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Sunday, February 20, 2005
hope you like i was bord

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Saturday, February 19, 2005
Here is a pic of me!

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pic of me
soon i will have some pic of me and tes i do look like inuyasha{ inuyashakikyou123} it is so wared well soon i will show you some pic i am the one in a banndana i love to ware them some might be when i was in 7 grade but i still look the same but i dont know what inuyasha { inuyashakikyou123 might look like i havent seen him seanc 8 so ya hope you like pic

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Friday, February 18, 2005
Video code provided by KEKAI BOY
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Saturday, February 5, 2005
inuyasha part 6 hope you like it^_^
Part 6
By: InuyashaKikyou1 and Foren
Foren's Demon power shows
Foren- Hey mom I am back from college! Mom, dad? Your car is here, what is this!
letter- [Foren I am sorry your perents had die from a plain crash, they left every thing yours I am really sorry for your loss].
Foren- [crying] my perents why did they had to die I am soo upset! What is that, it is my Motorcycle dad must bout it for me, I was going to buy it! well I am going back I have somone in my hart.
Kikyou- You are back, I thought you will come back in like in three days.
Foren- Yeah but somthing happend so I came back, and I felt different.
Kikyou- [ I can feel demon power in him] well do you wont the demon power now?
Foren- Yeah I do, how are you going to do that?
Kikyou- I will put this in you, but if it dose not work you will have to train so it can happen, hem, ha it bounts off.
Foren- It did not work hom I really wonted to be a demon.
Kikyou- Wate, I think that you are a demon, when you was upset you felt somthing right?
Foren- Yeah! I think that I felt power.
Kikyou- Will see when the demon power will take over your body.
Inuyasha- I hope that Foren kid dosen trun in to a demon! I will have to fight him like I do to my older brother.
Kagome- Do you wont to find Meroku and Songo and blus Shipo?
Inuyasha- Well there somthing to do there is no demons yet, yeah lest go find them.
Kagome- Right!
Foren- [I cant sleep I feel it again, I think I am tuerning to a demon].
Kikyou- Are you ok you dont look so good?
Foren- I am dont my self, haa... What is going on I cant think, ha.
Kikyou- Foren! no, [ I shal take him to Inuyasha].
Inuyasha- What are you doing Kagome?
Kagome- I seance a shared and it is heted this way!
Kikyou- Please Inuyasha Foren!
Inuyasha- What hapend to him?
Kikyou- I dont know, ha.
Foren- I can feel it I have the demon power I did not need a juewel.
Kikyou- You do have a juewle in you that is way you are a live here, if you wrent here you will be dead.
Foren- I! Ha... somthing is happening to me.
Kikyou- Foren!
Inuyasha- Wate Kikyou he is truerbing in to the demon.
Kagome- What he is?
Inuyasha- Yeah, [ I wonder what kind of demon he will be].
Kikyou- Look he is waking up!
Foren- Aow my head, [ha what the I can feel my demon powers dose Kikyou know]?
Kikyou- Your are a live.
Foren- What?
Kikyou- I thought I lost you!
Foren- I was here, now I have demon powers, ha Inuyasha?
Inuyasha- Well? What kind of demon are you?
Foren- I do not know.
Kikyou- He is 95% Hybrid the 5% of him is humen, if he loses his wepon he will trun in to a full human, if he dose have his wepon he will be able to terun in to a full demon but he will still have that humen in him, but on the new moon he will be a full Hybrid.
Foren- Then I am not full demon but why?
Kikyou- You need that human in you if you wont to wish to be with me or you will become evel.
Foren- All right.
Kikyou- Good shal we be getting going we have meny things to do.
Foren- Hm!
Inuyasha- Let me see the demon in you Foren.
Kikyou- He needs training befor you get to see his demon in him.
Inuyasha- Soon Foren we will have a battle to see who is the best.
Foren- Hin we shal verry soon Inuyasha you will see me and you can see my true power.
End of Episode
Nexed in Inuyasha, Foren starts to train so he can fight Naraku, and have a battle with Inuyasha, but somthing interfere it is Naraku, dose he wont Foren dead? Yeah It is Songo and Meroku are they mared but waers Shipo? I gess he left some ware. see part 7. Sango and Miroku retarns.
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Wednesday, February 2, 2005
Inuyasha part 5 hope you like it bye.
Part 5
By:InuyashaKikyou1 and Foren
Foren and Kikyou
Kikyou- Are you ok Foren?
Foren- Yeah thank you for saving me from this demon man I think he was demon.
Kikyou- That man is half demon like Inuyasha, he is the one we shal kill.
Foren- Than I shal train so I can kill him.
Kikyou- [ Soon Naraku will die from Foren, a demon we will win if Foren is with us] Foren are you ready to be a demon?
Foren- You mean I can be a demon now?
Kikyou- Yes, now come.
Foren- All right I am going to be a demon, ha what is it Kikyou?
Kikyou- Ah Foren? You need to know this but I am in love with you and I cant help it I must kiss you and you must stay with me my hart is now beting for you after you faght that demon I need you, I bet you think I am crazzy, I dont care if I am the dead you can fall in love with me.
