forlorn hope
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Saturday, October 2, 2004
Music Quest
Yup, I'm on a music quest. I've found many great songs already, but none of them really seem to fit. So from here on out, I'm just gonna keep switching from song to song until I find the right one....Hhmm, nothing much to say, I guess. If you really want to know the update on my life then read yesterday's post and comment on that.
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Friday, October 1, 2004
Guess what!
I got a part in the play! *so happy* I'm playing as the Phantom of the Operah. He's a guy, I know, but all the best parts were male.
Blah, my family and I have been pulling ticks off our dogs. We think that there's an infestation of them in the backyard from the animals of the last tenants. Anyway, it didn't really start to freak me out until I pulled one off the heel of my sock. Now that was a rather disturbing experience.
Alright, last but not least is that I am not grounded, merely "restricted". Meaning that I'm not allowed to get on the internet unless it's for homework or I've shown my mother first hand that I am finnished with it. Gawd it sucks. But I guess that just goes to show that what comes around, goes around. (Stupid karma...)
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Thursday, September 30, 2004
By the way...
How d'you all like the new background music? Yes, Queen rule don't they? lol, although I may change it to Chop Suey by System of a down. What do you guys think?
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Well folks, turns out I'm not grounded, technically. My mom didn't actually say, "Hey forlorn, you're grounded." All she did was tell me that if she ever saw another F again, there'd be no more drama, no more internet, and no more something else that I can't recall at the moment. Hhmmm....I think I'll start giving you guys a question of the day thing. You might have to think for this one:
Why do parents always want their children to get the grades that they themsleves didn't get?
Have fun.
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Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Meet my new semi-new friend!
lol, She's a new otaku here, and I'd really appreciate it if you'd all go and visit her site for me. Her screen name is Hitomi Kayima. Thanks a bunch!
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I might be grounded...
My team's progress reports came out today and my scores were as follows:
Langauge Arts- B
Social Studies- A
Algebra- B
Science- C
Blah...Just looking at the science grade sheet bug me...In a row the assignments are all like: A, A, A, A, B, A, F, A, D, F, A, A, A, A....Grr....My mom's gonna kill me...(maybe)..Anyways, so yea, I might get grounded for it. And if no news of me comes by tomorrow, then I'm grounded....Gah, this sucks.
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Tuesday, September 28, 2004
I'm a Dumbass....
Oh, you guys'll get a kick outta this.

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Gawd, I was this close *holds up thumb and index finger* to buying System of a Down's Toxicity CD. *holds up hand again* THIS CLOSE! *sigh* The cash register guy had even taken it out of the security case and everything. And then, when I took out my gift card, he took one look at it and said, " That's a Barnes'n'Noble card, this is Borders." I swear, bombs exploded in my head. I was so embarrassed! But luckilly, I'm getting better at being empathatic in public, so it didn't show that much...Anyway, then my friend gave me a burned copy of the new Green Day CD, so everything's okay now......But still, the fact that I wasn't able to buy Toxicity makes me want it even more! Grr......Blah, I should be grateful for the things I have, not getting mad over the things I don't....Jeeze, I feel like spoiled brat now....
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Sunday, September 26, 2004
Here's a neat quiz.
 You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~
What anime kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday School
Today (for me) was the official start of sunday school. Actually, it started last week, but I was at Cowboy Baby's birthday party so I missed it. Anyway, there are only four eighth graders, (including me) so they decided to put us in with the seventh graders. Which isn't really a bad thing though, seeing as how I have little to nothing in common with the rest of the people in my grade. Let's see, I like rock, they like rap and pop. I'm artsy and imaginative, they're not. I tend to dramatasize things (making them a whole lot funneir than they really are), and they kinda just sit there and chuckle.
And it really makes me mad to think that I'm actually gonna have to put an effort into making them particapate. Jeeze, they sit there and say that the classes are boring when in fact, it's not the class itself that's boring, it's the people in it. THEY make it boring, because they don't DO anything to help make it better. All they do is sit there, wishing they were somewhere else.
What Kanji word best suits you? brought to you by Quizilla
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