forlorn hope
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Sunday, December 12, 2004
My friend is running a fairly new site....
And he asked me to advertise for him, sooo....Here it is!
The image is not a link, by the way. I know it's kinda small at the moment, but there's only thirteen members, so please, cut 'im some slack okay? My member name is forlorn hope. (Never would've guessed that, huh? lol)

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Saturday, December 11, 2004
Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas. Well, Christmas day, at any rate...But everything leading up to Christmas is just hell. Gawd, I hate shopping!!! Gah, the only time I'll actually WANT to go to the mall is when I know what I'm buying, where it is, and how much it costs. But I just can't stand browsing!! AAHHH!! *sigh* And unfortunately I have to go shopping for everyone today....Well, happy trails...
Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors.
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Sunday, December 5, 2004
I don't feel like typing, so it's just a quiz for today.
By the way, tell me what you guys get.
 The Wanderer...
What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, December 3, 2004
But I have time for friends...
 You are magical. You are clever and very good at casting magic. You tend to spend most of your time reading, old books that have no meaning what so ever. You have no time for friends but you could use a bit of cheering up at times.
What are you like? (with anime boy pics!!) brought to you by Quizilla
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It's horrible...
The movie my partner and I are showing for our health project. See, I figured that it would be better if one of us actually watched it before playing it, and since my partner doesn't have a VCR, I was the lucky winner. Anyway, I'm not sure if we can actually show that thing in class. I mean, it was so boring I actually had a hard time keeping up.
kataryu-"What color is your hair?"
ChibiRikku56-"Would you ever talk to the guy you liked, even if the person that you knew liked you was watching?!"
Dark brown.
Yes, so the guy that likes me is watching. So what? His feelings for me should never keep me from making friends with someone that I have feelings for.
If you are an average American, in your whole life, you will spend an average of 6 months waiting at red lights.
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Thursday, December 2, 2004
Gaah... My eating habits are dumb.
For the past week I've been eating apple sauce for breakfast. Blah, I wanna bagel, but we're all out...I could eat cereal, but I just hafta be in the mood for something like that... .... ...Well, this is pretty random. Hhm...Nothing to talk about about...I know! Ask me a question and I'll answer it in the next post! (Gawd, I'm a copy cat...)
Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds. Dogs only have about 10.
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Another quiz...
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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Quiz Time!
This one doesn't suit me at all, but oh well, this IS the outcome...
 Fire- You are passionate, and tend to flirt a bit much. You have a love for clothes, and members opposite sex.
What Element Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Heh...So I did the one for boys, too. So shoot me!
 You are Fire.
Extremely passionate about everything, and tend to get a bit temperamental, like a fire dragon. Your girlfriend is, or will be, exactly like you, or will be of the water element, being calm during your random outbursts. You ARE a bit of a hot head though, but you're very protective about your friends.
Element Test: For the Boys brought to you by Quizilla
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Glass Bead Earrings
On Sunday my Uncle A***** made me these pretty glass bead earrings! They're black with goldish banding and little red and creamish colored spects. ^,^ I think they look like ornaments. lol, I'm wearing them now.
Hhmm....I think earrings are practically the only peice of jewlery I'll wear. Because I can't wear anything dangelly around my neck, so necklesses are out, chokers are okay, but I can't wear bracelettes because I wear a watch, and only my left wrist can have something on it. lol, for some reason, I can't stand having anything on my right wrist....
....Well, that was enlightening...Hey, check this out. It's hillarious!
A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes.
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Monday, November 29, 2004
Today in Langauge arts we got our quaterly writing prompts back. Gah, I 'm so mad! I almost had a perfect score! Grr, okay, our prompts are graded by more than one teacher and the lower of the two scores is the one that gets entered into the computer. So, anyway, on the fist grading I got a five in each of the catagories! But then I looked at the second grading and saw that in voice and conventions, my score had been dropped to a four!!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!! *seeth seeth* *sigh* Well, at least it's still a good score over all...
Happy Thanksgiving! Sorry, that's kinda late. lol, Well, turns out that my missing uncle remained missing. In other words, he was a no show. I figured out which one he was though! lol, Ironically, he was the one who came to my mother's wedding dressed for a funeral. Nice, huh? It also turns out that he wasn't up for making the trip down here because apparently he'd been out drinking with some friends. Heh, my parents think he spent Thanksgiving with his girlfriend or something....
Blah, my fingers are going numb from typing....We just had a cold front. Ice on the windsheild and all....
In the last 4,000 years, no new animals have been domesticated.
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