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myOtaku.com: Flueky

Sunday, May 16, 2004

   Still a slow day.......................
Well,my place on the top ten was lost but thats okay because I got there and I have some great friends.Ah,Let's see.I finished my bellringes for Government! Yah,all 128 done!Well wait I'm missing a few because they aren't in the book.I'll find them later.

Has anyone seen the movie "Just one of the Guys".I saw some of it this morning,it looks like an 80's movie but thats cool cause I like 80s movies.It was really funny!This girl wanted to be treated equal to guys so, she changed her appearance and well I didn't see the end.*sigh*I really need to see the rest of it.

Wow!I can't believe it I have my final exams Tuesday and Wednesday. I don't want to take them.Damn those tests!I wish we could just take Gateways instead of final exams because Gateways are soooo much easier!

Well,I thought I'd tell some ya'll some funny mispronounciations.These two girls were trying to say political but one said,"Politickle"and the other "Politicial"I started laughing at them(I know it's a bit mean, but seriously sophomores and juniors should know how to pronounce that,not unless they were mentally retarded then I wouldn't have laughed.It's mean laughing at them.)Also one of those girls asked what the word "tolerant" meant(jesus christ I know I don't have the best vocabulary and all but she really should have know that word).

I don't want tuesday to come(My mom will keep the van that day). I like leaving whenever I want,ya know.Well, there isn't much else going on.So I leave before I bore all of ya'll.I think I'll join Dave and try to strangle myself w/ a wavebird(i think that's what they're called)LOL,Okay actually I have some of my own torture some more govt. and geo. homework.Fun!!!NOT!Well see ya'll =^_^=

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