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Tuesday, May 10, 2005

I won't be on for a while....I have no phone!! ^^;; Sorry! I will see you all when we get it back.
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Wednesday, May 4, 2005

~yawns, stretches, and coughs~ Eh...I still don't feel so good...but I would like to thank Mourghan for helping Tohru with the soup..~sniffs~ twas good...and it helped. ~goes into a coughing fit~

Things that went wrong today:

I got tortured in Art Club today

Kyko kicked me when I fell down in Art Club

Mr. Rao wouldn't explain what we did yesterday in geometry (I had left at 10- the middle of Art..I no have Math till 12:30)

I got stuck wearing a skirt thinking that I had my exhibition today...Little did I know that it was changed to next wednesday..

Things that went Well today

I finished Paper Macheing my puppet head and hands in Art today...

~thinks~ Nope..that's it!! ^^

I shall leave you with some beautiful CCS and Love Hina pictures for the rest of the night!!

Kyo: CCS? But didn't you do CCS pics before during your CCS layout?

Me: Yesh...but that was back in like December Just like the Fruits Basket one! ^^

Aww..so Kawaii!!

Hey! This one was actually my Wallpaper during that layout!! ^^

Don't mess with Naru..

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Tuesday, May 3, 2005

Kyo: Hey. Where is she?

Kouga: Where's who?

Kyo: Sam.

~they both look at KC#15~

KC#15: She's sleeping. She was sent home early from school today.

Tohru: Is she okay?!

KC#15: Let's just say she can now eat solid foods. She had really bad stomache cramps, a massive migrain, a swollen throat, itchy, watery eyes, and a runny nose.

Tohru: Aww. I'm gunna go make her some soup!!

Kyo: No LEEKS!!

KC#15: She'll be back when she feels better. She's been going to bed at 8:30 lately.

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Sunday, May 1, 2005

~laughs~ It's too early for me...and I didn't have to go to church!!! I actually had time to watch the VH1 count down!! Fear it!!

I'm also speaking french (kinda) in an IM with a friend and also introdused him to Kyko. fear it...

I'll post stuff later..nothing has really happened today...

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Saturday, April 30, 2005

~squeals~ Yay! We got our mouse back!! And right now I'm playing twenty questions with my friend Kyle!

Let's see....Today I finished the Alice 19th series!!! It's by Yu Watuse. (yeah..I know I spelt that wrong...bear with me)
~points to black hair guy~ Mine. He's Kyo and that's all your getting out of me unless you PM me..

Frey is mine too....

Let's see...I also bought my dress for the semi!! ~puts in on and spins~ Lookie!! It twirls!! ~falls in a heap of pink laughing~ I also found some really cute clip-on earrings to go with it!! ~holds 'em out~ Curtusy of Icings!! ^^ The dress was from Charolette Rues (yesh, wrong spelling again) for only $19.99! Fweee!!! ~giggles~ For some reason, I've been really giddy today!!

KC#15: Maybe it's because you downed a huge slushie in like 20 minutes?

Me: ~shrugs and goes back to spinning~ J'aime le dress!!! ~wathces as it twirls around~

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Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Well, since I posted so late last night, I'd though I'd post it again. ~sighs~ I'm gunna be gone for a while. Or at least till we get a new mouse. We borrowed ours from a friend, but she's gotten her computer fixed and now she wants it back. So...we're gunna wait till we go to our grandmother's to get a new one. ~sighs~ Good thing that they don't know how to use the computer....

KC#15: Ta-ta for now! And please don't forget us!!! Oh, yeah...and while she was on at school, she put up a bunch of fan art!! Just give it a couple of hours before you look at them all....

Sam: Or we can stick them on here!!!

So...here are my pictures!! Or the one's that aren't up yet!!
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You must turn your head for some of them though. And I'm kinda sucky at phototaking...so if it's a bit messed up, don't yell at me...


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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Today may be the last day I'm on for a while. ~cries~

KC#15: ~pats her back~ There there...I'm sure pepere will lend you his...Sorry, she borrowed the mouse from a friend and now she wants it back. But her sis is going to ask her pepere for the mouse for his computer.

Me: ~cries even harder~ You don't have to say it out loud!! That just makes it real!!

KC#15: ~chuckles~ heh, heh, sorry..

Here's a bunch of sad pictures for the occasion

This one is from our own Elvesatemyramen!!

Well, that's all. I'll visit tonight....but I won't be here tommorrow. ~goes to room and cries~

KC#15: ~sighs and follows~ Sorry, guys...Dont' forget about us!!

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Monday, April 25, 2005

Let's see....hmm...well, I was at Yuukichan's party yesterday!! This dude made me sing!! ~points at KC#15~

KC#15: ~snickers~ That's what you get...

Me: But I don't like to sing!!!! Hmmp. Sweetmisery also gave me a bunch of cupcakes that her mother made her. ^^ But I got rid of them in Science. And ~cough~ if Gage doesn't appear tommorrow, then, I know not to eat her cupcakes. But they taste fine!!

Gage: X.X

Me: ~pokes him with a stick~ hmm...I think he's okay!! ^^ ~big gasp~ I also did a reeeeeeeaally pretty picture of my character Ian on Saturday!!! I'm gunna steal Ms. L's camera again during Art Club on Wednesday!!! ^^ So I have more than 2 pictures in my Fan Art gallery!! ^________^ ~glomps Ian~ Fear him and his pretty orangy-red hair!!!

Ian: Let me go woman!!

Me: Nope!! Just wait till SweetMisery gets here!!! O.o...let's drag Tokyo here too!!!

KC#15: ~comes out draging a tall boy with Black and silver hair~

Tokyo: What the heck!! You draged me from my Shila and my Shakespear to come to this bleak place?!

Me: ~grins~ It's time for you to meet my other friends!!! (they're my bishi characters!!)

GIFs of the Day:
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From a request during Art, from SweetMisery.

Wallpaper of the Day!! (I've include link because you can't really read it)

Just click on it for the bigger image!

KC#15: It's just an FMA day today isn't it?

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Sunday, April 24, 2005

Well, nothing happened today! End of spring break though...I still have to work on my giant flower for Gifted Art....grr....that flower (and geometry) are going to be the death of me...well, I'll just give you the gifs and wallpapers now...

GIFs of the Day

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Wallpaper of the Day

Please vote for which GIFs you would like to see tommorrow!! ^^ I can put up any that you can think of! ^^V

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Saturday, April 23, 2005

^^ I change to layout! I got bored...-_-;; It's now Angel Dust Neo!!!

Oh, yes...since only one person voted yesterday...I'm just gunna put a bunch of smiles that I found!!

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Pheer them!!! ^^


Me:Image hosted by Photobucket.com What?

KC#15: Nothing....

Me: That's what I thought...

KC#15:Image hosted by Photobucket.com

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