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myOtaku.com: forlornspirit

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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bluefireartist66 (08/25/05)

great site even if u are new (boy im gonna regret those words) any who intresting choice of colors and a very Nobal goal i like your strife. any way keep in touch and Welcome to the Otaku

Goofyface (08/24/05)

You seem cool. Feel free to add me to your friends list. I like guests! but if not, well thats cool too. Like your colors. Peace out!

Oceania16 (08/24/05)

hey! i can see that ur new! if you need any help with anything feel free to pm me. im gonna add u asa friend. come check out my site and sign my gb! ok bye!


darksea (08/24/05)

hey welcome to theO nice site i like the bg dragons that r dark r very AWSM!!!!! well cristal told me that i should come by here and make you feel at home sooooooo WELCOME TO THE O!!! even i already said that but still^___^ come by my site some time see ya!

-~chaotic one~-
neo darksea

Maiden of life (08/22/05)

Yay 1st to sign!!! I agree society is falling, but we chose this and now we can't turn back. We are just little pawns on this earth. One is all, and all is one. Cool site btw.

~2Lt.Alchemist of Life
U can close ur eyes to reality but not to memories

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