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somewhere in capsule corp. working on a spaceship with trunks and bulma
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does future ruler of the world count?
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i have raised an army of midget lepricons,rabid kangaroos that slap people, and phycotic garden gnombes. i have also taken over australia but no one seems to notice, or care _ _'
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yu-gi-oh,yu-yuhakosho,dragon ball Z, dragon ball Z GT, sailor moon,beyblade,inuyasha,trigun,wolfs rain,gundum seed
to become an animater, to rule the world
drawing,reading,playing video games,training my army so i can take over the world,TALK about training my army to take over the world
drawing, being the phyco person i am, playing video games(stupid invisable walls!)
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Wednesday, December 8, 2004
man, i wish it'd snow or something *sigh* i just got home from school..and i'm bushed. in about 2 hours i have to go to piano lessons too. how was your day everyone? hope they were good. later! take care!
 <<>>???What Kind Of Angel R You???<<>>( Anime Pics ) brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, December 7, 2004
My japanese name is ‰Ž“n Saruwatari (monkey on a crossing bridge) •à Ayumi (walk, deeper meaning: walk your own way). Take your real japanese na
uhhhhh.....i'm a monkey on a crossing bridge?
 You're the tomb rober, past life of Yami Bakura... You wants steal everything and kill everybody, you robbed the pharaoh's tomb and disrespected the the king, but then prince Yami defeat you by useing Colossus of Obelisk. You killed Mahado (past life of Dark Magician) and stole his Millennium Ring...
Which Yu-Gi-Oh Past Life Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, December 5, 2004
lallalalalalalalla ^__^
i got back from a sleep over birthday party today! ^__^ it was fun. we ate junk food, played the sim's, and made a blizzard ginger bread house that, like, nothing stayed on! ^_^ but it tasted good! i didn't get there until 7pm because my invataion was a little messed up, and had the times reversed. also, before that, my friend yamichan slept over!! ^__^ we played sonic adventure 2 battle, and beyblade turnament royale,ate lots of junk food and pickels, and drew comics. i want to get her beyblade turnamet royale, but i got the last one when i got it..and the last time i was at park city, they were out. i hope i can get it for her!! i taught her how to play, and played a few practive rounds!! and she was kicking butt!! it'd be a shame for her not to be able to play it when ever she wishes...but, there's one small problem...she doesn't have a game cube! _ _' we're hoping she'll get one for christmas so then when i go over to her house, i can bring my games and memory cards and it'd make shopping for games for her easier too. oh,well....anyway, at the sleep over birthday party, the birthday girl's big sister was amazed when darkmagitian101 said that we weren't boy crazy. then darkmagitian101 said " yeah! and we're proud of it!" then i said " all i need is food, video games, and comic books, and i'm complete XD" and darkmagitian101 said " you said it! XD" so my week end was busy and lazy ^___^! YAY LAZINESS!!! XD was your week ends everyone? it's sunday so that means....DUN,DUN,DUN....SCHOOL!!! NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! XO week ends should be 3 days long T__T...*sigh*
later! take care!
energy,war,danger,strength,power,passion,desire and love
What color r u(4 girl only with pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
 You're a Kid Neko!!You are very intelligent and loves books and cool places to read them!!You love the color Light blue and always wears it to go with your furry ears and tail.
Tonight:Finish that one book on your shelf.
What kind of Neko are you?(for girls only!and really great pictures!) brought to you by Quizilla
i love to read...daydream too ^__^
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i just got back from school *drops 30 pound back pack on the floor* i have so much homework i couldn't even fit all my books in!! i had to carry one outside of my back pack. the good news is that it's not due tomorrow because we're going to see this play and it's going to take up most of the day. the bad news is that we have to dress up. uggghh. i don't like dressing up. *sigh* oh,well....good news brings bad news. i have a little equation for you guys.
50% italian + 3% irish + 1/16 indian + the rest unknown = 100% phycotic-future ruler of the world-emotion altering me....stupid i know...but i thought it would be cool to know what your equation would don't have to tell me if you don't want to..instead, tell me about your day if you don't think i have the right to know what you are. later! take care everyone!
 you are turning into / obsessed with yami bakura.
please dont send me to the shadow realm.
how to know if you are obsessed with or turning into a yugioh character. brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, November 28, 2004
i can't beleive it's sunday already!!! my friend yamichan just left, we were playing sonic adventure 2 battle. she's getting pretty good, and almost beat me a few times. it was funny because this one time i stopped to make sure that there wasn't any robots and she ran past me. i jumped and ran in front of her and grabbed a lift vine and she slammed into the wall. LOL!!!! there were many other funny things, but i don't have enough time to type them..dinner is in 5 mins. if you wish to know, then PM me, if you really are interested. ^__^ well...anyway, as i was's sunday!!! that means school tomorrow!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!! WHY CAN'T THE BREAK BE 1 DAY LONGER?!! *sigh* oh,well....later guys, take care..i'm going to do rounds to everyone's sites later if i can. bye!!!*waves*
 You have lonely eyes
What kind of anime eyes do you have? brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, November 27, 2004
guest book
YAY!!! i have a grand total of 100 guest book signatures!!! thank you everyone!!!! ^__^ i feel so loved!!! *hugs everyone who signed my guest book except dark lord koga because he is mean to me and thinks if he signs somethign nice in my guest book i'll for get everything*
 Your anime hair color is orange!
Whats your anime hair color? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, November 24, 2004
awwww...special thanks to darkmagitian101 for the quizes
 You're...Bakura/Ryou!! You're not sure what you did to diserve him, but there he is. Though you can be a bit unsatiable after hanging out in that ring for three thousand plus years, you do care about your other enough to soften your harsh exterior. He always treated you with kindness, and you return it with a true, though rough, love.
What Yugioh Couple Are You? (shounen ai) brought to you by Quizilla
so cute!! <3
WOO-HOO!!!!! ^__^ <3
i wondered what would happen if i put my first name instead of my otaku name.
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happy thanksgiving everyone!! ^___^ yes i know this is a bit early..but i'm not going to be able to go on the comp on thanksgiving. so i'm wishing you all a happy thanksgiving right now!!! ^_^ later! take care!
 You are a Purple Angel!!You absoulutly lovre the color purple and you love Kittys!(just like me!)Anyways you love to go into your happiest dreams to live them not just think them.You are 15 in mortal form and you love the PURPLE!!!Your job as a mortal would be to write a fantasy novel!Dragons princesses the works!(give me a copy of your latest novel!!!)
What Kind of Angel are You?(for girls only!Great anime pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
hmmmm...i kinda like red and black a little more..but this seems pretty acurate!!! ^_^
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Tuesday, November 23, 2004
it's thanks giving break!! ^__^ yay!!!!
What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
i knew it!!! i AM going to reign supreme!! i was even a ruler in the past life time!!! XD MUAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAA!!!
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