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kane shinjite
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like forever
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gravitation inuyasha scryed FMA hellsing mars
| ForeverSinner
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Chapter 2 day 2 Another day closer to spring break
CHim: only 13 hours left of school till spring break.
KANE: so how many days is that
CHIM: 1 day and half
KANE: yes that sounds bout right
MAtt: i cant wait
British Guy(CHIM's new bo) it will be nice to get out of school
KANE: im so excited
MAtt: just think of all the sleep we can get
British guy: ohhhhh i love sleep
CHIM KANE: yeah i need to catch up on my ZZZZZ's
KANE:(phone rings) yola
HOPE: did you tell your little buddies what were doing over spring break.
KANE: oh yeah im going to st. louis to see the arch then to a water park or somthing.
CHIM: oh you should bring me
MATt: you should bring me it will be more fun
British guy: what aBOUT ME it wont be any fun with out me
HOPE(still on other line) well none of them can come so stop arguing
MATT: puppy face) but i want to go
KANE: im sorrie pokey
CHIM: well we need to hang out before you leave
KANE: ok
Kane well hope you are all having a good week and see you all soon

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Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Chapter2 Day 1
Kane: wow its been a while since ive been on
CHim: its cuz youve been busey with a broken computer
MATT: so thats why you havent been on i thought you died
KANE: yeah its still broke im at the library right now so wont be able to do much
CHIM: you should comment all your friends so they know you didnt die
MATT: yeah like me you should comment me
CHIM: and me dont forget me....wait i dont have a cant comment me
KANE: ok well ill go comment everone and get back on asap
Kane: hope you all are doing good ive been going crazy no computer sucks
much love Kane~

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Monday, March 19, 2007
Chapter1 Day 4 The evil is gone and im ok
Kane: The evil baby of doom is back at school and im done with the project. I am alive but just barley. I got like no sleep and i never want to have a baby. Cuz by the end of sunday i thought it was out to get me.
HIM: well at least its over and you did get 100%.
KANE: yeah i did but it was hell getting it.
Chim: well i almost killed the one I had and i got a C for it so your lucky
KANE: yeah i guess but now im so tired
CHIM: join the club
HIM so was that why you guys were so grumpy today
CHIM/KANE: yeah probily
Mr. SASSYPants: well thats why im not getting anyone pregnate babies are to much truouble.
KANE: not like you could get anyone pregnate evan if you wanted too
CHIM: what are you saying
MR. SASSYPANTS: she is calling me infertile
KANE: hey i just speak the facts.
CHIM: thats not nice cant you too just get along
HIM: so we get out of school early who wants to go see that new scary movie. dead silence
Kane: oh me i love scary movies there so funny
CHIM: yeah me too
MR. SP: uh yeah it will be fun(nevious twitch)
KANE: your not scared are you (laugh)\
HIM: come on i want to see it and im not scared
MR. SP: im not scared
CHIM: good then we will see the movie
KANE: yay
Kane: so im at school right now but when i get home ill catch up on my ZZZZZ's and be back to normal. hope you had a better weekend then i did.
much love
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