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i've died once
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oh i dont know somewhere around FOREVER!
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Dragon Ball Z, Inuyasha, Gundum Wing, Naruto, Trigun, Ghost in a Shell, Wolfs Rain, Witch Hunter Robin, Paranoia agent, s-CRY-ed, Samuria Champloo, and a lot more i just cant think of them. ^_^ @_@~_~
to die a peacefull death.
reading, drawing, signing, dancing, writing poetry.
i dont have talents....that i know of.
| ForgottenMiku
I'm not that interesting to talk to so don't waste your time on me.
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
ok well here is a couple of funny jokes i just heard:
There is this fly in the water.
The fish near by sees the fly and says once the fly comes down six inches, im gonna eat him.
There is this bear. the bear says once the fish eats the fly, im gonna eat the fish.
There is hunter. he says once the fish eats the fly and the bear eats the fish im gonna shoot the bear.
What the hunter donesnt know is that there is this mouse who said once the fish eats the fly and the bear eats the fish and the hunter shoots the bear, im gonna eat the hunters sandwich.
What the mouse didnt know was that behind him there was this cat who said once the fish eats the fly, the bear eats the fish, the hunter shoots the bear, the mouse eats the sandwich, im gonna eat the mouse.
So all the above happens. The fish eats the fly, the bear eats the fish, the hunter shoots the bear, the mouse eats the hunters sandwich, and the cat gets the mouse. Well, the cat falls into the water.What is the moral of the story?When the fly comes down six inches, the pussy gets wet!!
hahahahaha ok that one was good here is another:
This kid goes up to his mom and says 'what is that in between your legs?' and his mom says it is a train tunnel. Next the boy goes up to his dad and asks the same question. He replies' it's a train'. That night the boy sleeps in his parents bed and suddenly the dad wakes up and shouts 'son! What are you doing?' innocently, the kid replies 'Playin' trains'
now that is kinda wrong but yet still funny hahahahaha
and yet another one:
there was a mommy, a daddy and a son.
one day the mom and dad were fighting and the little boy heard *bitch* and *bastard*. he said "mommy what does that mean" and she answered "ladies and gentlemen".
then, when his parents were doing it, he heard *dick* and *tits* and then a while later he asked his mommy what they meant "coats and jackets" she said.
then on thanksgiving his mom was carving the turkey for the guests when they came and she sliced herself. she yelled *fuck*! the little boy said "what does that mean?''
''carving" she said.
he went to go see his dad who was shaving, when he cut himself he yelled *shit* again the little boy said ''whats that mean'' his father answered with "it means shaving son, shaving."so when the guests arrived he answered the door. with the guests there hestood in the doorway and said......"hello bitches and bastards. please hang ur dicks and tits on the rack. dad is in the bathroom shitting his face and mom is in the kitchen fucking the turkey!"
that one is my favorite by far...oh my god....ok well...i was just yeah i hope you enjoyed those family oriented jokes i just told you and im very bored right now. i took like a million quizes today and guess what? they all basicly said the same thing im a dark depressed emeotionsless shadow that doesnt like to share things with other people and tends to keep to myself...and THEY WERE ALL RIGHT so that was weird but not really...but seriously though....we played dodge ball in P.E. and it was fun my team won even though im not very athletic but what ever have a nice life everyone
forever..and always
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Thursday, March 24, 2005
Well I just stayed up all night and im really hyper and jumpy...Paranoid? Me? Why would i ever be paranoid? *itty bitty noise* OH MY GOD WHAT WAS THAT? see *nervous chuckle* im not...paranoid....*looks shifty eyed* Oh my god *runs for the hills* *runs back to computer desk* well seeing as we all know now that im NOT paranoid...*cough cough* i just want to say...IM HYPER AND I WATCHED THE SUN RISE THIS MORNING AND IT ROCKED MY SOCKES RIGHT OFF MY FEET:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D;) well im probably boring you all or getting a laugh out of some but...oh well im just jumpy and hyper....I HAVE AN OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISSORDER....but anyways i dont really i just say i do so you all will feel sympathetic for all are very lucky this is the one time im ever going to be this hyper....untill the next time i am...well im going now
forever...and always
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