Shattered Peices (11/29/07)
hella =]
I�m just passing threw and happened to drop by your site, which i found rather cute, so I decided to leave my mark if that doesn�t bother you.
feel free to pm me anytime you�d like.
if you do, though, please don�t ask us to be friends. id rather be your friend than say I�m your friend. I don�t know you that well yet; even if you do sound nice, I cant judge that question. Plus it�s a weird question. XD
either way, id still luv to be your friend. id just like to get to know you better =]
I�d much appreciate a sign back pleaseee.
Magnus Lensherr (07/26/07)
Neat i like what you have done with your site! The background is really sweet! I liek your intro as well! I have ~ Counts ~ 12 manga so i have a long way tog o lol! I tend to borrow it from peopel or a library!
Uhh neat you have been a member here for ages as well ~ Dances around ~ I love to meet peopel who have been around for years lie me ~ Cracks up ~ Im guessing that means you lie it here as much as i do and so i wish you many more happy years to come ~ Thumbs up ~
I wish you the best of luck with your site and your life and ill see you around!
For The Glory Of Wei I will Succeed!
littlehakugirl (02/17/07)
i love yer site:) want 2 be friends
XxPoohBearxX (02/03/07)
heyz!!nice site i added you i hope you do the same!!^^byez!!
5 poppin' 6 droppin'
nice site, it's tha shiznitz!!^^
demon dragon (12/28/06)
nice site. its coolies!
dont mind me, im just some random :P juust stoppign by.
well, see ya!
Wolf Demon Akuzmi (12/28/06)
Hi there! I love your site! Well, I just kind of dropped by to say "hi" since I likes your Petite Princess Yucie avatar. LOL! I'm a dork! ^.^;; So, I guess I'll see you around!
ChibiGirl1370 (12/20/06)
hey... you seem really cool. thx for signing my GB. im gonna add you as a friend ^^. thx again. bye!
Star Sayber (11/14/06)
come back by and sigh my GB k lathe love your site :)
Animatious (11/04/06)
Whats up?! ^^ Thanx for signing my GB! I like Kare Kano too. Ur avi and BG is really cute! I'll add u as a friend, k? PLA!
( )_( )
(")_(") Bunnies don't know anything, and yet they are smarter than Animatious...
ItachiFanGirl (11/04/06)
hi its me i was one of the halloween oatkus i added you so can you add me!