You feel free. Life gave us choises, I choose to be
happy. Your soul is overflowing with feelings
of contentness. You are as grateful as you
are expressive. Thinking nothing of
selfishness you prove everyday that there is
something to live for. A true grace surrounds
you like your peaceful aura, yet it causes
others around you to feel immediantly
comfortable. With this aura you are able to
cheer up people who you see are down. If
something were to happen to you, you would
definately have many people there to mourn
for you. But your aura would calm them saying
'we will be together soon'.
Element: Wind
Color: Pink
Quote: With everyday there comes another reason to
go on; to live for life itself.
Expression: A beautiful and calm smile.
Symbol: A feather in the wind/petals/story book
.:Look me in the eyes... Tell me how you feel:. (anime pics) [Detailed results] brought to you by Quizilla