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the 518's, New York
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cashier- it sucks
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I've been to Japan, I graduated high school
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survive my first semester of college
Collecting shot glasses, going on the computer, reading, making videos and graphics
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Friday, August 31, 2007
Boring day ahead..
I couldn't go to the book store yesterday cause I had to get my hair done... oh well theres always the weekend. I'm not sure if I can make it to the fair today..again I think I'll probably go on the weekend. So interesting story.... I went yesterday night to get my hair colored slightly darker than it is at my aunts house. 10 minutes AFTER she applies the color the power goes out (we were in the middle of a horrible thunderstorm) We wait for at least 2 hours but still the power doesn't come back on. So I had to return to my house with hair color in and I had to wash it in the sink (the storm wasn't at my house strangely) no my hair is really dark and I look really pale. I kinda like it though but I think my mom is going to make me get highlights to lighten it up a bit. I'll show you a pic of it as soon as I get it uploaded. but for now here are a few pics from my trip to Japan:

Me next to some weird plushie thing lol

(I'm in the red summer kimono)
I promise that there are more pics to come! Sorry I coulodn't get to all your sites yesterday. I will do that today. Have a great day everyone.
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Thursday, August 30, 2007
Ok its official. This school years gonna suck. I compared schedules with three of my friends and only one of them has a class with me. Only ONE friend in ONE class. The way things look right about now I don't think any one else is gonna be in with me.
In other news I think I might go buy a new manga today or tomorrow and maybe even go to the fair tomorrow or the weekend.
I will get to sites at some point today. I hope you all have a good day.
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Monday, August 27, 2007
Blegh...Work and school schedule
So I got my school schedule on Saturday. This years like totally confusing! We only get 20 minutes for lunch! The other half of the period is a study hall...or vice versa. I have no clue as to who these teachers are (Not that I'm expecting any of you to know who they are) I have no clue where the hell their classes are located cause my school is ginormus. I have a feeling that this school years gonna suck though. See below for my school schedule:
period 1- Advance topics (science)...Mr Murdoch
period 2- US History...Mr Lant
period 3- English 11...Mrs Frickey
period 4- Study Hall...Mr May
period 5- Study Hall/lunch...(SH with Ms Sabini)
period 6- Health...Mrs Moore
period 7- (odd days- lab w/Mr Murdoch)
(even days- PE with Ms Signer)
period 8- Spanish 2...Mrs Garcia
period 9- Intermediate Algebra...Mrs Wolfert
Today I have to work 8-1. *pouts* I hope it goes by quickly. I'll visit your sites today. I hope you all have a good day.
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
Random baking/ boredom day
Yeah...I'm gonna be bored again today. My friend is coming over around 11. I have to bake cup cakes for a cashier today because its her last day (she is going off to college) Yesterday I baked brownies for a different cashier because today is her last day for 2 weeks. She is getting married on Saturday and then is going on a cruise for her honey moon. I'm really cold. Extra blankets again tonight...well actually it would be today...this morning lol.
1.Blueberry pancakes or fudge brownie ala mode?
2.Cheese and crackers or cocktail weenies?
3.Ketchup or mustard?
If mustard then what kind of mustard? (brand and variety)
Yeah those are probably the most random questions you will be asked today lol. I will get to sites again today. I hope you all have a wonderful day.
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007
So yeah I'm bored.... I will visit sites today! I promise!!! I can't believe that summers almost over. I kinda want to get my school schedule to see which of my friends have classes/lunch with me and who doesn't. Well I'm off to cure my boredom. I hope you all have a good day.
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Monday, August 13, 2007
Its been a while
Sorry about not coming on for a really long time...again. I've been too tired/ busy. I was going to stay up until 1 and wait for a meteor shower with my mom and brother but my brother told me my mom went to bed. I got really mad and almost threw my book. across the room. I was like "WTF I came down here for nothing." She could have at least told me that she was going to bed. Damn.... I have been in really bad mood swings lately. The other day I was really depressed and crying for no reason at all. Then I got really mad because I didn't know why I was depressed. Wow I'm just a complete mess lol. My friend is coming over at 11 today. She is going to help me puppy sit. Believe it or not, puppy sitting is really hard work and it's really tiring. See the puppt likes to play really roughly and the other night she bit down hard on my finger and wouldn't let go lol. I thought for sure that my finger was going to be broken but thankfully it isn't. I'll try my best to get to sites today because I've been a bad friend and not. I'm sorry. I understand if you are mad at me or don't like me any more.
