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• 2062-06-04
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• 2007-07-02
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• Neil
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| Forgottenpokemon
Thursday, August 2, 2007
you know... i thinki will
thas actually good idea X3
alright! i shall post one of my art works... well see who can top it! if you can make one cuter, or cooler, or more beautiful (this sounds like a pokemon contest.. wait it it!!) then i shall award you a ribbon ^_^
**in other words draw a picture of your favorite pokemon in your style, with your own accesories, in their own pose...
there will be (as of now) 3 contests you may enter them in! the Beauty Contest, the one with the most beautiful picture(drwan the best, with the best accessories), The Cuteness Contest (the cutest pokemon, with the cutest pose, and accesories), and finally the Coolness Contest (the pokemon with the coolest pose, and accessories)
^_^ join if you wish, tell others about it ^__^ you will win the *announcers voice* THE BEAUTIFUL KANTO RIBBON!! X3
1st place will recieve the ribbon, a custon pic drawn by the otaku artist of your choice (i'll do my best to get a hold of them) and an auto Conspiritor(you are 3 in power, 1stBoss 2ndAdmin, and 3rdConspiritor)
2nd place will recieve a 2nd place ribbon and a custom pic by... me! sorry X3 u not 1st placer XD
3rd place will get a 3rd place ribbon
^-^ that is all trainers! now go! feed your pokemon those pokeblocks! and get 'em prepped for the contests
(there will be more than one... this is the Kanto Contest, the the Johto, then Hoenn, then Sinnoh)
^_^ later trainers!!!
~Admin Ekedo~
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