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In a place where I know I'll always feel loved, NY.
Member Since
Human shield. {It's a living...}
Real Name
Rini, the fox sister.
...I've done my fair share.
Anime Fan Since
I was three. Thank God for Salior Moon, heh.
Favorite Anime
Azumanga Daioh, Digimon, Furuba, Naruto.
Get back on theO.
I'm good at what I do.
| fox ressurected
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Monday, April 25, 2005
my ankle!!
hehe... i have two pairs of pants that bother people, because the bottom of one leg is ripped on both of them. i was wearing one pair of these pants today. serenity has a habit of stepping on them, and after drama club, she wanted to rip them off in that manner. i ran away, came back, 'cause i thought she wasn't going to, ran away, 'cause i realized she WAS... and somehow we ended up in a heap in the middle of the hallway, right in front of poor, traumatized lloyd's locker. ambi-chan suggested that serenity and i pay for his therapy ^^ it was funny, i guess... would've been funnier if my ankle wasn't being crushed by serenity...i did drag her some distance before i was allowed freedom. thank you, ambi!!
the little people club is officially up and running... please, feel free to join! (hehe... shameless self-promotion ^_~) the webbie, which is still in the making, can be located here!
i'd like to welcome rabies girl to the little people club, as well as zelda862 to the ddr fan club. YAY ^^ *throws confetti*
peace+love+laterz. i'll get to as many sites as i can!
--rini |
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Saturday, April 23, 2005
wow... i only stayed up until 2:30 last night... that's kind of lame for my standards when i'm at a friend's house... i was with nicole and jenna. i'm currently going through an obsession where i MUST draw things with paint. i'm surprised, because before this week, i've never looked at a picture and tried to draw it on the comp. i usually draw with a pencil and paper.
i'm procrastinating just like serenity... only difference is, i'm delaying the inevitable comp apps cartoon. i was soooo thrilled when i learned that we were using flash! i guess i'm just a procrastinator at heart, whether i want to do it or not lol
i've been having some avatar confusion. while at nicole's house, it kept showing up as my previous ed one (...what? short? i'm not short!), even though i've changed it a while ago. now, on my comp at home, it's fine. what's up with that?
i drew matt from season 02 of digimon... cause i was triple-dog-dared by the t@ng3rt!n3... i think i could have done better... i'll just hand-draw you one, and give it to you at school, kk?

(hehe... messed up on the face...)
i suppose that's all for now. ja ne ^_^
 You are a total cute whore! If a 5 year old owns it you probably do to! tee hee isn't that too adorable!
What kind of Anime Whore are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, April 22, 2005
*starts twitching and spazzing* NOT matt!! DEFINITELY not matt!!!
*note: t@ng3rt!n3, if i were to draw season 2 matt on paint, it would've looked a WHOLE lot sexier than that, i guarantee it!! lol*
speaking of you, t@ng3rt!n3, i put up that wallpaper of cloud and tifa(?) on my computer. (it looks really nice, check it out here.)
while talking about the t@ng3rt!n3 i mind as well advertise her and arsh's club:

hehe i'm a new member!! oh yeah, speaking of clubs i've joined, i have to promote a few more that i've forgotten to promote the day i joined. here we go:
the final fantasy fan club, founded by glitch 4.0

the momiji fan club, founded by ambi-chan, co-founded by serenity

the peach girl fan club, started by xanth

children of the zodiac, founded by takara sohma

okey-dokey, now that that's outta the way... i don't reckon i should post about what i've done the past few days, 'cause i've been with at least one other otaku who has already posted the same event. don't wanna bore you, so... whatever...
peace+love+laterz *glomps everyone*
~rini |
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Sunday, April 17, 2005
vacation!! w00T w00T *throws confetti*
yep... spring break at last!! hehe my parents thought that i had off NEXT week, so they almost refused to let me sleep over nicole's house. jenna was there, too... we helped her pick out a dress for the dinner dance. now she knows my pain from when tsuki and nicole made me get try on a bunch of dresses! mwah ha ha!!!
on friday, i only stayed at drama for a short time, cause a bunch of people were going to new roc to see "the amityville horror" (however you spell it!) nicole's mom gave us permission to go (it was rated 'r') and told us to get tickets for something playing at the same time, then sneak into our movie. i didn't feel like watching it; scary movies don't tend to scare me. i'm more of a comedy kind of person. the part that was kind of ironic was that the movie we bought tickets for was a movie that i actually WANTED to see (fever pitch! i LOVE jimmy fallon <3 ) but i couldn't see it. waaah!! the movie scared the pants off of just about everyone (not me, though.) there goes ten wasted dollars.
