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myOtaku.com: FlowerKiss

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter


Long time. hehe. I've turned my profile back on.

I hope people are enjoying the spring. :) I am.. sort of. But this stupid senior project is bugging me... even though, I'm only a junior. How lame is that? I'm overdue on every assignment so far. It's frustrating. *sigh* But I shall overcome.

For Spring quarter, I've signed up for psyc101 even though I've just finished 211. xD and I'm taking Ta'i Chi again even though my mom dislikes this version (andd so do I) because Jack teaches us what they learn in China and not this American-white version. xD it's soooo different. And I'm also taking pottery even though I'll be taking it next year in high school. haha.

AAAANNNNDDD.. tomorrow morning, I have to wake up at 3 so I can get on the bus at 5 to head off to UW. that's so exciting. It's the one in Seattle. The bus ride is about 3 hours, so it's not too bad. and it's the University of Washington, so why wouldn't it be cool? hahahaha. It's for math day though. I wonder if I need to bring anything. All I know is that I need money for lunch. xD that's it.

But have you ever seen Kyle XY? that's the same place. though, I'm pretty sure they just film it on a set and not the real place. hahahahahaha.

That's the majority of my life. xD right now.
I will be going to bed in 5 minutes. I will wake up in 6 hours. I will go to school in 7 1/2 hours. I will be on a bus in 8 hours. and I will be home in 21 hours. xD wooo!

Anyone do anything exciting for Easter?
In words of mother: "Look, another religious holiday where people push each other in the store to get stuff." Shame to that.

Panic at the Disco's Pretty.Odd. comes out on Tuesday!!!!

Yours Truly,

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