Heh, well for my latest on Pokémon news I need to find out who did it before... Cuz all I know where to get great news is from Nintendo, but after the Pokémon game for the Wii flopped horribly I don't there will be much to spur over.
So I guess for I can do a Poké pic of hte day till whoever was on the news team shows up.
And as for the button and banner, I have asked two of my capable friends to make them for me. So let's thank them for agreeing ^_^
Now onto the site... I have just started a forums account for us and will be adding a "Please come look at us fans of Pokémon" thing kinda... And also I am planning a contest. Those of you still here I hope you will participate in ^_^.
Heh, and I haven't many good ideas for the little skits, but now I have a weekend's thought to think of them ^_^