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Monday, January 15, 2007
what a weird day
ok first of all my best friend who i still like told me weird things today he told me he was bi and that he likes a guy in his secdon class =[
im like wtf!! then he goes on telling me that he like a girl while i dated him and that shes a drugy omg that just made me shicked all day i was crying to >> but i didnt tell him this all happend on aim to >>
if you wan atalk to me pleasee im me!!
aim ---->> littleslowlow
i like aim chat rooms as well wot that be fun so yeah i need to feel better soon >>
oh gosh tuseday is funa be soo weird while im around phil...
the song yeahh i like it :DD
I've been searching for you I heard a cry within my soul I've never had a yearning quite like this before Now here you are walking right through my door. All of my life Where have you been I wonder if I'll ever see you again And if that day comes I know we could win I wonder if I'll ever see you again A sacred gift of heaven For better, worse, wherever And I would never let somebody break you down Or take your crown never All of my life Where have you been I wonder if I'll ever see you again And if that day comes I know we could win I wonder if I'll ever see you again I've searched through time I've always known That you were there upon your throne A lonely queen without her king I've longed for you my love forever All of my life Where have you been I wonder if I'll ever see you again And if that day comes I know we could win I wonder if I'll ever see you again I wonder if I'll ever see you again... I wonder if I'll ever see you again... I wonder if I'll ever see you again...
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Sunday, January 14, 2007
ummm all about the feeling :D
The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful Stop me and steal my breath Emeralds from mountains thrust toward the sky Never revealing their depth Tell me that we belong together Dress it up with the trappings of love I'll be captivated I'll hang from your lips Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above I'll be your crying shoulder I'll be love suicide I'll be better when I'm older I'll be the greatest fan of your life Rain falls angry on the tin roof As we lie awake in my bed You're my survival, you're my living proof My love is alive not dead Tell me that we belong together Dress it up with the trappings of love I'll be captivated I'll hang from your lips Instead of the gallows of heartache, that hang from above I'll be your crying shoulder I'll be love suicide I'll be better when I'm older I'll be the greatest fan of your life I've been dropped out, burned up, fought my way back from the dead Tuned in, turned on, Remembered the things that you said I'll be your crying shoulder I'll be love suicide I'll be better when I'm older I'll be the greatest fan of your life.
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Saturday, January 13, 2007
my ex bf - best friend
i duno he might be jealous or he might like me again and i hate when people tell him he migth be gay =[
hes not gay!!

thats phil hes the ex-my best friend ever!!
and yes i still love him but we cant never be.
and most of my friends think im lezbian im not i just act diffrent acround other girls i like hanging out with guys becyuase there cute and better to hang out with. there fun to talk to and play sports with =]
p.s dont be shy to leave me a message im nice and i love talking about lots of things :p
as you can tell i love harry potter i talk about the books and the movies way to much so sorry if i do start talking about it =]
"I had the notion that you'd make me change my ways My bad habits would be gone in a matter of days I had the feeling that you'd open up my eyes To a whole new world that had since been in disguise But that day will most likely never come for me And it's just my luck to end up getting stuck To everything you are So tonight I'll sit and pick apart your pictures And overanalyze your words But the truth is that I've never fallen so hard It's taking everything in me Just to forget your sweater so far I had the notion that you'd make me forget the world But your undecisive mind shows me that You are "just another girl" I had the feeling that those looks you gave me were real What if I ripped your heart apart at the seams Maybe then you'd know how I feel But that day will most likely never come for me And it's just my luck to end up getting stuck To everything you are So tonight I'll sit and pick apart your pictures And overanalyze your words But the truth is that I've never fallen so hard It's taking everything in me Just to forget your sweater so far I can honestly say That I never, ever, ever felt this way Your lips, your eyelashes, your skin These are the parts of your body That cause my comatose to begin I can honestly say That I never, ever, ever felt this way Your lips, your eyelashes, your skin These are the parts of your body That cause my comatose to begin I will sleep another day I don't really need to anyway What's the point when my dreams are infected With words you used to say I will breathe in a moment As long as I keep my distance I wouldn't want to go messing anything up So don't go worrying about me It's not like I think about you constantly So maybe I do, but that shouldn't affect Your life anymore I knew it the moment you walked into the door So don't go worrying about me It's not like I think about this constantly So maybe I do, but that shouldn't affect Your life anymore I knew it the moment you walked into the door I'll let you get the best of me Because there's nothing else that I do well I'll let you get the best of me Because there's nothing else that I do well I'll be the giver and you'll be the taker I guess that's how this one's gonna go I'll be the giver and you'll be the taker You've got me down on my knees and I proclaim All hail the heartbreaker"
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Friday, January 12, 2007
omfg foren has a pic up!!!! ryb away x]
well yeah thats me aint i so cute hahaha to tell you the truth i am realy 17 i might not look it but its true!
i hope every one is doing great with everything :p
talk to me in anyway you can =]]
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
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Thursday, May 11, 2006
a story my friend made
By: ~Richay~ Known As =Rune= A.K.A -=WilD RoN=-
The Theme Song: -=Blue Bruns Orange=- By: -=Hawthorne Heights=-
Ch: -=1=-
Nelchan Retrunds:
Rune-=siting under a tree,holding Kari's hand smiling=-
Kari-=siting with Rune,holding his hands=-
smiling as well, as the light hits them=-
Nelchan-=looking at them frowning, siting on top of a
branch=-she misses him but if Kari see's her
she will know why she had came back,
The Scoop- Nelchan gets jelouse ever time Kari trys to get closer
to Rune, Kari likes when Nelchan is not around then its just
so quite, Rune likes it quite but he keeps trying to make Kari
happy, now its just the both of them and they had a hard week.
