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• KyoFlowerKiss
• 1991-02-11
• Vancouver, WA
Member Since
• 2005-06-11
• High School Senior, College Running Start
Real Name
• Annie
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Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Hello... violin lessons, I had them today... Happy Mittwoch(wednesday[someone who knows german, correct me if I'm wrong])
At violin lessons, I was not using enough of the bow, so my instructor handed me a bow about 4 inches long. It was tiny...
And just now, I went to get the bowls for dinner... and a glass fell off the shelf and hit my foot and I started hopping around. My dad started laughing... the glass was plastic... it hurt... He's like "it could be worse. It could be glass."

Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.... she rides on your back.
Question of the day: 7. Honestly, do you watch disney channel?
Kim: sometimes, when there is a movie
Annie: On the weekends and when Hercules is on
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
Comments (13) |
Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Hey, all. How was your monday? Welcome to Tuesday. yes, welcome to Tuesday... When I rode my bike on father's day, we were going up this hill and my pants got stuck on the pedal and went round and round and I fell into a thorn bush. It was kinda fun falling. I let myself fall because there was no way out of it.
Okay, I don't know my brother's problems, but patience with him is nonexistent. He kicked me out of my room because I have a computer in here. So, I simply go and take my shower get dressed and stuff. While i'm in the bathroom, he comes and pounds on the door accussing me of making the internet connection bad! I was yelling that it wasn't me... Luckily, I had the bathroom door locked... lucky me.
I'm sitting down and then he comes up and kicks the chair and grabs both my upper arms which is where he always attacks because he pinches right in between the bones and I can't really attack back. but I managed and he left me alone... I love the fact that I decided to learn Ta'i Chi and he didn't... oh yeah! And my dad comes home, sees the bathroom door and there's this big hole in it! From my brother kicking it! And get this, the reason he wants the computer is so that he can play maplestory... heh-heh, I laugh at that... ahahahahahaha! see, I'm laughing.... yeah............ i'm laughing.

I can't wait for this game to come out! I want to play it so badly. It shall be the first zelda game I beat. I suck at zelda games. I almost beat wind waker. I mean, I got to the part with the triforce shards and I know how to kill ganon easily.
Question of the day:6. Honestly, have you done something bad today?
Kim: Not really
Annie: sort-of (now it's a yes [i was mean to my brother, not letting him on the computer])
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
Comments (9) |
Monday, June 19, 2006
hello, everyone. Happy father's day!

heeheehee, I woke up at 6:50 to make my dad breakfast in bed, but he didn't wake up until 9:00. I was worried the food would get cold. French toast, eggs, sausage, hahahahaha. Oh yeah, and I madeth the cake! It turned out bad.
So, today, we went bike riding which was fun, down on the river... which was fun? yeah. hehehe.
Guess what? VoluptuousSheena and Chibidragongal both came back. ahahaha, it's great. (little ad) "Check out Chibidragongal's art. Es ist super und toll!" haha, going German on ya all.
<---clicky on the piccy
Questions of the day:Honestly, what are you doing right now?
Kim: screwin around on the computer
Annie: laughing (actually, I'm typing my post... and you guys are probably all gonna say that you're commenting on my post, so I'll put another one up as well.)
5. Honestly, do you think you are attractive?
Kim: No
Annie: no
Later, be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
Comments (13) |
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Hello di do do... ho ho ho XD
Well, my first day of summer break went well. Yes, long time it took me to get out of school, but I don't start school until september. *sigh* I don't get to keep Kyo. My dad doesn't really like cats. But I might get a puppy someday. ^^
Over the last few days, I've been talking to this one guy from my school on msn. It's kinda funny actually. I mean, I've known who he was for about three years, but I've never actually talked to him in person and I've talked to him so much on the computer. It's funny. And like on our birthday, our band director said that it was a match made in heaven, y'know, being born on the same day and all. It makes me laugh because I never thought I'd ever get to know him. XD
The cable died and Naruto is on... not like I really care. Just thought I'd mention it.
Question of the day: 2. Honestly, what's on your mind right now?
Kim: the boy I like
Annie: some cute guy (not on my mind anymore)
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
Comments (9) |
Saturday, June 17, 2006
New theme: Heimdall from Matantei Loki Ragnarok

