Hiei (05/25/05)
thankz for signing my gb
ur sites kool as well
like tha bg
and yea ill be ur friend ^^
MasterLen (05/24/05)
Hey.Its Sasuke here.I like ur site,way cool.I would like to thank u for signing my guestbook.till next time.see ya
AwkwardLastWords (05/24/05)
Thanks for signing my guestbook. ^_^ Sure, ya can add me, I'll do teh same.
Youe sites awesome. I love teh colors.
Hanyou-InuYasha (05/24/05)
hi! thanks for signing my guestbook! i love your site! wow! you haven't been a member for more than four days and you already have 19 pages! you must be popular! I can tell that you will do just fine on this site! i'm very impressed! of course you may add me as a friend, I'll do the same! seeya!
inugirl16 (05/24/05)
Love ur site!! thanx for signing my gb. Only 4 days and you alraedy have that mny gb pages? *-* Wow. Addin' u asa friend. Bye!!!
sailor firestar (05/24/05)
Hiya and thanks for signing my GB! I love the purpleness of your site, it's my favorite color, and your Harry Potter pics! Is that the real release date of the 4th movie?
PS - sure you can add me as a friend, and I will add you too, ok?
Sholagan (05/24/05)
Thanks for the GB siggy! It's appreciated. You got a cool site too, I like the purple and the bakground...That's a lotta pics! Adding you as friend too! Ttyl
Anne Hijme (05/24/05)
Your website is awsome and thanks for
making me a buddy I made you one too.
See ya
ShoeMaster (05/24/05)
Hey! Man your site really rox!! I love all the anime pics. Man Rock on!
thelozt (05/23/05)
Thanks for signing my gb! I'll add you as a friend as well. i love your background pic, especially the little cowboy ed. i havent figured out how to add a background yet, but im working on it. if you know where i can get a good outlaw star pic pm me!