet sixteen....
Yours Truly,

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Saturday, January 27, 2007


Hello, how is everyone? ^_^ I hope you all are well.
This week went well. Today actually went well. I had two quizzes today and they were both rescheduled for monday. That is pretty fortunate.
Also, my sister is visiting Saturday(today or tomorrow depends on what time you're reading). My parents haven't seen her in 7 years. I haven't seen her in 2 years. It's exciting because they all realize that they love each other and I'm just so happy. We're also gonna meat her baby, my nephew, for the first time. He's almost one year old.
Crazy Bunny's birthday is on the 2nd of February. My friend Marylou's birthday is the 31st of January. My dad's is the 8th of February. Me and another friend share the same birthday which is also in February.
How many of you noticed Valentine's day is coming up? haha. Yes, that lover's day. lol. My birthday is three days before(11th). It'll be my sweet sixteen this year. I'm somewhat excited, but I don't really want to pay a lot. I kept asking my mom if it was too expensive to go ice skating. And like, what options where cheaper. She kept saying "Don't worry about the cost." Then today, we finally decide for ice skating and she starts complaining about how much we're paying for only 2 hours of ice skating. Will that be enough? I don't know! It just irritated me, but I'm still very thankful she's doing this for me.
Anyways, that'll be all for now. Be safe.
Yours Truly,

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

   Yay for snow!!!!!!!!

Haha, welcome back... to me. xD Okay, I'm back. I have a new theme which took me approximately 2 weeks to finish.Enough about that.
It snowed last week on Wednesday night, so there was no school on Thursday. Then we had that three day weekend, right? We come back to school on Tuesday and it had been snowing for a while and they hadn't cancelled school. I get inside and my friends are there. I asked if they cancelled yet and my good friend, Marylou, says,"the bus drivers say it's closed." Then Crazy Bunny said, "I called the school and they said it's not cancelled." Not a moment to soon after she finished that sentence, the intercom came on and said, "school has been cancelled." And everyone was there already too.
My mom had not left campus yet either after dropping me off. There was no school today(Wednesday), either. So, we had a 5 day weekend. Which is cool.
Edit:No school again today(Thursday) lol. End of Edit
Another announcement, I did get that Zelda game for Christmas. And... I beat it today. I love the ending. Oh yeah, this is the very first Zelda game I've ever beaten. I'm so proud of myself. ^__________^ Chibidragongal finished Zelda a week or more ago.
It's 8:50, and I'm waiting for it to be 9:00 for me to add the post. hehe... -_-;
Later, be safe...
Yours Truly,

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Sunday, December 24, 2006

   Merry Christmas

Seasons Greetings everyone!
I hope you all are enjoying the last of the year. Yeah....
So, what have you all been up to?? Please answer my question.
I've started playing final fantasy x. And now it's frustrating because i keep dying. -_-;
Okay, well, I kinda want that new Zelda game, so my mom went out of her way to go find it while I baked cookies. And, they were sold out. She was thinking about going in the morning, but didn't and they had them in the morning. lol.
I got my mom the movie Cars. I got my stepdad a far side planner. I got my dad some asian spices... I have no idea what to do about my brother... *sigh* maybe I can give him candy and he'll live. I feel kinda bad, but he has been a real jerk as of lately. My mom got him Kingdom Hearts. So, he should be fine... I guess.
I don't really know much else to say. I play in the bell choir for communion Christmas eve.
And.. I haven't done my long history assignment yet. whoops. I'm gonna be in so much trouble.
Anyways, I guess this is it... My last post of the year. lol. Maybe.
So, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I wish the best for all of you.
Be safe!
Yours Truly,

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Sunday, December 10, 2006


I know that I haven't really been visiting everybody. And guilt runs through me because of it. I'd like to just come back when I have time to visit every single one of you, but then my time away would be longer. So, I guess... if you want, the easiest way for me to know what's up with you is through pms... and if you'd rather have me visit your site, you can tell me that too... *sigh* just so busy and so tired. My freeday is only Saturday. I can't wait for Christmas break, but my teachers have given a headsup on homework during the break and I wanted to get in shape for when tennis rolls around.
By the way, I finally finished a piece of art and it is up as we speak. ^_^ I would appreciate it if you could check it out.. if you have time. I'm sure a lot of you don't, but... yeah.
And last night... Friday night, I went to the school play and it was better than the Much ado about Nothing. The same couple did the main characters. They did such a beautiful job. It seemed like I was actually watching a movie it was so good. I hope they become famous so I can see them on tv and say "I went to high school with those people." lol. The play was on the Little Shop of Horrors. I almost cried when Seymour put Audrey in the plant. T_T
Anyways, Be safe... sorry for everything.....
Yours Truly,

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Sunday, December 3, 2006

   Hello, it was a pleasure to meet you...

