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Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Chapter 1 Day 4
KANE: eh its the weekend and i am stuck with the baby(for my parenting class) it is supost to be life like so it crys every so often and you got to give it a bottle and change its diper. Its all electronic and it kept me up all night. (yawn)
CHICKY: yeah it kept me up too that thing crys loudly
KANE: well try having to get it back to sleep then falling asleep myself.
HOPE: dosent CHIM have the baby too
KANE: yeah she has the other one and she is not weathering so well
HOPE: really
KANE: she just cant handle all the crying and getting no sleep and not knowing what to do. and i have to admit its kinda scary not knowing what to do and thinking my grade is on the line.
HOPE: guess they should of put somthing less important on the line.
MRS.PROPER: well then it wouldnt be as important to do it right now would i didnt hear the baby cry once last night (stretchs)
CHICKY:thats cuz your room is on the other side of the house and you sleep with the TV on so loud you cant hear anything anyway.
KANE: well i have the baby the rest of the weekend so wish me luck and ill try to keep you all updated.
much love ~KANE~

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Chapter 1 day 3 A false alarm and a better day
KANE: So today started out pretty bad because it was my first day back to school since my "illness" had stricken me. So im pretty tired But since there is nothing wrong with me i have to start going back to school
CHICKY: so how was your day at school.
KANE: eh it got better (phone rings)
HIM: hey
KANE: hey, so how was your day
HIM: eh it was better after the false fire alarm went off
KANE: yeah well mine got better after that to only cuz the day was almost over.
HIM: Im sorrie i would kiss it and make it better but your still sick. (sad voice)
KANE: its ok so i guess ill talk to you later (hangs up)
KANE: Well today did get better once i got home and had some dinner Hope you all had a good day.

Look its Ryuichi isnt he adorible

Arnt they the cutest yaoi couple ever
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Monday, March 12, 2007
chapter 1 day 2 What once was might not be
KANE: Well turns out that all i have is a bad case of no body knows and they dont care enough to find out.
CHIM: so im guessing the doctors still have found nothing
KANE: thats right they say im faking
CHIM: well are you
KANE: hell No
CHIM: it was just a question no need to snap
KANE: yeah i guess its whatever so whats going on later
CHIM: well i dont know (door opens)
KANE: oh look here comes HIM and Mr. Sassy Pants maybe they will have some plans for us
CHIM: hey boyz
KANE: ello Mr. Sassy pants (death glare)
MR. SASSY PANTS: ello KANE (Innocent look)
HIM: what about me (puppy face)
KANE: (jumps into HIM's arms) hey baby
CHIM: laughs hows that for a hello
MR. SASSY PANTS: yeah but what about me.
CHIM: hello hansome
KANE: so what are you boyz doing later
HIM: Nothing
MR. SASSY PANTS: Im going to the arcade
KANE and CHIM: oh take us too
HIM: eh what about me
KANE: what like i would go anywere with out you. Its not like i want to be alone with those too (shivers)
~ At Arcade~
KANE: Im kicking your butt at DDR
MR.SASSY PANTS: No I just never played this song
CHIM: I play the winner
HIM: i wish i could play but i suck at this game
KANE: over all a good monday even though mondays suck. so all you had a wonderful monday
much love ~KANE~

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Saturday, March 10, 2007
Chapter 1 Today is Today but yesterday is Yesterday
KANE: The story is that ive been deathly ill for some time now and most people i know are pretty worried.(phone rings)...hello
CHIM: Are you any better
KANE: Ive recovered only slightly
CHIM: Does this mean you will be back at school next monday
KANE: I will try to be there
CHIM: What about your waterpolo practice.
KANE: I think if i dont go back soon i will lose my job as goalie.
CHIM: great that means more time for HIM and for me.
KANE: But i like playing water polo
CHIM: yeah what did you get for your birthday from your parents
KANE: some movies that im watcing now and jewlery nothing that great.
CHIM: So have you talked to HIM lately
KANE: yeah turns out he broke his leg
CHIM: thats too bad
KANE: yeah but he will be ok so how is Mr. Sassy pants
CHIM: oh he is really vary good
KANE: well thats good...I have to go now so much love
CHIM: yeah much love (hangs up phone)
KANE: So this is what is up lately hope this isnt too bla for the people reading this
MUCH love ~kane~
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