*hugs everyone* i hope to see you guys around... ja ne ^^
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
it turns out that a bunch of high schoolers play ddr in a free room during their lunch periods. when i found out, i was shaking my fist at them, muttering, "lucky *inserts a few choice words here*" tsuki discovered it, too. we both made up our minds to play it, but we had to wait after other people got their turn. by the time we started, the bell for the next class to begin had already rung!! it was worth it, though... the best part? neither one of us got in trouble for being tardy to our next classes!! wahoo!!!!!!!!!!!! *crashes into wall* hehe |
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Monday, April 11, 2005
heh i slept over nicole's house on saturday night... jenna was there, too ^^ we hung out at chester park for a while, and jenna and i tagged along as nicole went with her mom to get her nails done. jenna and i kept playing m*a*s*h on a park bench, and it was funny... she was always in a movie theatre. me? i was always with colin! heh, i wasn't really planning on spending the night, but it was kinda late and my parents said i could. they went to sleep sometime before 11:00. i stayed up until 4:00 a.m. playing the sims 2. then we woke up around 8:00... i ended up with four hours of sleep, but since it's my own fault, i can't really complain.
i came home to clean my room, since if it was messy, reggie wouldn't be allowed over. we walked around town to the library, because i thought i might be able to read to kids. it turns out there was some sort of special program there, so i couldn't. we still had fun walking around, though.
~today in drama~
me: colin, would it bother you if i proposed marriage to you?
colin: yes.
lloyd: how come he gets a choice in the matter?
me: *without thinking* because i respect him.
lloyd: does that mean you don't respect me?
me: no... i didn't say THAT... i respect you, too... i just don't respect you.
lloyd: i don't get it.
me: good. you're not supposed to. if you did, i'd be worried.
(before that, we had an *clears throat* rather awkward conversation concerning his gender. i'm not gonna delve into that one...)
i ended up propsing to colin, anyway. he said 'no'... *sobs*
oh, yeah... i officially sleep-divorced hayes. we are no longer together. (not that we ever were!) in art, i did something that looked pretty cool for our paper dyeing project. mrs. schwarz said that to cut it up for the collage would be a crime. my reply?
"some of the things serenity said about me and the muffin man are a crime."
(she agreed wholeheartedly!! ^^ lol)
i was hungry, so after i read my lines i went to get some candy from mrs. arm. she was on the phone, and i didn't want to bother her, so i ended up talking to mr. stein. by the time i went back to the auditorium, drama club was over.
oh, yeah; atsuko-san was REALLY hyper/odder than usual in drama. he kept blurting out random things and making me laugh ^^
being rushed off the comp, so if there was something i wanted to say, odds are, i'm going to forget by the next time i post. oh, well... ja ne ^_^
*note* i thought that this was an interesting quiz! i'm not exactly a whore, but hey: it's a living!!
 You are a total cute whore! If a 5 year old owns it you probably do to! tee hee isn't that too adorable!
What kind of Anime Whore are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, April 8, 2005
bad day...