1.When do you go back to school?
me: September 6th
Have a good day everyone.
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Monday, August 6, 2007
Sorry for not posting/visiting
I am really sorry I haven't been posting or visiting. I have been busy with work and then too tired to come on. I'll try to get to sites today after I get home from work. I work 10-3 today. I wasn't supposed to work today but then they called me while I was sleeping. Lately I haven't been sleeping well.
1.Have you seen the Simpsons Movie?
2.Are there any bands/singers you are currently obsessed with?
1. Yes and I loved it.
2.Yeah, Linkin Park.
Have a good day everyone. And the answers to your questions will be posted real soon I promise. Sorry about the wait.
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Wednesday, August 1, 2007
another boring day!
Yeah....I don't think I'm doing anything today. I might go to my friends house. Other than taht I will probably just be on the computer talking to friends or watching TV. I'm freezing. For some one who doesn't have air conditioning in their house it sure is cold. To those of you who asked me more questions about my trip I will answer those soon. I am just giving others a last chance to ask me any questions. I will try to get to more sites cause I've only been to a few since I've been back. I hope you all have a good day.
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Monday, July 30, 2007
So yeah I'm really bored....I might go to the movies later but I'm not sure...ok the answers to questions about my trip:
DueliestGirl97: Yes. I had the best sticky rice (my host mother made it) I had rice and chicken and potatoes almost every day. It was really good. As for pics I only got a couple but my friend took like a million pics of hot guys.
Samie: I had a great fun time!
ZodiacNinja: Kinda crowded but not too bad. The trains were. But Tokyo was really quiet city...and really clean.
angel kat: they have lots of anime/manga murchandise. They have coin machines that you can get keychains and crane machines where you can try to win plushies...(I tried to win one but I couldn't)
doasinfinity13: yeah we went to one. We saw a traditional Japanese wedding. I bought a safe travel charm and a good luck in marrige charm for my friends soon to be sister in law.
xxlunarXeclipsexx: Actually it was kinda foggy all the time where I was. The place was surrounded by mountains and wasn't too bright.
If you have any more questions feel free to ask me and I will post the answers. I hope you all have a good day. I will try to get to sites cause its been a long time.
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Friday, July 27, 2007
I'M BACK ^_^ *hugs you all*
Well I'm back from Japan! It seems like forever since I've been on otaku. I tried to update in Japan but everytime I tried to log on my account the internet would shut off. I missed all of you lots. I'll get some pics posted up as soon as possible. OMG I had a great time. It is kinda weird cause I left thursday the 26th to go back to the states and when I arrived back in NY it was still thursday the 26th....weird...O_o yeah...I had 2 was at 4:30 in the afternoon. Yeah I'm all disoritented and it feels like the world is moving but that will pass in a few days. OMG we were in the red zone when the typhoon hit and I got to experience a few small earthquakes. I'm safe and sound though no need to worry about me. Oh I got a couple yaoi comics in Japanese but they were sealed up so I couldn't look at them until after I boughtb them and well they were a bit on the pornographic side....I thought they were going to be Gravitation kinda cute comics but I was wrong lol. My friend accidently bought a sex comic too...We kept them as souviners though. I'm surprised that the coustoms people didn't confiscate them. I also got threee manga in English; Bleach vol 1, Death Note vol 1, and Ouran High School host Club vol 1. I have a load of snacks and cute little anime charms. I'll take pics and show you them. Oh like Tokyo is like cute guy capital of the world. Yeah...thats all I will type for now cause I'm tired...
1.uhhhhhhh....What'd I miss? (sorry I don't feel like looking in the archives right now lol)
2.Any questions you would like to ask me about my stay in Japan?
Have a good day everyone.
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