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Up in the clouds looking for that damned balloon I lost...
Member Since
Real Name
Nothing major really...
Anime Fan Since
Technically I've been a fan ever since I watched Ronin Warriors, but I really didn't know what anime was until I watched Inuyasha
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha, Wolf's Rain, Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, S-Cry-Ed, .Hack//, Outlaw Star, Samurai Champloo, Rurouni Kenshin, Trigun, Eureka 7, Bleach, and Gravitation
I want to shine!! x3
Listening to music, drawing, reading, watching anime, swimming, watching movies, being random with my friends and writing
Drawing I suppose, tuning everything out when I need to concentrate or listen to music, and that's pretty much it for "talent"...
| Fool4Sasuke33

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
An Update!! (And a special birthday surprise too!!)
Mood: WHEEEEE~!!
Listening to: Naruto Ondo
Reading: Eclipse
Obsessing Over: My new hair!!
Yatta!! Big announcment everyone!! x3 My hair is back to it's original color!! *dances around spastically* See, this woman back in my home state "carmalized" my hair when I only wanted to get highlights. For those of you like me who didn't know what that meant, she essentially turned me into a blonde. Dx BUT, it's back to normal now and styled! xP So much fun!!
Naruto: *clears throat* That's all well and good, but don't you think you're forgetting something? Something HUGELY important??
But of course not!! *grins really big* Happy Birthday Naru-chan!! *glomps him*
Sasuke: *rolls eyes and grins* Yeah, happy birthday Usuratonkachi. *hands him a box once I release him*
Naruto: Ooh!! *shakes it* Thanks, Teme! *rips open box to find a white and red hokage cloak* O.o Gah!! *jumps on sasuke* Thank you thank you thank you!! This'll go great with the hat Jenny gave me last year!
Sasuke: Tch, get off me loser. *tries in vain to push naruto off while fighting to hold back his laughter*
x3 Naru-chan come on, don't forget my gift!! *holds out box*
Naruto: Yatta! *jumps off of sasuke and snatches the gift* What could it be?? *shakes it lightly then rips into it*
And after all the time I spent trying to wrap it correctly... **took 47 total tries** T^T
Naruto: Yesh!! A box of strawberry pocky and a ticket for free ramen at Ichiraku's! You guys do know what this means right??
Sasuke: Not again...
Me/Naruto: RAMEN TIME!! xD
Birthday ramen time at that!! =D Let's go guys! Before that coupon expires! Ja matta minna-san!
Me/Naruto: *run excitedly to Ichiraku's while dragging sasuke along with us for a birthday bash with all his friends*
Quote of the Day (from yesterday meant): "Show me the money!!" =D
Quote of the Day: "Fortuno Natalicius!"
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Monday, October 8, 2007
Changes!! Whee~!!
Mood: Meh (and yes, this IS a real mood, I've looked it up)
Listening To: Shining Collection
Reading: Eclipse
Obsessing Over: Gravi and that picture I'm supposed to draw for Uno
Alrighty, some of you peeps may or may not have noticed a few changes!
Naruto: *glares evil ice-daggers of death at me*
Sasuke: Well I see someone has...
^-^' He's just a bit touchy since I got a new Sasuke background... *coughs* Anywho, yup, changes have been made!! I'm in the process of revamping my site completly because I got tired of the eye-bleedingly-bright orange color of my page. That and the fact that I felt the need to update and get on this site more. So rejoice!! =D *throws confetti around* Happy times once I finally find a theme I like! (most likly will be a Gravitation or SasuNaru thing since I'm kind of obsessing over them at the moment) But you never know!! For there may be a Wolf's Rain theme on the way! (probably not though xP)
Ooh, that reminds me!! (I couldn't tell you why though) Quotes!! x3 Yuppers, you read right! I'm going to start tacking quotes up at the end of my posts each day! Fun times! Some will be in Latin or French but most will be in English for all you language-challenged peeps. ^-^ Those of you who can guess what they say, yay for you! I'll tell you in the next post what the last quote said if it's in another language.
Naruto: No Japanese??
Hmm...I don't really know any... O.o I'll ask my friend to give me some when she starts taking Japanese in school though, don't you worry! *internally fumes at the prospect of not being able to take neither Latin nor Japanese anymore* -__-
Sasuke: *rolls eyes* Whatever, just finish the post already...
Fine then, Mr. Stick-up-his-ass...