...but i refuse to bore y'all with any complaining i might be tempted to do.
i must say, though, i have this little next-door neighbor who absolutely adores me. her name is amelia; we've been playing together for the past few days, ever since she and her sister rang my doorbell to see if they could get their baseball from my yard. amelia is sooooo kawaii... i love her! she's eight years old. i feel some sort of... i dunno... a connection, maybe? more with her than her older sister, maddie, who's a lot closer in age, and has been my friend before three days ago.
today we were play-fighting. we each had a staff (hers was one of those long, swimming-pool noodles. mine was a baseball bat!) and we had powers of different elements. she had the basic air, earth, wind, and water, while i stuck with the combination of darkness and light. we kept attacking each other, making up new powers as we went along. playing with her makes me feel genuinely happy. amelia has that sort of affect on me. hanging out with her made me feel a whole lot better.
i didn't get home from school until at least 5:00... while waiting for my parents to pick me up, i encountered a seventh grader (danielle) who had just finished playing lacrosse. from a few minutes of talking with her, we discovered we had a lot in common. for instance, we both live within the same few blocks. neither one of us had a cell phone. we were both upset; her mom couldn't find her and pick her up, and i didn't have any means of contacting them (part of the reason i got home so late!). both of our parents were paranoid about us walking home by ourselves. we were both going to ask our parents if we could walk home together a few days a week. so, despite all the drama for the past couple of days (i was actually upset yesterday, and the day before, too) at least i made a new friend.
speaking of drama, since i'm only in one part of the play, i can honestly leave after i say my lines. same with atsuko-san. however, we both ended up staying anyway.
in english, we're writing holocaust allegories. our teacher, who is short, i might add, (hey, i am, too!) joked about an allegory where short people are prejudiced against. kevin, who sits right behind me (and is also short) said that it really wasn't funny. then we got into a whole conversation about civil rights for the short, the life of a human armrest, and how we should start demanding payment from the tall.
my history teacher went all psycho on us. i am SOOOOOO glad i finished my homework during lunch; if i didn't, i swear he would've bitten my head off!!
oh, yeah... new club members! well, "new", because even though they've been members, i never honored them. here they are:
saiyuki chick, kittycatmeow, and swift have joined the ddr club!! yay!!! *throws confetti*
also, here is a banner for l*i*a*h, a division of l*i*h*t (but for guys!):
i know it's very chibi. i'm still working on the banners, though!
have so much to share, but like i previously mentioned, wouldn't want to bore you... ja ne ^^
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Wednesday, April 6, 2005
bleh... dentist... *makes face*
i had to go today to the dentist... you know, my dentist truly reminds me of mr. rogers... whatever. we both have sarcastic conversations together regarding dentistry. it's actually entertaining.
after school today was anime club. i kinda didn't attend that much of it. serenity and i went on an errand to take pictures of the front of the school building for an art teacher, mrs. schwarz. it's for a mural our grade's going to do. ambi-chan later joined us. i almost got hit by a car backing out while trying to take a picture...
{also while i was trying to take a picture}
mr. ehrmann: *approaches and hides face behind papers in an attempt to get out of the picture*
serenity: don't flatter yourself
me: yeah, why would i waste my time photographing you?
[note: it was only funny b/c i managed to pronounce photographing wrong]
mr. ehrmann: *mocking my enunciation* "photographing"?
me: yes; i'm in english honors for a reason!
at lunch, i went up to this sixth grader who i had proposed to yesterday (his name is nick, not to be confused with all those other nicks) with ambi. then his friend was being a MAJOR retard/bastard... ambi called him something... (he deserved it!) and THEN... *dramatic pause* HE THREW A PEBBLE AT US!!! *calls him a few choice words* i REALLY wanted to strangle him and chuck him over the fence. (i thank god for self-control.)
on monday... oh, man... there was SOOO much established!
i blame our chorus. now, see, if more guys/altos who don't sing could actually, well... SING... then serenity and i wouldn't end up being guys.
...wait. let me compose myself...
i KNOW it had to do with lloyd. poor soul; he was there the whole time during "drama club" (only 3 cast members were there: me, serenity, and him!) in the info center when it was established that he was a woman.
{...hold on... to refresh some of your memories, i had previously proposed to lloyd.}
he was a woman because he ended up bearing one of hayes's children, hayes being my "soulmate".
eventually I ended up being a guy, and serenity, as well...
making lloyd a guy, and all of the other guys i had proposed to in the past "girls".
because i had proposed to lloyd (a guy!) and hayes (a girl!) we established that i was bisexual.
me: i didn't know i was bisexual!
LATER we established we were guys on STEROIDS...