Hello my dear friends. I kinda miss you all. However, I feel as if I lost my addiction I had to myotaku. I come back every so often to see if people are still around, but I rarely update my site. I'm also glad that some of you think I'm pretty. That makes me happy.
sighI got my driver's ed certificate. I'm so happy. And there's this really cute guy who used to be in driver's ed with me. *blushes* I even saw his myspace because he's friends with my friend and his picture is kinda cute. XD sshhh! And we both drive to school now on. But he has to walk home afterwards and he lives soo far away! Enough talk about that.
I almost missed finals because over thanksgiving break, I went to Hawaii for a family reunion. It was a lot of fun and surprisingly, we never went swimming. Shocker! Oh yes, but I got to see around 150 of my relatives. I was one of around less than ten people who came out of state, so I got a lei. My brother and my mom got fancier leis than me. I got a purple orchid one and they got these ginger ones.
Because of my vacation, I was gone for monday and tuesday of finals, but luckily, there was a snow day on tuesday and I didn't have to make up any of my finals. Lucky me. Plus, I've come to notice... every single time I go to Hawaii, it snows. I think I'm cursed as if I'm not allowed to see snow. It's disappointing.
*sigh* I hope some of you still remember me... but it's alright if you forget. I may not come on as much. The reason I joined this site was to put up my art. So far, I've succeeded with this and found it very enjoyable in the proccess with making so many friends. It's great to have known you all. Thank you for reading this. It's appreciated beyond comprehension. Haha.
Later, be safe.
Yours Truly,

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Saturday, October 28, 2006

   What? I'm back!!!!

Sorry that I hadn�t been here in a while. I realized that it�s almost been a month� *sigh* I guess I just got so wrapped up in life that� I� forgot� ahaha, sorry. I hope to scan another picture so I can color it and stuff and then use it as a background because this one is doing so great.
New news, I�m starting volunteer work at the hospital. Yep. Also, I got a car! Whee!!!! It�s a Yaris. I�m so freaking happy about it! OMG, I just like� I don�t know I love it!!! I�m not even 16 yet! I don�t even have a job and my mom got impatient and bought one�
What else�. The 17th was my brother�s birthday. I got him Tales of the Abyss. That was awesome. I love that game� yes, I do play it too. The main character has the English voice of Sasuke Uchiha aka Haru from Rave Master. And the main character�s best friend has the voice of Vash the Stampede! Aka Kiba from wolf�s rain, Ichigo from Bleach, and a lot of others� I just love that voice� and I love Vash! XD lol� Luke and Guy� best friends� and yeah� it�s fun.
Oh, and there�s this really cute guy in my driver�s ed class. He was in PE with me last year, but today, he asked if I was a freshman or sophomore�.. I wanted to say �duh, you should know�� but I didn�t. ahah, I simply answered �sophomore� and he said �cool�. Y�know, I think it would�ve been polite to ask him what year he was too, but� I already knew. Lol.
And last, but not least, Homecoming pictures!!! Yes, adore my beauty!! Lol, no, I�m hideous, but you shall look anyways!!!
On the left is myself, in the middle is VoloptuousSheena, and on the right is the beloved Rachel. We were all cracking up because Rachel�s boyfriend was laughing his head off from the way Rachel posed. He used to scare me because he�s all super goth and whatever, but he�s actually really funny and nice, not to mention amazingly strong.
And then, in the back on the left is Becky standing next to VoloptuousSheena. In front sitting down is Crazybunny next to myself. ^_^ too bad vikki wasn�t in this one.. *sigh* or Chibidragongal. She didn�t come which made me sad�
Anyways, if I don�t visit, it�s not because I�m busy, it�s because I�m lazy� sorry. I shall try� it�s just, I don�t get free time very often and the weekend is the only time I can do this� so, I�d be visiting all of you on top of the other stuff I do in my free time, so don�t feel bad, just make me feel bad, k? ahahaha.
Love yas, be safe.

PS, I need help with getting my posts to not stretch like this. T_T
Yours Truly,

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