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Vancouver, WA
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High School Senior, College Running Start
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Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Hey, all. How was your monday? Welcome to Tuesday. yes, welcome to Tuesday... When I rode my bike on father's day, we were going up this hill and my pants got stuck on the pedal and went round and round and I fell into a thorn bush. It was kinda fun falling. I let myself fall because there was no way out of it.
Okay, I don't know my brother's problems, but patience with him is nonexistent. He kicked me out of my room because I have a computer in here. So, I simply go and take my shower get dressed and stuff. While i'm in the bathroom, he comes and pounds on the door accussing me of making the internet connection bad! I was yelling that it wasn't me... Luckily, I had the bathroom door locked... lucky me.
I'm sitting down and then he comes up and kicks the chair and grabs both my upper arms which is where he always attacks because he pinches right in between the bones and I can't really attack back. but I managed and he left me alone... I love the fact that I decided to learn Ta'i Chi and he didn't... oh yeah! And my dad comes home, sees the bathroom door and there's this big hole in it! From my brother kicking it! And get this, the reason he wants the computer is so that he can play maplestory... heh-heh, I laugh at that... ahahahahahaha! see, I'm laughing.... yeah............ i'm laughing.

I can't wait for this game to come out! I want to play it so badly. It shall be the first zelda game I beat. I suck at zelda games. I almost beat wind waker. I mean, I got to the part with the triforce shards and I know how to kill ganon easily.
Question of the day:6. Honestly, have you done something bad today?
Kim: Not really
Annie: sort-of (now it's a yes [i was mean to my brother, not letting him on the computer])
Yours Truly, FlowerKiss
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