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Sunday, July 16, 2006
I just finished watching the avatar. ^_^ ahaha... yeah oh, and Naruto starts now. haha. I'm tired of television though...
I found a bruis on the back of my head from when I fell. heh heh. cause for headache and yeah... I think I was wrong on the estimation of my mom's birthday... whoops! ahaha, it's on the uh.. 31st.
Also, if you don't see your button, either I haven't put it up yet or I don't know you have one, so if you do, I'd like to link you. ^_^
Okay, time for a little trivia... match this person up with the person ten years from then in the picture below it. ^_^ shouldn't be too hard. I thought it'd be funny.

Question of the day:17. Honestly, are you loyal?
Kim: yes *within reason. I rat on my sis sometimes*
Annie: sometimes
My head hurts. XD
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Saturday, July 15, 2006
Hi, I changed my layout... again. XD I know I know, only half of you got to see the new Chrono Crusade one, but it was way too pink for me... but I liked it.
In a little over a week is my mom's birthday and Harry Potter's birthday. And in a couple more weeks, I'm going to be gone for about a month. (Cali)
Yesterday was interesting, this guy talks to us while we're out gardening and then he comes back around the block one more time to talk to us and he askes my mom if she's Hawaiian. and he's like "I knew it from the moment you spoke." My mom has an accent, but not a strong one. The rest of my Hawaiian relatives have a stronger accent and he's Hawaiian too. He doesn't have an accent though.
Today, I was taking all the dishes downstairs because some people were too lazy to do so and I tripped on the stairs and banged my head so hard that I couldn't see for a moment. I scared my mom and to change the conversation from "how's your head" I said "did I break any dishes?" haha. My mom's like "don't worry about that!"
Question of the day: 15. Honestly, do you have a friend you don't actually like?
Kim: take your pick
Annie: same as kim
We both happen to hate this certain person... I tell him I hate him, but he thinks I'm kidding.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Monday, July 10, 2006
uh... backwards post!
Be Safe
Question of the day:14. Honestly, do you have a deep dark secret?
Kim: yes *suspitious stare*
Annie: yes
Ain't telling.
Uh, I don't think you guys understood the whole midnight bike ride thing. It was all organized and there were about a thousand of us riding, so it was safe. Volunteers called us crazy, but hey, we're enjoying the night ride with an almost full moon in the sky. It wasn't the same route as two years ago, so we didn't cross a lot of bridges. T_T
When I was cleaning at my mom's house, she came and hugged me really tight and I thought something was wrong... I started crying. XD Weird, huh? And she's been scaring me with all her talk of "you need to walk your mom, otherwise her heart will stop." She tells me that a lot. It's because she has diabetes... I may very well get it someday too. *sigh* that's why I'm not allowed to have so much sugar.
Well, I just got back from a hike up in the mountains. We stopped by two waterfalls and the first one soaked us quite well, I might say. And we weren't that close either. The second one, my dad stood right next to it.
Sorry for not visiting a lot of you. Please accept my apology.
Omg, his eyes close!

Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Sunday, July 9, 2006
bike ride
Hello, I hope everyone had a good independence day if you celebrate it.

I went to my aunt's house on sunday, came back wednesday, and spent the rest of the week at my mom's and she just got cable. I've been playing Zelda and watching Chrono Crusade... that's about it.
I just got home from the midnight bike ride. It was fun. These cute little kids were out too. and older people sprayed us with water. which was nice. *sigh* I'm so tired now though. There was this group of teens and they were all talking really loud. the girl says "yeah, just hanging out watching the bikers." and I slowly turn my head towards them as I ride by. I can't even see them it's so dark. And all of them get so quiet until the girl yells "hello!" and I start cracking up... haha.
The finish line had donuts. That was my dinner.
Question of the day:13. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute?
Kim: Yes, desperatly
Annie: yes
It was funny when I first answered that, I was extremely tired, so I told kim to write "yes, and to sleep." That just sounded sooooooo wrong. haha
Good day. Apologies if I don't visit. -_- too tired and too busy.
Time: 1:06
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Friday, June 30, 2006
OKay okay, I'm done boring you with my brother's problems... wanna hear about my sister's? just kidding!
I just got back from Oneanta Gorge. It's very cold... the water is ice cold... and then it started raining. I'd tell you more, but I talked about it a lot last summer.
I got two nose bleeds this week... one when I first woke up and the other when I was cooking dinner. It was bad and I was like "omg, what's that on the stove??" then I noticed it was blood and then it started coming fast... And I didn't want to burn the meat!
Once my mom came inside, she took over and I layed on the couch, light headed (of course) and read Velocity... I really really want to read Forever Odd. It's the sequal to Odd Thomas... I'm becoming a Dean Koontz fan... -_-'
Question of the day:12. Honestly, have you had an eating disorder?
Kim: undecided
Annie: no
Later, be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
Comments (14) |
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Bad day

