myO Still <3's You
Comments (1) | Permalink Friday, July 20, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
admin eke has messed up ^-^ i haven't been on to update in about 3 days T~T i'm sorry guys, that's what happens when you have a job ^-^' uheh
ok ok... i have some pokemon sprites, in other words i can make pokemon trainer cards... custom X3 i can also add custom people to the card, so it's not just the same old guy/girl
if you would like me to make one, or you want the sprites so you can make one, just tell me in a massage entitled "pokemon sprites" X3 thank you!
besides that... well... we are looking for a few more admins.... at least i am.. i don't know if admin kaisa is or not ^-^' uheh
well not much new in pokemon news at the moment, that's why we are lookin for another admin, we need a news scout ^-^ someone who can look for news in the pokemon world X3 anything note able*spell?* you'll be given the titel "Pokemon Journalist" ^-^ if your interested just send a message with the titel "news" to us X3
ok.. that is all see you later trainers!!
*looking at aposter for "little James"*
Jessie: "Hmm.., ya know James, that kid looks like you."
James: "You think so? He looks pathetic."
Meowth: "That's what she means!"
~Admin Ekedo~
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Pokemon evaluation
Pokčmon Game: Pokemon Diamond Version Evaluation:
This new Pokčmon game, Diamond being one, pearl the other, starts very differently from the others. Instead of meeting the Professor (name: Rowan) in your hometown, you must venture to the neighboring town of Sandgem. Your first go with your friend (of whom you name, gender male, always) to the lake that is near by, looking for a rare Pokčmon, but instead find Rowan, and his apprentice. They dart off leaving the professors bag (containing the 3 starters: Turtwig, Piplup, and Chimchar), of which you must use one to protect yourself from wild pokemon (this pokemon will become your starter)
Part 2
Just like the other games however, there is an evil team looking for domination of some kind. In this case, it is Team Galactic, looking for cosmic domination. These space cadets (with blue hair, and space suits) build HQs all over the Sinnoh Region, abandoning them after you defeat them at it, just like Team Rocket. Be prepared for warp panels. The boss (Cyrus) is not one to be laughed at, even though he is a bit psychotic, his Pokčmon are super powered.
Part 3
This game has hundreds of new features including a new device called a Pokčtch (Pokčmon+watch). This has, however more attachments than just a watch. An example: an item finder, an HP checker, Happiness Meter, among other fun things. Not only are there new Key Items, but there are also a lot of more Attacks and hold items. A new favorite attack of mine is called Close Combat, which does 150 damage, is a fighting move, and lowers your defense. Some favorite hold items of mine are plates, which up the attack power of specific elements (one is called a fist plate, used for fighting moves). There also happen to be new evolution stones such as, a dawn stone, and a dusk stone, there are far more than that. More new things are new HMs, new Pokčmon, new god Pokčmon, new places, people, effects, and wireless and WiFi capabilities. Not only wireless, but you can connect your GBA game pack into the DS and “migrate” pokemon over to the new game
(Migrate: you may send Pokčmon over to Pearl or Diamond then recatch them in a place called the Pal Park [in other words it’s like indirect trading, they will always be there and they can’t get away from you] however!! They may NEVER, EVER go back to their original GBA game pack)
More to come soon
I’m lazy…. It takes me longer than a normal not lazy person to do stuff ^-^’ hahahah
~Admin Ekedo~
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hay trainers... coming tomorrow, a short evaluation on the pokemon game "Pokemon Diamond"
~Admin Ekedo~
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Sunday, July 15, 2007
Heya! ^^
Ooh seems like people do know the seizure-episode!
It was banned in Finland too, so I've never seen it. I think the Dratini episode was banned too...hey the same episodes were banned here as the ones they banned in the USA! ^^'
But "Tencacool and Tentacruel" and "Holiday Hi-Jynx" were shown...
Okay enough wondering about that.
Later trainers!
Brock: For me, summer means bikinis and girls to wear them!
~Admin Kaisa~
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Saturday, July 14, 2007
Hello trainers! ^^
I went through all the answers for yesterday's quiz.
The right answers are:
1. The 38th episode of Pokemon (Digital Soldier Porygon) is infamous for using visual effects that caused seizures in a number of Japanese viewers, an incident referred to as the "Pokémon Shock" by the Japanese press.
Most of you probably know about that, but with a different name.
2. Jessibell (most of you know this, but spelled the name differently)
3. Sabrina turned her opponents into dolls (and trapped them in her dollhouse), most of you know this too!
I think that quiz went pretty well actually. ^^
I was looking through wikipedia for Pokemon information and stumbled on an article about the criticism of Pokemon. I was more than shocked at how much bad stuff Americans see in Pokemon.
Surprise, surprise, Christians think Pokemon is Satanic in origins. -.-'
Excuse me? I don't think Pokemon encourages kids to worship Satan. Do you?
That's my post of the day, and as the rival in Pokemon Red/Blue would say, smell ya later!
Ash: I'm an apple for a day and I need a doctor right away...
~Admin Kaisa~
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Friday, July 13, 2007
Hello, this is Admin Kaisa!
I'm supposed to do the post of the day...
...and I have absolutelu no clue as to what I should write about. ^^'''
So I'll make a quiz! And as I haven't seen the latest episodes of the anime or anything like that, the questions will be from the first season!
1. What event has been referred to as "Pokemon Shock" by the Japanese press? (The name should tell it all.)
2. What was the name of the girl James was supposed to marry?
3. Sabrina was the leader of the Saffron City's gym. What did she do to the trainers she beat in a Pokemon battle?
I think that's enough for today. Later trainers!
Meowth: Did you see that?
Jessie: Do you think I'm blind?
James: That would explain the hair.
~Admin Kaisa~
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Thursday, July 12, 2007
time off for Admin Eke
well guys and gals
i am taking a short trip on saturday... so your resident Administrator, Admin Kaisa shall be taking over for awhile (i assume that is) ^-^' i hope you don't mind me telling them that X3
so... i ahev some things from the Otaku that i scouted out X3 heh
Hosted By
Hosted By
cool no? ^-^
and now the wallpaper for the day X3 yay!
Hosted By
ok ^-^ see you soon trainers!!
once said by Slowking from the pokemon movie "pokemon 2000"
Slowking: hhm...*sigh* i really wish i had some pants...
X3 hahah later!
~Admin Ekedo~
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007
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wonderful~ness ^-^
well as you guys can see my friend ,kaisap112, has made some wonderful modifications on the site ^-^ if you talk to her, please give her a big thank you ^-^ it looks great love! ^-^
As of Today, July 11, 2007 @ 9:30pm central standard time, we challenge you! we want you to write a paragraph *or more* on any subject on Pokemon, *this is for those of you who want to be active in the pokemon community, if you don't want to, you don't have to*
as for me, i will attempt to write a paper about Pokemon Diamond ^-^' although i haven't gotten far *the 3rd badge*, and still don't know anything about the WiFi capabilities...
so ^-^ for those of you who wish to so! we at ForgottenPokemon, challenge you! ^-^
ok ^-^ we'll do that from time to time... *we... i mean me, Admin Eke X3 uheh* i'll make a challenge ^-^' i'll try to maybe do one at a time, sometimes maybe an art challenge, and a poll challenge both at once ^-^' until tomorrow trainers!! i leave you with the words of Jessie and James
**Jessie: This couldn't have worked better if we'd planned it ourselves.
**James: If we'd planned it ourselves, it wouldn't have worked at all!
later ^-^
~Admin Ekedo~
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