Well, today was the last day of school, am I ever so greatful for that. I went over to VoluptuousSheena's house today also. We had so much fun. I said "I bet I could beat you at life." So, we played life and I beat her the first time and we had two sets of cars each. I won. Then Rachel played with us the second time and my salary started off with 90,000 then Rachel stole it from me then, Kim stole it from her and I stole it back in the end making kim have 20,000. That was funny. And I won again. ^_^
Also, Crazybunny found this cute little orange kitten we named Kyo. VoluptuousSheena and I went over to her house after arriving at school because it didn't start until 9:05 but the buses still ran at 6:50.
I almost broke down and cried the way our project for Rube Goldberg was going. It sucked, but we got a B-. But the hammer missed the toothpaste. And I'm going to miss everyone this summer. Some of my friends are moving.
Question of the day:Honestly, what color is your underwear/boxers? (note: kim and I answered this a week ago. The answers are a bit different I'm sure)
Kim: pale purple
Annie: white with pretty designs
Later, be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
Comments (12) |
Monday, June 12, 2006
Hi hi
sorry I didn't really visit you all. I've been busy and I'll be busy for the rest of the week as school is not out yet, but lucky me for being a sophomore. hahaha. We had the whole ceremony and everything as we watched the seniors walk away and the new president tossed the old president's sweater off and said "out with the old and in with the new." That pissed me off. ahaha
We didn't really wear dead birds on our heads, we had these plumes which were a bunch of feathers on a metal rod. XD
Anyone heard of Rube Goldberg? I have to make a project which will squirt toothpaste on a toothbrush. It's difficult. *sigh* I fear failure.
And I've been a member for one year now. yay. so happy. I've been tired a lot lately and not hungry at all. Weird. It doens't help that my brother stole my room last night and I wasn't able to get him out until midnight where I had to wake up at 5 which was the same time I had to wake up for the rose parade.
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS (survey me and VoluptuousSheena took at her house)
1. Honestly, what color is your underwear/boxers?
Kim: pale purple
Annie: white with pretty designs
2. Honestly, what's on your mind right now?
Kim: the boy I like
Annie: some cute guy
3. Honestly, what are you doing right now?
Kim: screwin around on the computer
Annie: laughing
5. Honestly, do you think you are attractive?
Kim: No
Annie: no
6. Honestly, have you done something bad today?
Kim: Not really
Annie: sort-of
7. Honestly, do you watch disney channel?
Kim: sometimes, when there is a movie
Annie: On the weekends and when Hercules is on
8. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now?
Kim: Majorly
Annie: Yes
9. Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time?
Kim: being with my friends and the guy I like
Annie: When my friends and family are happy
10. Honestly, do you bite your nails?
Kim: no
Annie: yes *shut up!*
11. Honestly, what is your mood right now?
Kim: happy/high
Annie: happy/high/really bad headache
12. Honestly, have you had an eating disorder?
Kim: undecided
Annie: no
13. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute?
Kim: Yes, desperatly
Annie: yes
14. Honestly, do you have a deep dark secret?
Kim: yes *suspitious stare*
Annie: yes
15. Honestly, do you have a friend you don't actually like?
Kim: take your pick
Annie: same as kim
17. Honestly, are you loyal?
Kim: yes *within reason. I rat on my sis sometimes*
Annie: sometimes
18. Honestly, are you in denial?
Kim: yes
Annie: Yes I so am! *if I was in denial I would be saying no*
19. Honestly, who would you rather be right now?
Kim: I'm pretty happy with hangin out with annie
Annie: I'm cool. *boastfull look*
20. Honestly, do you like someone?
Kim: yes *cry*
Annie: yes totally. I'm obsessive.
21. Honestly, does anyone like you?
Kim: I think so
Annie: I hope so
22. Honestly, is it going anywhere with them?
Kim: Its probably never gonna happen
Annie: no, he moved
Relient K is awesome. bye bye.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
Comments (9) |
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Hello, everyone... Rose parade! woot!
I'm debating on watching the Rose Parade on tv or watching Naruto. I can't decide, but my dad's recording them both, so it doesn't matter.
So yeah, the rose parade wasn't all that bad. Being 5 1/2 miles in large black wooly uniforms, big hats with a dead bird on top... ugh, that was awful. And Mr. Nelson moved me up to the second row. It scared me. XD And there's really hot saxophone player. XD shut up! I didn't say anything!
I stayed over at VoluptuousSheena's and Chibidragongal's house last night which was fun. we played harvest moon and then got up early for the parade. Heehee, it was fun.
Oh, and I'm officially a sophomore now! yay! The assembly was yesterday. yays! But I still have to do finals all next week which makes me really nervous and I want to die. XP

