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Monday, November 29, 2004
Now, living seems more painful than dying.. His Haunting SmileWEll i havent really been on for about i dunno..A WEEK! lol stupid EQAO test outcomes and all, but anyways im back and yeah- thats that. Um.. not really much to say- I've just been stressed..Plus this guy (Charlez) Wont leave me ALONE...And theres also a guy named Michael Robitaille- who wont hesitate TO Leave me alone....sadly to say--anyways--heres my illdreamt dream... Im walking down a long road-- seemingly tireless--WAlking on and on and i cant seem to stop. Then the sun sets and everything turns dark, but as i walked down the endless road--i see a glowing figure...Michael Robitaille--he doesnt really mean anything to me, but i still feel close to him somewhat--then he stares at me and smiles...a weird smirk actually- nothing alot like a smile. But i didnt care- he seems to lure pull me towards him..I follow him just as i trudged the confusing road..just as im confused now..We reach the end of a cliff. He grabs me and we hug- then kiss...Everything seemed odd, but then he stopped, i backed away. His facial features were cold- i asked what was the matter..he just evily smirked again and pushed me down the cliff. I fell and fell- it seems forever- as i decended i could catch a glimpse of a smile form across his face.. I tried to scream but the air was knocked out of me..then i just rememebered his cruel face--until i hit something hard.. As of then i woke up on the floor of my bedroom..Seems to be the scariest thing thats happened during the past few weeks..Its soo weird. and the day after my dream- Michael wouldnt talk or look me in the eye. I asked him why..and he said i dont know...
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Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Now, living seems more painful than dying.. A Gathering Of GargoylesYou guys probably dont know what the hell im talking about..Buts its a book ive been looking for- for the past almost 4 years now--gahhhh and ive FINALLY FOUND IT! Its the sequal to DARK ANGEL..But anyways your probably wanting me to shut up about a dam book..anyways although it mean alot to me..i'll chat away bout something else..alright..How about a little diary entry i wrote while i was feeling down.. ITS SEEMS THE ONLY TIME I EVER WRITE SOMWTHING WITH A LOT OF MEANING IS EITHER WHEN IM FEELING DOWN OR FEELING SOOO HAPPY! Date: Sunday--something "Am i just living a fantasy? --Why do i even ask? What a dumb ass question..Of course i am and everytime i dream of that fantasy it kills a little part of me=- bit by bit until i will truly be NOTHINGNES... but isnt that what i long for? NOVE love...JUST NOTHINGNESS?????
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Thursday, November 18, 2004
Now, living seems more painful than dying..
AlotHey everi one! Wassup? lol jks omg so MUCH has passed by for the past couple of days. 1st-- i ran away from home lolz you dont all need to know that details to that bc/ its passed and the other day frickin myotaku WASNT WORKING! i swear to god i was about to cry--almot did lol jks, but i was so mad/sad, then it started working for me today! yepe! Anyways today is a weird ass day for all my days, but yeah---so happy to be back- i did like the whole flash back thingy when i saw that myotaku wasnt working...Seeing all the ppl i met and never talking to them again! *sob* But its back and im happy lolz Ciaz! Natsuko luvz u guys
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Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Now, living seems more painful than dying..
Sympathy for the DevilHmm well..I've always wondered if at times i ever needed 'depression pills' do they actually work? Well, when i read this manual my friend has--who is most constantly depressed,,it said that people who are constantly depressed should take it seriously and ask doe a prescription to these drugs or counciling..Come to think of it--Alot of people on myotaku NEED it! I'm know HOW many members i've run into that are depressed all the time..including myself, but right now im content..Maybe some poeple should consider taking them if you know what i mean..If they realy work.

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Friday, November 12, 2004
Now, living seems more painful than dying.. New AnimeThis is a new anime ive just heard of now and i REALLY like it!.


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Thursday, November 11, 2004
Now, living seems more painful than dying.. Good mood FinallyWEll you see, im not in much of a bad mood today- not TOTALLY happy dappy, but just content. I also kind of promised my love that i would be in a good mood. Um yeah so Whats there to talk about..Hey im SORRY if you guys are sick of questions and you've probably seen these b4, but i'd REALLY like to know some of the answers. Questions of the Day: 1. Whats your favourite anime? 2.What anime character would you consider marrying or dating? 3.Have you ever internet dated b4? P.S. HAPPY REMEMBERANCE DAY!
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Tuesday, November 9, 2004
Now, living seems more painful than dying.. 3 Questions 1. Have you ever considered killing youself? 2. Did you ever give up on love? Random Q: 3. What do you think about George.W.Bush as president again?
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Monday, November 8, 2004
Now, living seems more painful than dying.. I love these!

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Tuesday, November 2, 2004
Now, living seems more painful than dying.. Spaced OUT! Well hmmm.... As you can see my title is spaced out- lol listen this is what i daydreamed in class w/my friend madeline--confused? yep probably...
I'm walking in the hall ways of my school and go into my math class room. As i take a step into the room- I see the tiled floor and desks into view..The second my foot touches the floor it slips beneath my feet and gravity forces me down into a pit. A dark, Large- underground pit. Cold. Murky and wet. hear voices and then a light comes to me and i see faces. Michael Jackson, Enimen, Madonna and theyre all wild and crazy- then i see my math teacher in a cage and then....."NATASHA WAKE UP!!! ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION"
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Monday, November 1, 2004
Now, living seems more painful than dying.. I'm BACK! God im sorry about the past week or so- about me leaving and all..well guess what??? DUH im back! yepe- I decided to come back becasue i DO have spare time AFTERALL- I decided that msn messenger and all those other sites i go on arent as important as myotaku- with all the wonderful ppl here. God dam ppl--lol i just finished reading though those comments you posted. WEll you cant get mad at me for changing my mind though okay? Anything can happen, but for no im back and staying until anything else pops up okayz! lol im SOOO SOOO happy! Feelz lyke i havent been here in a long time! :P �-(�`v��)-���t��|{� ���-(�`v��)-�
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