Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Hey guys hows it going is very one have fun? It's been o.k for me today I lokked like a prep I did it for a beat and won because the girl who was wearing my clothes freaked out and we changed outfits. Love doing this to people will I'll check on you guys later bye bye na no da I ishteru! ^_^
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Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Hey guys whats up
Hey how is very body doing?! Hope you guys are doing better then I am! God life is not going my way right actully life has never went my way but right now I think the world is against me! Tonight I will right a poem about whats gpoing on inside my head just to let some guys know whats going on. Well I gotta go have lots of fun and live life to the fullest and never take anything for reget. Bye Bye Na No Da I Ishteru all of you. (for those of you who don't know what that means it's: you know I love you)
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Monday, April 17, 2006
Happy Easter
HAPPY EASTER EVERY BODY!! How was your easter. My easter was very strange. Because I didn't sleep for two days straight. I was tired one minute and jumpy the next. The reason why I didn't sleep waqs because I stayed up watching Fruits Basket vol 1-4, D.N. Angel vol 1-2, Samurai Deeper Kyo vol 1 and I still havn't watch the newest dvd that have. It'as called Kaleido Star. I also stayed up studing japeness. This is what I have so far;
How come: none die o
How: doshata
Mother: o casa
Serves you right: e ostoma
Okay: hi
Right: hi
tell me; e ta oargo
I do not know: o katima say
Stop it: na cone na
Please forgive me: o tamasigh sinko
let's live together: e stay me nogo
Go: etada
master: shinshou
It's been a long time: ohisahiburi
Welcome home: okaeri
Thanks for the food: itadakimasu
The last three I know is spell correctly but the ones above may not be spelled right so please excuse the spelling.
Well I hope very one else has a great day and if you need to know how to say same thing in japaness just pm and I will try to answer you as soon as possible. See ya later
Kitty Out
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Saturday, April 15, 2006
What to do...what to do...
Hey whats up everybody hows it going?! Man it's really boring over here! My dad had me cleaning all day! But then I went over my friend ayakagami's house and we were geting ready to go and pick up are friend DrJackleAkabane.aya's mother told her brother to go and start the car and her brother hit a park car and then the people started freaken out and all hell broke lose. Then we couldn't pick up Dr.J.A and then we went and played Kingdom Hearts 2. Aya was getting her but kicked by the love of her life cloud's "brother". Sorry I don't know how to spell his name so I won't try and bucher it. Now I'm back home and every thing is boring so I'm leaving to my godmother's house. Well see ya guys later.
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Thursday, April 13, 2006
Hey whats up ever body?!! Hows it been? OMG my teacher is being really what the words I'm loooking for.....bitchy. Yea thats the word. She kicked me out becuase I didn't have my id. God that sucks ass becuase we were sapossed to blow something up in her class today! God the world is out to get me I swear! (starts to look over shoulder) Yesterday my brother (who is 2)turn on the gamecube and started to the Zelda windwaker. He beat the boss in five minutes!!!! WHAT THE HELL IT TOOK ME FIVE HOURS TO BEAT THAT DAMN BOSS!!!!!! IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!! Then he looks up at me starts to clap his hand and says "I did it! I did it! Now you try?!" He shut off the game took the memeroy card and put it in the toilet. WHAT THE @#$%!!!! He laughed and then walked out the room I was going to strangle him. He is so lucky he was leaving. Alright bye guys I gotta get back to class. bye bye na no da!!
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
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First Official Post With Help!^^
This is Kitty’s First Post!^^ Here is a feature of the Otaku wallpapers that I like.

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