Foren- Kikyou? I new you were in live with me and I wonted to tell you that sence I fell in love with you, I wonted to kiss you but I think I was crazzy if I kiss a dead person but your hart is beting now I must kiss you Kikyou.[kissed]
Kikyou- I love you.
Foren- I do to.
Inuyasha- [ What Kikyou is kissing Foren, do they have a connection, Kikyou I thought].
Kikyou- Who is there?[ Oh its Inuyasha, he was waching me kissing Foren], I! Inuyasha?
Inuyasha- Kikyou? You have a connection with Foren, you do had a cruch on him and your hart is beting when he is around it never did that befor, what did you do?
Kikyou- I fell in love so I can be free at last.
Inuyasha- But Kikyou you can be with me.
Kikyou- When I am around you I fell like I wont to kill you still, so leave now!
Inuyasha- Fine! I will never for get this Kikyou.
Foren- Wait! Inuyasha, Calm on her hart, she wont suffer eny more.
Inuyasha- You are right Foren, maybe you can visit us some times then.
Foren- That will be geat, maybe soon I do not know what I will be doing then, well see you latter, oh yeah tell Kagome I said hi, for me?
Inuyasha- I will! See you kid.
Kikyou- Foren? Lets go.
Foren- Ok,[ I have to go back to my world soon or I wont get my motoroycle]! Um Kikyou?
Kikyou- Yes what is it?
Foren- I have to back to my world to get some stuff, can I go?
Kikyou- You can go but please come back soon.
Foren- Thanks I will be back befor you even notest.
End of Episode
Nexed in Inuyasha, Foren returend and figer out that his peronts had past a way, he was so upset that somthing happend. He did get his Motorcycle, but Kikyou wonted to now what happend to him is he a... see part 6. Foren's Demon power shows.
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
inuyasha part 3
Part 3
By: InuyashaKikyou1 and Foren
The Boy Who over Came Time
Kagome- Who are you?
?????- Kagome I findaly found you, what is this place? It is so cool.
Kagome- I do not know you?
?????- You do not know me? I thought you did. Well my name is Foren.
Kagome- I remeber you, you are new at the school.
Foren- Yeah, but the frist day I saw you ah I fell in love with you, but I saw you wth this man, do you love him?
Kagome- Yes, but he likes this other girl name Kikyou, she the dead, but he has feelings for her. You look like him you might be his incarnasion.
Foren- What that cant be I am not even japanes, I am from the us, and hate it there!
Kagome- You should meet him.
Foren- Ok.
Inuyasha- Kikyou I cant be with you, I am in love with Kagome.
Kagome- Inuyasha... you do?
Inuyasha- I do Kagome, but I still in love with Kikyou, that wont stop me from loving you.
Kikyou- Inuyasha... there is an incarnasion of you.
Inuyasha- What?
Foren- Um hi, you must be Inuyasha.
Inuyasha- You look like me, get out of here!
Foren- See ya later Kagome I have to go then.
Kagome- By.
Kikyou- Who is that boy. Hey you boy.
Foren- Are you talking to me?
Kikyou- Yes, you must come with me you will fine if I show you a round.
Foren- Are you shore.
Kikyou- I'm shore.
Foren- cool, what is your name?
Kikyou- My name is Kikyou, what is your name kid?
Foren- It is Foren, wow you look like Kagome.
Kikyou- yes I am, she is the recarnasion of me like you are from Inuyasha,...[oh my god I have a funny felling about him] I am not supose to fall in love, I am alive because I am hating and I cant rest untill somone dies with me so I wont supher any more].
Foren- You like me I can tell how you are speaking because you think that I am just like Inuyasha.
Kikyou- Well yeah, but will you stay with me?
Foren- Yeah I will, well how old are you and Inuyasha?
Kikyou- For 50 years, Inuyasha is 68 years old well I am to, but I look 18.
Foren- That is a long time, well I am 18.
Kikyou- You are still a kid to me, know do you like me?
Foren- I...do know for one resone you look like Kagome.
Kikyou- Yeah.
Foren- Dont Whory Kikyou I will stay till the end, because I do have feelings for you a little you know, and I will protect you form any one.
Inuyasha- Hey look it is that kid why is he with Kikyou and Kikyou is about to kiss him, Kikyou, no...
Kikyou- Inuyasha?
Inuyasha- Dont kiss him he is just a boy and I shal kill him.
Kikyou- Dont Inuyasha I love him and he loves me, Kagome he loves me because I look like you he has feelings for both of us just like you Inuyasha, dont kill him.
Foren- Ah hey look if you guys dont wont me aroud I can go.
Kagome- Dont Inuyasha just let him go let them be together you can all ways think about her, and Kikyou you can all ways think about him just go on with it you will feel better.
Inuyasha- Good idea Kagome I shall do that.
Kagome- Well Foren and I have to go, that was a verry good idea.
Foren- See yaw soon Kagome.
Kagome- By Foren see you soon.
Next on Inuyasha, Foren runs in to Naraku,what will Kikyou do? Will Inuyasha help her to save Foren, oh no what is Naroku doing! See part 4. Foren Runs in to Naroku.
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Sunday, January 16, 2005
woot woot!

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