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Saturday, June 3, 2006

New theme: Elfen Lied
Note: Lied means song in German. Pronounced like "lead" as in leader or something.
Sorry if I didn't visit you. I had marching band practice today. my dad forgot about me, so I was waiting at school until 5pm. Which is an hour after I got out. I was going to walk home, but I didn't want to. And then I asked my dad if we could go to the store (for certain things) and then I asked if I could have cherios. He's like "okay."
When we got home, I grabbed the cherios, poured myself a bowl, then hid the box in some room chanting "my precious, my precious." I was telling my dad that it was for me and not Andrew (my bro). But my dad was free to have some. But those cherios, they're mine. All mine. XD oh yeah.
Well, I believe I've spoken my fair share... my rank hasn't changed and I do believe that bad luck is on my side now... ugh... 666. I'm going to die tomorrow... with my bowl of cherios. ahaahahahahah, cherios, who ever knew I would fall in love with you??? shut up! They're my precious, okay??? okay??? stay back! hahaha.... yummy. Ich liebe dich! ¢¾
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Friday, June 2, 2006
Rant about Lord of the Flies..... run away now, I say.

Sorry if I didn't visit you. I was cleaning the bathroom so I wouldn't feel guilty about my homework. I had to find some excuse to not do it. XD
Question: What's the first thing that comes to mind when I say "Sucks to your ass-mar!"
So far, all I've gotten at school is either "Yeah, sucks to your ass-mar" or "Oh, God, I hate that book!" Sometimes I get both. XD It's funny.
My brother has marching band practice tomorrow morning. I have it in the afternoon. He gets to go to the Shelton Parade where right after, he goes to Wild Waves Six Flags. I had so much fun when I did that. I rode the timberhawk 7 times. XD Oh man, I'd love to tell the story about that sometime.

Oh yeah, today, my rank was 666. XD That's just great, neh? Hope nothing bad happens. hahaha. And here comes some more rain... ^_^
Tschus! Later, be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Thursday, June 1, 2006
Hello... sorry for the long post. -_-'

Our math class.. no wait, just about everybody, is so mean to Ryan(the california dude). It's sad. And when we all got new seats, VoluptuousSheena told him "oh right, you don't have many friends... just don't talk to them." It's his non-stop talking that made him everyone's enemy. Me and my friends have tolerated it better. And, he's become our friend. He even hangs out with us at lunch now-a-days. It's cool.
The Rose Parade is coming up like I mentioned before. ai-ya... I'm nervous because it's 5 miles long and after doing a 2 1/2 mile one and getting tired so much, I'm afraid I'll be even more tired. Oh well. Oh, but there are going to so many cameras. This parade is going to be seen all across the country... -_-; Right right, it's not that bad. Not bad at all.
Anyone have a myspace? Just thought I'd ask. I'm not allowed to have one, but I do. MySpace

Finals are in two weeks............... Be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Hey all
Thanks for the wonderful comments even though I wasn't able to visit any of you because I ditched to spend the whole weekend with my mom! It was a grand time. I'm also glad you liked the art. Made me happy.
Saturday, Mom, dad, brother, and myself, we went to watch Over the hedge. It was funnier than I expected. (I was expecting it to be pretty lame) And then outside my mom's neighborhood is road kill: possom(sp?) I was like, "look, mom, it's Ozzie."
Sunday, the four of us, went to Long Beach, Washington. I got to see my friend, Amy, from Oregon. oh yeah. And today, my mom got a call that she passed some test, so she got a job in California... meaning, she won't come here for a month in three weeks. I almost cried when she told me, but hey, it ain't bad, I can call her whenever I need to. ^_^
Later, be safe.
Heads up, The Rose Parade is coming up in two weeks!
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Saturday, May 27, 2006
This morning, I woke up and my eye was aching so badly. It didn't stop hurting until right after lunch in math class. I think it was because there was lack of light in the classroom. It hurt less in German and physics too when we watched some videos. But, man, my left eye was watering so badly. Right now, it doesn't hurt and it's like smaller than my right eye.
Heehee, in about less than two hours, I get to see my mommy! I'm so excited! I can't wait. She flies in in about 45 minutes, and will pick me up at 10:30 to go to her place. I miss my mommy so much that I've cried all day long. just kidding. But my eye did water a whole lot and everyone thought I was crying.

