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in some dreadful place or other
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fanatic of many things
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no (stupid stalkers)
not much
Anime Fan Since
i have been a fan since i was like 2 ( the good ol pokemon days)
Favorite Anime
DEATHNOTE!!!!!!, ergo proxy, fruits basket, deathnote!!!,naruto, bleach, vampire hunter d, DBZ, yugioh, cardcaptor sakura, sailor moon, Fullmetal alchemist, inuyasha, final fantasy, kingdom hearts, wolfs rain, kodocha, yotsuba, moharomatic, chobits, demon
am i supposed to have one?
well i have lots of hobbies
being the laziest person ever, and being afraid of water.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Monday, July 23, 2007
ok so to clear some tghings up i am not back at school i have summer hw
it sux majorly
i am happy cause me frioend michelle has found a way to talk to me
nm goin on
i am at inuhotty338's house on the computer
i do not have internet at my house right now
kinda stinks
so anyways i am grounded and kinda bored
kids bop pisses me off
well gtg for now sry i never have time to check your posts i will try to get to them soon
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Thursday, July 19, 2007
nm goin on
bein bored and reading for school
hungry and tired at the moment
nm to say
~itachi (L)~
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Sunday, July 15, 2007
i am in a better mood than i was yesterday
i have absolutely nothing important to do today. just read and stuff i guess cause my mom needs the computer and i do not have anywhere interesting to go
all my friends are out of town or country and it is boring here
nm to say
so seeya later
i do have new art up if you have not seen it yet
also if any of you are on gaia i am too
this is my avitar

yep... so...
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Saturday, July 14, 2007
so... i am not in the best mood...
gtg i guess not much to say
just thought id post for the heck of it
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Thursday, July 12, 2007
it is ok if not all of you comment. i understand .
i like pie but artichoke, if you do nto i understand i only like like 4 types of pie.
well nm to say... annoyed and in a bad mood. kids will not leave me alone. grr!
friends are being annoying and my sister stinks.
i am not in a good mood at all
well gtg
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007
hiya again
now for replies:
Artichoke: yep random is awesome! manga is like a comic or book and anime is the show or computerized version i guess is the best way to put it. YAY FOR PIE!
GothicNarutoFan: thnx. i will add you too. ok i do not know what i am going to draw either.
KZAnonamous: thnx. i got the code but it did nto work. do not know why. i added my url and changed the [s to
YAY for new fan art too. it shoudl show up in 2 days at about... 3:00 otaku time! not much else to say. seeya later.
and also check out the manga contest that samuraipanda holds
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Monday, July 9, 2007
another evil plot of boredomness
yes i know random..
to reply to everyone:
GothicNarutoFan: my deviant art is Itachi323
thnx my leg hurts less and i got to take my bandages off today
doasinfinity13: yeah it hurts lots
i will not be surprised if i also have a scar on my leg
i do not have a lot of time so yeah...
cant escape: ur funny. i am also ebil muahahahaha!!!1
ehhem anyways... yeah... they are mean... o_O evil pplz
nm to say
check out samuraipanda
they have a manga drawing contest if ur intrested
pass on the word if you would
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Sunday, July 8, 2007
replies and new post
ok now for tyhe replies
not been on in a while
so i am not goign to post names cause i am too lazy
i did not go on a hunger strike
i did eat
and yes they are all mean
ok now i got a worse sunburn
i forgot to wear sunblock at the pool
i was going off the diving board a lot and water makes you burn worse so being wet and thenin direct sun... ouch
i also have a bad road rash on my left leg
my neighbors sweep their frikin rocks into the road
i was rollerblading and triped on one
i hit the left side of my face and then my hands and then my leg went down
it hurt
so now if you are interested then please visit samuraipanda's site
they have a huge manga drawing contest
please pass on the word also
by the way i was going to try once again to post my art
i might just put it on deviant and then post a link
well gtg
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Thursday, July 5, 2007
overtly pissed off rant (only read if you care)
i am really pissed off right now.
ok i will start with the fourth. i had some fun with swimming and all but i have a super bad sunburn on my face and (surprisingly) only one arm (right arm).
it hurts to type and even move my atrm and my face feels like its gunna fall off. my knees are totally ripped apart from tripping down the hill cause pplz are slow. then i got cat scratches on my face. then my cousin had the nerve to ignore me. we play volleyball every year, but not this year. i like the 4th better when we have it at my house.
then there is today. i am really hungry and NEED food. so my sister and evil cousin (the one i hate) went to get some food from a friend right?
they come back with food they know i hate. so then i got mad and everyone calls me a brat and another bad word and then say i am ridiculous. ok now how many of you would get angry also if they bring food and make sure you hate it. they even brought the food i like but said i could not eat it. rude huh?
then my dad says that i get angry too easily and it drives people away. there was already no one on my side so i do not see that
he says to stop treating people like crap. i try not to. they get on my nerves and i think they have the same problem. i do not try to push people away. but when they purpously piss me off... that is when i have a problem. i do not like them. my sister and my cousin are the worst. i understand what is being said to me but i can no longer let them make my life a living hell.
i gtg
~the blind one~
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Wednesday, July 4, 2007
it is ok u guys
my power will be out starting tommorow or next day
i am changing my site now
i gtg to my cousins for the 4th so i gtg
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