Sasuke: What was that? *raises eyebrow*
Nothing! ^.^ Anyway, I have one more bit of info to give you: I have deleted all the fools on my friends list who never message or talk to me. And yes, that means you person who's just gasped and eyes have widened at the pure "unfairness" of my aforementioned statement. If you care to be put back up, please do message me and then talk to me. ^-^
Naruto: Ooh, what happens to the ones that don't add you again??
*evil glare* Then they shall know the true meaning of deep, dark, spiraling depression frought with agony and one thousand years of pain!! >.<
Sasuke/Naruto: O_O
^-^ Anywho, das all I got for you this time peeps! Be seeing ya! And always remember to shine, na no da!! *grins and waves*
Quote of the Day: "Monstia militi pecuniam!"
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Sunday, June 17, 2007
One Year Otaku Anniversary!!
Guess what guys?! =3
Naruto: What??
It was exactly one year ago today that I first joined up with the crew!! X3 *bounces around in elation*
Naruto WAHOOO!! Congradulations!! You know what this means?!
Sasuke: Here we go...
Me/Naruto: RAMEN TIME!!! XD
Naruto: *wanders off to make ramen with sasuke*
Can you believe this? It hardly seems like a year... I have so many great memories of this place... The best are of my first friends; Sasukesgirl100, Red Fang, Physco, and RedWolfKanya. I love you guys so much! *huggles all of you* I don't know where I'd be if I hadn't become friends with you!
Do you remember Skye, Ice, and Kanya when I asked permission to join the pack? (Kanya you might not, I think you were in Disney World at the time. That was when you still had your old site that got hacked shortly after, you know we still need to find whoever did that and get our revenge... Nobody messes with our sister!) *smiles* I remember, and I'm glad you accepted me! I'm just sorry we're not as close as a we were back then... But I still consider you all great friends! *hugs you again*
And Jen, my first-ever friend here, do you remember when I asked you fifty-million question about how to change my background so I could have a picture on it? And the first guide you made for me, showing me how to draw Sasuke? *grins happily* Thank you so much for all of that! Oh, and the great birthday we had for Sasuke that went on for months until it was time for Naru-chan's? *laughs* That was the best! I think we still need to finish finding those two some Christmas gifts if I'm not mistaken? ^^
But I can't forget the rest of you! All of my friends! Thank you, so much, for all the things you've said, done and given me this past year! You're all wonderful! *hugs each of you in turn*
Naruto: Ramen's ready!! You can- Hey, why are you crying?
Sasuke: ??
*sniffle* J-just got something in my eyes is all...! Now where's that ramen?!
Naruto/Sasuke: *looks suspicious but smiles and brushes it off*
Naruto: Let's get to eatin' then!! *starts wolfing down his food*
Sasuke: *rolls his eyes and eats with more dignity but just as much enthusiasm*
*grins even wider* Well, that's all I got folks! It's time for ramen! But one last thing; to quote a good friend of mine, "I've been here a whole year, now your definatly not getting rid of me!!" I love you guys so much! Thank you once again! *bows and hugs all of you gratiously*
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Featured Quiz Result:
This quiz was fun!
Which of the Elements Are You?
 You are an all element. This means you have the personality of all elements combined. This is the rarest and most mysterious of the elements. It's also very hard to describe since no two of this type are the same. But I'll do the best I can. You probably are a fighter and have a very short temper.You also have only a few or no friends since you are also very solitary. But if you do, you protect them with your life. You are also quite caring and probably have a major crush. You are pretty much always day dreaming about one thing or another. You have a lot of smarts and are beautiful.You probably are very good at art and get a lot of unwanted attention for it. And the best part about you is that you're all your own. You are individual and independent to a fault. AS much as you hate to admit it, you sometimes need to ask for help. But to you, being called different is the best compliment in the world. You love nature and aren't afraid of anything. You don't trust anyone, and are a tomboy. You can be a little immature and hyper sometimes. You also are unpredictable. Because of who you are, you mentally aren't in order and have mood swings a lot. You can go on ranting for hours, cry for no reason, or even punch someone and don't even know why. But you do mean well. But since you are so different, peolpe consider you "wierd" or "the freak". You usually ignore it or talk back. You love having something to call you different, and that's just the way you are.Zodiac Sign:AllMonth: AllGem:Bloodstone, PeridotHair color:Unatural colorEye color:Fire red,Amber,unatural colors,odd colorsExpression:Smirk,NoneAnimal:Mythic animals, odd animalsQuote:"You laugh at me because I am different, I laugh at you because you are all the same" Take this quiz!
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