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Fluffy Cuddles95
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Naomi Kazuko
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| Flufee Cuddles
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Sunday, July 24, 2005
Date: 7/24/05
Time: 11:08 AM
Mood: Happy
Well, if you havent noticed, I changed my site!! Now, it is BLUE! Yes, Itz Blue! Althou my favourite colours are pink and black, but I was talking to my XBL (X-box live) friend on AIM last nite, and he showed me a site, where this girls x-box is Pink and black!! No Lie- I wish I could have saved it so I could show you all. *Sighs* I wish I could have saved it.... -.-! WeLp! Today is going great, last nite was a TON OF FUN! I was in this grouu on XBL with 5 guys plus me, ofcourse, when they killed me, they would... ahem, t-bag me, but it was fun, on a level, we played Taco Bell, and McDonalds!! Its was fun, like a drivethru, and then the guys were making up jokes, and blaming it on me, like a joke, and this went on for about 4 Hours! o.0 Wow, looking back at it, thats along time. =) Thats good thou! Well, I think its time for me to wrap this up, I hope you like my new and improved site, I LoVe YoU AlL!
Love, Naomi.

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Thursday, July 21, 2005
WoW BaBy!!
Date: Im slow.... CANT REMEMBER! SoRrY!
Time: 9:45 PM
Mood: Happy!! As always!!
Okay, I have my friend Kimberly over, and she is playing live while I adedd a post here! I changed my site, I hope you all like it, and I am sorta kinda umm well, actually I am changing it around still. =) So if it looks different from one point to another, yeah, I ummm, changed it. Well, I hope you all like it, and I will see you all l8er!!
Love, Naomi.
P.S.: I FINALLY GOT AIM INSTALLED!! IM ME PLEASE!! My AIM name is Fluffy Cuddles95 !! =)
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Sunday, July 17, 2005
Date: 5/17/05
Time: 9:04
Mood: Like always- HAPPY
Okay, once again, I am flipping happy! But there is a down side to that happy~ My couzins are leaving today!! No! Jake (My couzin) Is sad, because he is going to back home tonite, but we never got to go lazer tag yet, so we are going today. Well, I gotta go no so I will see you all l8er!!
Love you all!!
Love, Naomi.

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Saturday, July 16, 2005
Hey Guys!!
Date: 5/16/05
Time: 11:09 P.M.
Mood: Cute and Excited!!
Okay, like always I am either excited or happy!! ^^ We are having a fun time with my couzins, and I have noticed you all liked my picture I had up yesterday! So, I decited to put it on my site instead of only posts. Im tired, and my cats lying on my bed, so she is gonna keep my company when I go to bed, so im going to bed and I love yall goodnite!
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression [of me]?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. When's the last time you saw me?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
16. What song are you listening to right now?
17. Do you love me?
Thanx Everyone for your answers!!
Love, Naomi.

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Friday, July 15, 2005
Date: 6/145/05
Time: 11:16 P.M.
Mood: ExTrEmLy HyPeD AnD ExCiTeD!
Okay Okay, I kno I am over excited, but I gotta say, racing is my hobbie! We just went go cart racing, and ofcourse, we diddnt obey the rules! We never do! But anyhoo, We bumped eachother a lil bit, here and there, but there was these two retarted guys, and they kept hitting me hard, and staring at me the whole track down, I don't know if they had an issue with me, or they thought I was pretty, but they just kept on staring at me, and would pass me by, and both of them would stare and laugh at me! But, they had to sit out because my mom sent a complaint, and they couldnt play until we were done. And my brothers car stalled, I was so close to hitting him, but in the end it was all great and we got ice cream! ^^ I also got to talk for hours with my friend kimberly! Well, I will see you all l8er!
Love You All!
Love, Naomi.

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Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Date: 7/13/05
Time: 2:01 P.M.
Mood: Perky =3
Well, as you all know I am perky at this moment! Yes, I am very perky! ^^ He He! I am talking to a great friend of mine from school on AIM, I forgot is phone number~ But, he is a great person to talk to. ^^ I have visited your guys's sites, who have updated, and I have 13 guestbook signatures! :3 I have beat my record of 12! Now, my new rcord will be 15!! I can't wait till 15! ^^ My friend Kimberly is still on vacation! So, I will get time to talk to her on the phone l8er on~ ^^ Well, I am gonna play some games with my couzins now, so I love you all and I will see you all l8er!
Love, Naomi.

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Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Date: 7/12/05
Time: 3:13 PM
Mood: Happy
Okay well I am currently talking to my friend Kimberly on my cell phone and we are talking about random things! ^^ I just got back from the pool, and it was great! ^^ My couzins came and we are all fhhaving fun talking and stuff! Well, I gtg now, so I will talk to you all later!
Love, Naomi.

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Saturday, July 9, 2005
Date: 6/9/05
Time: 9:12 PM
Mood: Extremly Happy!
Okay, my mood gives it all away! I am happy, well, extremly happy! My brother let me use his x-box so I can finally play with FurryPenguin! And we are picking up my couzins in a few hours- well actually at 1:00 AM! ^^ So, if anyone wants to play with me on x-box live, just PM me and I shall tell you my gamertag! Well, im gonna go eat some ice cream, and I will see you all later!
Love You All Lots!
Love, Naomi.
P.S.: If you could say "Hi" or sumthing in my chatterbox, I would highly appreciate it! ^^

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Friday, July 8, 2005
no no nu uh!
Well! It seems that a sertain IT has been being mean to my buddy PokemonRocksMySocks! She was being a great person, adding a post, and he comes and yells cuss words! Not nice, not nice. I would appreciate it if you could attempt to report this person, who is being innapropriate, Thanx!
Love, Naomi.
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Well, today was so much fun! I went with my mom and got a starbucks, I got a manicure and a pedicure, and we went to so much more fun places! ^-^ I have the best mom ever! I am so spoiled~ And me and my friend talked ro about an hour on the phone, and her couzins are over, so it got very confusing! ^-^ She had two couzins, a girl and a guy, they both sounded kinda the same, because they were on the phone, and as they would secretly come on, I would still think its was My friend! ^-^ So Much Fun! Well, my couzins are cooming in tomorrow from Winsconsin, and they are staying for 10 days! ^-^ Its time for me to go now, so I love you all so much!
Love, Naomi.
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