Later, be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
Comments (8) |
Thursday, June 8, 2006
Pity the California fool. I'm so sorry for Ryan... T_T
You know how it was 666 and all? A couple of schools got bomb threats and one school was cancelled while the one in Salem, none of the kids could bring backpacks to school. So, most people didn't show up.
If you want, you can skip the italic/bold part because it's just about Ryan 'cause I feel sorry for him. You can skip the part from between the first picture and second picture.

I got really upset today in English class. At my table, some of the girls were talking about the Californian guy from when they were at the band concert last night. One said that he was ugly and another was all like, "yeah, I know." Okay, that wasn't really nice. I consider him my friend now, but I didn't know what to say to them. They were bad-ass talking my friend! What the hell was wrong with them??? And what the hell was wrong with me for not sticking up for him??? And then, when he was all quiet in math class, I was like "Are you okay?" And he said, "No, I just want school to end. It's so retarded." So, I tore up a piece of paper and wrote "Smile, you're on candy camera. =P" And that got him a laugh. Then I made paper stars which I gave to him and he was happy by the end of the period. But man, it's scary when he doesn't talk because all he can do is talk. hahaa.
There was this one chick that all of us hate just as much as everyone in my class hates Ryan and she left for the bathroom and took a while, so Ryan said, "Maybe she's constipated." Okay, and me, Kayla, and Rachel start cracking up laughing. And then he said, "when she walks in, we should ask her if she needs laxitives(sp?)" And as she walked in, my teacher starts laughing while talking. I thought it was hilarious.
Oh, and after band practice today, I got a ride home from Kim (VoluptuousSheena) and Meghan (Chibidragongal), so I got green tea and cookies. XD But as we passed Ryan, Meghan said "Kim, toss a cookie at him." Kim said, "No, that would be to mean." I said "Toss the cookie!" So, she flung the cookie out the window after saying hi and yelled "cookie." I think he might have thought we were being mean, but we were just trying to give him a cookie. lol.

I hope everyone is having a wonderful time. The Rose Parade is this saturday. If you live in the US, you are capable of watching it on tv. ah.. haha... I dumped a bunch of sugar on my cherios this morning and was really hyper. It was an accident of putting way to much sugar. I wasn't paying attention. XD Be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
Comments (10) |
Tuesday, June 6, 2006
Happy 666 everybody!
I got most of my homework done, but honestly cleaning was so much more fun than doing my homework and Omg, I didn't realize how tired it made me. I fell asleep so easily.
Well, anyone notice the date? 6/6/6! Oh yeah! But I'm not superstitious. XD Rachel and Kayla wanted to go see the Omen on this day. Tomorrow for me, but today for some of you. You know what I mean, right?
Sunday, June 4, 2006
Hi hi. ^^

My dad should be leaving now to pick my brother up from school. It's like 9:16 PM right now. There was a parade today in Shelton which is really short. I did it two years ago. And then he went to Wild Waves six flags. Man, that is so much fun! When I went, it was raining a lot and there was a thunderstorm, but today it's all sunny and hot. hahaha.
Today, I practically just cleaned a lot. Everytime homework came into my mind, I got a weird feeling in my gut. I seriously need to do my homework, but I really really don't want to do it. So, I cleaned a lot while listening to the Beatles. I like the Beatles. hahaha, I was in a beatles mood.
I hope everyone has a good day. ^^ Oh yeah, I'm supposed to go to Rachel's birthday party in the afternoon. She invited 20 people, but a whole lot of people aren't going to show, like Chibidragongal and VoluptuousSheena.
Later, be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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