(serenity came to this conclusion. we were taking them in our sleep!)
me: i don't think i... *looks at waist area* "qualify" as a guy...
serenity: we could be taking steroids! that would explain everything!!
the next thing established? serenity and i were going to be transvestites. i was going to force hayes to become male again, thus making HIM a transvestite.
while walking home, it was decided that the whole thing was an illusion, and that we were, indeed, women this whole entire ordeal.
also while walking home, serenity and i proposed to ambi-chan (BEFORE we realized we were female this whole time). it was kinda funny. then hayes became topic of conversation (again!)
ambi: so what? now you're cheating on me?
me: no...
ambi: i'm throwing all your stuff out!
me: i didn't get a chance to move in yet! i mean, we're only engaged...
(we left lloyd as a woman. for some reason things made more sense that way.)
evidently, i am harboring hayes's child. i had NO idea i was pregnant! {note: i moonlight under another alias, which is why, after i proposed to hayes, he said "no".
me: hayes... hayes!
hayes: *turns slightly*
me: will you marry me?!?!
hayes: *without hesitation* no.
he doesn't know it's me!! lol}
also ALSO while walking home, serenity and i witnessed trees with faces. it was creepy...
i waited at serenity's house for my dad to pick me up there. her dog, jackson (formerly my brother, now established as hayes's brother) greeted me happily.
me: the last thing i need is to cheat on my husband for his brother
we did a little cartomancy (divination using a deck of playing cards) to figure out who the father of her baby was. it was-- *obnoxiously loud plane flies overhead* how crazy is that? when we were talking about paying child support, i was like, "don't worry; you can call nanny 911" which didn't make ANY sense... it was funny at the time... also her chair kept sucking me in.
me: i think, therefore i am!
{it was established in the info center that this was the new "your mom" lol}
on tuesday, i had a conversation with arsh on msn that was REALLY funny but ended up... NOT fun.
i'm getting kicked off the comp, so... until next time! ja ne ^^
--rini |
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Friday, April 1, 2005
les miserables
stayed after school on wednesday for the open dress rehersal of the high school play, les mis. it was REALLY good!! i'm officially obsessed, which is why i've changed my layout and everything (i love the song "little people"... i can relate lol ^^)
.:during the intermission:.
serenity: soooo hungry!!
me: didn't you have lunch?
serenity: don't you eat something when you get home from school?
me: no...
serenity: maybe THAT'S why you're so short!!
me: ohh.... now i have to find a corner to hide in.... *seeks out corner and sits*
serenity: *notices her shoes are untied*
*somehow or other, i end up tying them... "while i'm down there"...*
*ms. lam is getting way too much amuzement outta this and is calling me "cozette"*
{note: i can laugh at myself, which is why i found it humourous and decided to post it. please don't think serenity is mean, 'cause she said those things good-naturedly! i LOVE serenity!!}
something i found not-so-humourous: the fact that serenity believes that hayes and i are "destined" to be with each other. so what if he's the reincarnation of a fox demon. so what if we felt him staring at us in the cafeteria. so what if, when we saw him in a classroom, i start spazzing out, serenity laughing (i personally felt that it was as much at my pain as the actual seeing-of-the-hayes). so what if hayes was to walk out of that classroom that very moment, leaving me in a hysterical state where i had no idea where we were going. and so on, and so forth...
i can't believe that george's "dream analysis" came to the conclusion that i was pregnant. as if! lol and i'd NEVER bear sam's or hayes's children... yeah... i don't wanna mix up those funny-hair-smelling genes (sam's) or, according to serenity, hayes's "funny-looking" ones. to tell you the truth, i think hayes is pretty. not handsome, not sexy, not attractive, just... pretty. like a real-life bishie lol ^^ but that doesn't mean i was destined to be with him. zelda said he was "too tall" for me lol... btw go sign her gb if you haven't already please!
convinced my parents to let me install msn messenger... boy am i glad... was talking to tsuki, arsh, zelda, and my british friend from i-sketch...
jenna was upset that i couldn't sleep over tonight. frankly, i'm sick, lazy, and tired. come on, how much fun would that be? besides, i didn't sound too good a while ago. ask arsh; i sounded like i was practically choking on the phone, so we switched to an internet conversation.
i fell asleep in history for the third time in the past couple of weeks. it's always a constant battle to keep my eyes open... i swear mr. tobin would basically KILL me... i don't think he noticed, though. it was only a fifteen-minute nap (as opposed to a forty-minute one a few classes ago!)
ehehehehe... an irritatingly long post... kudos to whoever's actually read it through... i'll leave you with a quiz ^^ ja ne!