Yeah, I know I had grammar errors... and I asked a question too... in perfect english if I'm not mistaken. *sigh* you guys love me.
I'm just about to have dinner, but yeah... there's been this big conflict with my brother... I don't know what goes through his head and I feel sorry for him because honestly, he can't be the bad guy, but then again, I should feel glad he's getting big long lectures... He poured water on my bed while I was at violin lessons... I'm pissed right now... grr!!!
A = Andrew M = Mom Me = well, you know... me!
A:Stares at mom
M: aahh, you're burning holes in the back of my head! the pain! oh man!
A: what the heck???
M: what?
A: why are you doing that? (he has this tone of anger)
M: Because I can. *smiles*
Me: trying to hold in laughter
Later in the convo...
(this is because of his anger)
M: Stop huffing and puffing, you can't blow my house down. *smiles*
then the music in the resteraunt goes "it's getting better all the ti~ime..."
M: you're not getting any better
........ow, my bro just hit me... I swear, I'm gonna have bruises all over my arms... they're aching. -_-
Well, don't feel sorry for me... I'm fine. Especially after looking at all your lives. I actually have the good life, so... I'm fine. My brother was going to walk home from the mall, and me and my mom searched everywhere for him after thinking that he might wait for us there... god, I think he broke something else.... damn.... dammit all...
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Ich spreche deutsch, aber ich auch spreche englisch....
Das wetter ist sehr heiβ! Sehr sehr heiβ! Entschuldigung. Ich werde englisch sprechen. Nicht heute, aber morgen(tomorrow). Ich bin glϋcklich und mϋde... sehr mϋde...
um... Wie geht's??? ha ha... Ihr versteht mich nicht. XD hahahahaha....
Jetzt, eine Frage:
Question of the day:11. Honestly, what is your mood right now?
Kim: happy/high
Annie: happy/high/really bad headache (actually, I'm really tired)
Es tut mir leid (I'm sorry) Tomorrow I'll speak English. I just felt like writing this today... Some of the things I said might be gramatically incorrect, so, sorry. ^_^
Bis später!
Deine Freundin, Hella
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Monday, June 26, 2006
Hello, i had a good day... Gute Abend, ich bin sehr froh!

Hello, I'm really sorry for not visiting the majority of you today. I'll get right to it. But like, in the morning, my mom came and picked me up. Yeah, she drove all the way from California and she started going east rather than west late at night. haha, she was beginning to go up into the mountains. She eventually made it home. On top of that, my step dad came as well which was really awesome, but he had to go back to california on the plane an hour after I arrived at my mom's and was finished making breakfast. It was really good. Me and my mom went to walmart and I got a bunch of tank tops and stuff for the summer and then we went to Target to get slurpies. yummy... Once we got back to my mom's place, I mowed the lawn and helped her with the yard. She got into the hot tub and I took a nap. She watched harry potter and I played the piano. lol.
Then, I came back to my dad's house and helped him with the gazeebo(sp?)That was tough and we've given up about half an hour ago. *sigh* the bamboo started breaking. T_T
I'm really glad you like the new theme. I found a bunch of html stuff that I had used several months ago and thought I could bring it back. lol. Like the cursor thing. XD This is where I got my music: Anime's Music Codes And no, my mom doesn't speak German. In fact, she'd rather have me learn Japanese than German... Not like that's an option, but yes, especially since she spent so much money for Japanese school and whatnot... but we moved.
I have tai chi tomorrow night. Jack wants to throw my mom a welcoming party. That's sweet. He threw her a going away party and everyone pitched in to buy her a real sword which was so awesome! It kicks ass, man. But it's too heavy for her to use...
Question of the day: 10. Honestly, do you bite your nails?
Kim: no
Annie: yes *shut up!*
Sorry for the long post. -_-; It was the best summer day I've had.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Sunday, June 25, 2006
hey, how's it going?

Yesterday, I spent a lot of time cleaning. I'm close to accomplishing my goal. And today, I talked on aim a lot. XD Also, a lady from my dad's work asked everyone who wanted to to come to her house and paint the barn for free food. What happened is what I had feared. By the time we got there, the barn was already painted. Not only that, but the chicken coop and shed were also painted. lol...
Oh yeah, like my new theme? I kinda got tired of Heimdall.
Question of the day:9. Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time?
Kim: being with my friends and the guy I like
Annie: When my friends and family are happy
my mom comes home tomorrow night(sunday night)And I'm gonna start speaking in as much German as I can so I don't forget it, k?
Auf Wierdersehen.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Friday, June 23, 2006
Guess what???
My mom's coming home on Sunday. I'm so excited. I miss my mommy. ^_^
I also talked to Crazy Bunny, Rachel, and VoluptuousSheena today. That was awesome. I miss them so much. We're all gonna get together sometime with Chibidragongal also and some more people. It shall be glorious.
Question of the day:8. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?
Kim: Majorly
Annie: Yes
Later, be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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