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myOtaku.com: Flueky

Monday, May 17, 2004

   Nothing too interesting
Well,let's see another tiring morning of waking up at 5:30*sigh*"When will Thursday come!?!"So here is the rundown of my day:

First period,hmmm,I don't exactly remember anything except that she thought we were on activity schedule,so we put our books up at 9:20(but we weren't so class ended at 9:36,Whoo-hoo!)

Ah,Second Period,I got to throw away my English notebook!Ah, how lovely!It was practically a free period,just signing yearbooks, and talking.And I found out my second 9 weeks grade is a 94.3!

Then,third period,some people played a review game so they could win some chocolate but I don't like chocolate that much, so I didn't participate.I just talked to my friends.

Lunch,well I didn't knock my tray over which causes the tea to spill everywhere!

Hmm,back to third,I heard that the Gateway scores were in so I went to guidance to see what I made and then they told me that the teachers had them.So, I hunt Mrs.Word down and she tells me that I got 54 out of 60 correct whoo-hoo!She said that she thinks that would be translated as a 98 or 99!

Well,time for fourth,we finish a video on the civil rights movement.We also learned about the lyrics of "Sweet Home Alabama".It's got a strong racial meaning underneath the lyrics!So I really hate that song even more.

Then,I leave 4th period and get ready to leave(once again Derek is following,but he sees someone else and goes off w/ them!)Yippee! I go to my locker and smile because it's soo empty! Then Chris meets me there,and he tells me that Derek told him that I had left!I mean,"What the fuck!"(sorry,my bad)

Now here's something funny!I was leaving the parking lot and alluva sudden this girl runs out of nowhere!I was like "whoa!Holy shit!"Then she gives me this "Oh, my god,how could you do that to me!"look,she a dumb ditzy prep! For real she didn't know what country was Russia on a map for our geography exam last year! Chris said that when she gave us that look he was about ready to just flip her off.

Then we drive around and we once again talk about how strange it is how we have yellow fire hydrants.Then we as I'm merging onto another street this vehicle didn't want to be behind me so he went into the left lane,but that's where I was going so he still was behind me.Then this dummy almost hits my tailend because he tries to get on the other side of traffic and I'm right there in the middle trying to get where he is!I tell you we have some crazy ass drivers here in Tennessee!

I tell Chris bye,and go home! I get on the comp and talk to all of ya'll.

Oh,yah,everyone go to vashspiegel's site because he has a rather strange dream(um,I was in it).Well,I will try to think of another one of my amusing stories,so I can amuse ya'll! Well,buh-bye=^_^=

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