 You are Innocent
You are innocent. You possess the child-like innocence that many of us have lost, but secretly yearn to have. You are care-free and fun to be with. Your happiness is very contagious, because you have an aura of happiness wherever you go. You always seem to cheer people up whenever they're down. People love being around you because you are easy to talk to. Keep that innocence in you!
Please Rate and Message!
What's The Girl Inside of You? .:BEAUTIFUL Anime Pics AND Music!:. (UPDATED!) brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, March 29, 2005
happy belated easter-tay
for those of you who celebrate, and if you don't, then you could've still enjoyed your sunday. right?
i'm sorry i'm not on much... scratch that. sorry i'm not POSTING much... i'm still actively signing guestbooks and replying to private messages... and a major apology to those of you who have uber-cool sites that take a while to load, cause it prevents me from being able to comment some of the time. *hugs* don't think i don't care/read your posts!!
in my absence of posting, here are some random things that were established:
1. i can no longer eat/talk about grapes around ambi-chan w/o lmao
2. jenna's hair smells EXACTLY like sam's... *shudders*
3. james does not wish to marry me. i went down on one knee and proposed.
4. sam is a camel
5. i have a duck who happens to have a hairstyle resembling ryo's (season three of digimon)
6. there are other camels in the desert
7. dean does not wish to marry me. i suppose proposing on the lunch line of a school cafeteria wasn't the most romantic of places lol
8. sam does not wish to marry me, either. he gave me a hug and said it wasn't meant to be...
9. i am a freak, cause i propose marriage to seventh graders that i don't really like...
10. drama club is now a chore, as opposed to a fun time
11. i love sora from kingdom hearts and am VERY possessive of him
12. i should upate more. definitely.
~this is an outline of my four-day weekend:~
thurs- jenna slept over... yeah. played i-sketch (there are some really nasty people out there!), digimon rumble arena, kingdom hearts, and other stuff... probably...
fri- went to the dentist. i fell asleep in the chair at some point, most likely cause i didn't get too much sleep hanging out with jenna. when i woke up, i coughed all over my dentist, he had to take all his little let's-poke-the-poor-helpless-girl's-gums-till-they-bleed utensils and start again, this time with me awake. straight after that my family slept overnight at our friend's house in l.i. came back on
sat- when i dyed easter eggs and went on an egg hunt at mandy's house with a bunch of peeps... majorly fun... she ended up coming over afterwards, cause she didn't want to go to church, and she technically didn't have to until the next day, so we hung out/ did cartomancy. the things a deck of playing cards'll tell you ^^
sun- easter. my family doesn't care too much about holidays and special occassions. i guess we just go out to dinner and treat it like an average day (except for the whole out-to-dinner part). that night, ambi-chan came and "slept" over. we didn't stay up all night/morning cause i was sick, and she was kinda, so we didn't want to get worse.
mon- hung out with ambi, jenna, and nicole. went to new roc at some point. met a creepy-vampire-wannabe-majorly-good-at-ddr dude, who has hugged me before... *shudders* i don't like him... not at all... don't know if he recognizes me, though...
and now there's today, which i can hardly remember. *shakes fist* DAMN YOU ONCE AGAIN SHORT-TERM MEMORY!!!
new club members for l*i*h*t:
cool silver
ddr fan club:
kawaii presea, heavenly mage
*note* i've decided that l*i*h*t was very, well... female. it's not too fair for those male otakus out there who just think link's cool!! so here is l*i*a*h:
link is an awesome hyrulian. newest member:
~note~ many of the friends buttons are down for now. will fix that eventually; please bear with me.
that's all for now... ja mate ne ^^ *glomps everyone* |
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