Rune-=Falls alseep leaning into the tree=-
Kair-=looks at him, she smiles and leans on to him puting her hand on his sides
and kisses his forhead=-sweet dreams my prince,she wispered in his ear=-
Nelchan-=she's watching, frowning, trying not to yell or cry=-she thinks there
together or maybe she's just flirting with him or trying to get Rune to want her.
Kari-=blushing and falls alseep wraping her arms around him and holding
on to his sides falling asleep on him=-
Nelchan-=begans to cry=-
Kari-=wakes up from Nelchan crying, looking up and see's Nechan on a branch=-
Nelchan what.. are you doing back?
Nelchan- you... -=glars at her=- you are like all over him, stop your flirting,
and get over your self, and stay away from him!
Kari- why should i, im not the one who left him and ran away,
and im not compleatly in love with him like you where, i cant take him away from you.
Nelchan-=looks at Rune Sleeping=- well are you going to wake him,
-=looks a side=-
Kari- no... he can wake on his own...
Nelchan- well when he wakes tell him im back but im going
for now untill im ready to see him-=looks down and starts walking away=-
Kari- now she's back he might ditch me... -=she thinks to her
self and lays by Rune and falls asleep=-
{Next Morning}
Rune-=wakes up and looks at Kari sleeping then smiles to him self=-
Kari-=wakes up=- Rune... your awake... how did you sleep...?
Rune- good, man i was tired -=streches=-
Kari- well Nelchan was here last night she wanted me to tell you she's back
but she will be gone for a bit and come back...
Rune-= oh... she's back... i wonder why...
Kari- well she came back for you...
Rune- oh... but still... why did she leave in the first place...?
Kar- i dont know.
::from a distence Nelchan walks tord them::
Rune-=his eyes grew big=- Nelcahan...
Nelchan=-she smiles=- hello Rune
Rune-=he looks at her=- your back... so how have you been...
Nelchan- well me just missing you had to see some of my kind
Rune- oh thats good...
Nelchan- so how are you...?
Rune- never beter...
Kari- only that fight with Meki Mr.
Rune-=puts hands on the back of his head=- oh that
Nelchan-=she laughs=- Meki... was he once after me...
Rune- ya he still has that crush on you and Kari >>
Kari- well he should, i mean like someone here...
Rune- heyy i do... -=shurgs=-
Nelchan- -=she lahughs=- well thats Meki for ya, he is a ladys man
after all
Rune- true... but he should stay away from you guys >>
Nelchan- oh wow thats a first
Kari- ya you keep on walking away each time we wana talk to you
Rune-=shrugs=- becouse i dont wana hear your girl talk ^.^
Nelchan- oh sorray... -=she laughs once again=-
Rune- well you are miss giggling here, laughing up a storm now that your
back >>
Nelchan- well you know what -=she jumps on to him=-
Rune-=falls on to the floor=- ok what was that for... O.O
Nechan- i duno -=she kisses his cheek=-
Rune- well then why the kiss on my effen cheek...? >>
Nelchan- wow your mean... -=gets off of him=-
Kari- wow did not see that comming
Rune-=just lays there=-
Kari- oh now your just going to lay there why dont cha
Nelchan- he's just lazy... v.v
Kari- ya very u.u
Rune-=he day dreams then thinks to him self=- man i was stupid
Nelchan-=thinks to her self=- why did i kiss him on the cheek if he's just
going to be a jeark about it, but i know he liked it -=she slitly blushes=-
Kari- Rune are you going to just lay there, becouse you know we should be heading
back to see Meki ya know...
Rune- true... lets get going before i fall asleep, are you comming Nelchan?
Nelchan- ya im comming
Rune- great! -=he smiles=-
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Monday, December 12, 2005
Phill hold my hand today!!! so happy!!!
i had my b-day!! im now 16!!!! and in love with Ron in harry potter pHILL SAID I CANB LOVE rON 2 ^^ HEHEH
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Thursday, December 8, 2005
i have a bf and he so weird lol but i love him but we did not kiss yet Oo lol we dont even hold hands!!! i miss my ex... a lil but we dont talks no more well hope i get to kiss my bf lol hopes something happends
my sweet 16 is this friday!! im so happy i want a kiss from him on my b-day =) i miss my ex... hmm oh well
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Friday, August 26, 2005
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well im back again i shall be on every day but if im not im at kisa house partying and geting drunk lol j/k well have fun every one... watches inuyasha hey!!! i seen this one dam it lol
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