My fanart... ^_^
oh, today in German, we sang "Gib mir bitte einen Kuß" and as we yelled "Gib mir, gib mir einen Kuß!" the French class busted opened the door and started making kissing noises and sang with us. It was so funny. The sentence reads "give me a kiss." The title is literally translated as "give me please a kiss."
Auf Wiedersehen! Bis Später!
Ich werde immer liebe euch. ♥
That last sentence might be gramatically incorrect. Be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Friday, May 26, 2006
Hello.... not like you care....
Hey, everyone? How's it hanging?
Anyways, I added another fanart yesterday. It took me all day to work on. My friend, Katie requested it. heehee, she liked it too. And my dad also liked it. IT made me happy that my dad liked it because the last time I showed him something, he called ameteur work, but then again, this was two years ago.
Oh and another thing. My mom always told me everytime when I get cuts, she'd say "you're gonna be in the shower screaming itai itai!" I finally know where that comes from. It's the Japanese phrase for it hurts! I mean, I already knew what it meant, but I never knew where it came from. XD
Oh yeah, my mom's coming for a visit this weekend, so I'll be at her house for a while. I'm so excited. I haven't seen her in a month. ^_^ I can't wait. She's been living in an apartment in Anaheim, California. That is where I will spend most of my summer and the reason I will have to say goodbye to everyone for a couple of months.
Later, be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
Comments (7) |
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
I'll try to make this short so people will actually read it.....
Hey all, how's it been?
Haha, okay, in German class, Frau Gow was sick so we had a sub. She knew German, Chinese, and English of course, and was from Alaska. She reads attendence and the only person who's not there, she has something to say about his last name. His last name happens to mean "fuck" in German. She was like "how weird would it be if I walked into the classroom and say 'hi, my name is Mrs. Fuck.'" His name was like Ficken or something. I can't remember.
I saw Kara today on my way home from school. She had to take a double look at me because my hair grew out and she couldn't quite recognize me. Last time she saw me, my hair was like... short, super short. But now it's really long. It's like the difference in Sakura's hair.
Once summer comes, I have about 6 weeks left with you and then I'll have to say goodbye.

Later, be safe.
And please please, check out my fanart if you get the chance. ~click here~ Thank you very much. ^_~
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
Comments (4) |
Monday, May 22, 2006
augh, I went to church today....... @_@
Time: 8:49 PM
I apologize if I did not visit you. I'm just being lazy, so it's alright if you're mad.
I have finished another Fan art. It's one I submitted before, but now it is in color, and better than ever. hehehe. I'm not really sure it's all that great, but I spent all weekend on it. The part of the weekend in which I was home anyways.
And it only took me ten minutes to work on this layout. click here to go to that place with all the layouts. There's a lot of them.
My legs have been aching since the parade yesterday. Oh... I just realized I'm running off of 5 hours of sleep, not too bad... but I suppose that's why I'm majorly tired right now. I can hardly keep my eyes open. XD
There's a thunder storm right now. It was majorly taking place in the afternoon. The rain is gone now... if only if only this weather happened during the parade, but it didn't. It had to be hot.
Well, I must finish my homework. And please please, check out my fanart if you get the chance. ~click here~ Thank you very much. ^_~
((Note: The limerick may be innappropriate to certain people, so don't read it if you think it may come to harm... yeah. >.<))
Limerick of the day:
A sex-crazed nympho named Alice
Used a dynamite stick for a phallus
They found her vagina
In North Carolina
And her asshole in Buckingham Palace
And does anyone know what a phallus is? -_-;
Maybe I shouldn't put things in which I don't know the meaning.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!! there was this large flash and then kaboom!!!!!! hahaha, so AWESOME!!!! there goes another one. ho shit, that one scared me... so loud. so close. oh shit. Well, g'night. I should probably close the window, huh? ahafda;l, god, it makes me jump..... *sigh* I'm so pathetic. And now it's hailing! hahaha, so awesome, I say.
Later, be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
Comments (2) |
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Hello Everyone!
Time: 8:57
Hello, everyone, how was your day in the sun? Or whatever the weather happened to be. Die Sonne scheint.
Well, today was the Hazel Dell Parade. Oh man, it was sooo hot! Okay, for those of you who don't know about the uniform, we have to wear a long black sleeved shirt, overall pants, a thick black jacket, black socks, black gloves, a white vest, a puple sequin sash, and a large black hat on the top of our heads. Man, it was hot. And the heat got soaked in by our black shoes which hurt. hahahaha. but overall, it was kinda cool. And my clarinet broke right before the parade started, so I had to ask some guy to fix it for me. It sucked. But then it worked again and it was non-stop playing... Our Heritage... Takin' it to the Streets... Our Heritage... Takin' it to the streets. I had Our Heritage stuck in my head the whole bus ride back.
And the night before, I watched "Much ado about Nothing." It was really funny, but really boring too. Chibidragongal, VoluptuousSheena, Crazybunny, and Rachel also came. So that was cool.
Well, I guess that's all. Later, be safe.
Limerick of the day: none XD
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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Thursday, May 18, 2006
Hi hi
Okay, I just got back from the book store because I had to buy Lord of the Flies. bleh. But yes, I will be reading that tomorrow. Time now is 9:32.
Anyways, it's been so hot and I've been so tired that I haven't been on this week. We had marching practice and we just kept going and going. haha. And then I fell asleep, waking up in time for violin lessons. I seriously have to learn how to do the vibrato.
Two marching practices down, one to go, this Friday. Afterwards, VoluptuousSheena has dance, then the two of us are going to watch the play "much ado about nothing." THen I'll go to her house, spend the night, and the next day is the Hazel Dell Parade. whew.
I'm sure there was more that I was going to say... hmm.. well, today was a half day, so we got out of school at 11:30 which was awesome. hahaha.
Oh, I remember now. I made my mom sad by not calling her on Mother's Day. damn.... But hey, she might come up here for memorial weekend. woohoo. I miss my mama.
Limerick of the day:
A young taxidermist from Ada,
whose wife said he'd often betrayed her,
was sued for divorce
for mounting a horse,
A moose and a goose and a 'gater
Later, be safe.
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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