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myOtaku.com: forestsage

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Sunday, March 5, 2006

   Still here.
I'm still here, hope you are too. Havent posting anything in ages since my scanner has been down, Now that its back up. The boy is BACK
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Saturday, November 5, 2005

   The Sun rises
Just figured it out! LOL

Thanks to everyone for coming to my art site and leaving comments about my art. Some of those pieces havent really been seen by anyone. I think of my art as really private (lately) And it's been nice to see feedback about them.

Also, I've had a medium change. The art currently up is 2-3 years old...I've continued to draw of course(its my life) But I havent updated...but i hope to soon. I found the paper I was using didnt hold the new more expensive mediums I was using. Just spent a LOT of cash on art supplies and couldnt have been more happier!

So peace to you all and GO DRAW SOMETHING!

(is still watching)

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Friday, June 17, 2005

   Its too bad, its soo sad, maybe i'm suppose to make you feel better?
Once again. Emotional landcapes cloud my art. I thought I was over the tide of pain...but now comes the rage. But there is light in the sky. Think I might go watch Crouching Tiger...the ending always tears me up!

But these thigns cant last that long can they?

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Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Thanks to the 5 people that have came to mymyotaku. You all get cookies!

But yeah. Drama is over now. So I was able to put up some more pictures. Some are a little over 3 years old, while a few I just finished. I want to start work on my sailor scouts at some point in the next weeks, so when i get them together and looking cute I will put them up.

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