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myOtaku.com: Forbidden Kitsune

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Today may be the last day I'm on for a while. ~cries~

KC#15: ~pats her back~ There there...I'm sure pepere will lend you his...Sorry, she borrowed the mouse from a friend and now she wants it back. But her sis is going to ask her pepere for the mouse for his computer.

Me: ~cries even harder~ You don't have to say it out loud!! That just makes it real!!

KC#15: ~chuckles~ heh, heh, sorry..

Here's a bunch of sad pictures for the occasion

This one is from our own Elvesatemyramen!!

Well, that's all. I'll visit tonight....but I won't be here tommorrow. ~goes to room and cries~

KC#15: ~sighs and follows~ Sorry, guys...Dont' forget about us!!

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