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Sunday, March 20, 2005
too early... #-_-
gyahhhh this guy that i REALLY don't like called me and woke me up at 7:30 in the morning yesterday... that was a great start to my day... especially if you consider the fact that i had been hoping to sleep until around eleven.
ended up shopping for a dress to go to the dinner dance with tsuki and nicole. they had more fun seeing me in a dress than i did. i hate dresses, i get lost in dresses, and i see no reason why i can't go to the darn thing in jeans and a nice t-shirt. now THAT'S my idea of "formal" lol.
i'm trying to perfect two extremely pointless arts: tediousity (pernounced "tee-dee-os-i-tee") and the art of being redundant. as far as tediousity goes, i channel it into kingdom hearts. for example, i refuse to leave destiny islands (i started a new file yet again) until i have beaten riku in the race 99 times. i did about 66 in a row. i also train against tidus very tediously. i mean, i time the attacks just right so that i won't hit him, he won't hit me, and i'll get the experience points. i've gotten over 120 exp from one round against him in this manner.
as for being redundant? that's simple. all i have to do is say things like, "come on, you have to listen to her. she's ALWAYS right. unless, of course, she's wrong".
i'm sooooo sorry that i'm not commenting as much as i used to *bows head* i'll try harder... promise...
Your Element Is Air |

You dislike conflict, and you've been able to rise above the angst of the world.
And when things don't go your way, you know they'll blow over quickly.
Easygoing, you tend to find joy from the simple things in life.
You roll with the punches, and as a result, your life is light and cheerful.
You find it easy to adapt to most situations, and you're an open person.
With you, what you see is what you get... and people love that!
 You're a cute kitty! Cute and sweet. People love you and never want to leave your side. They just want to protect you forever! Even though you enjoy the attention it tends to get on your nerves. You try to get as much space you can by changing your clothes or w/e. You love to play games and can be hyper at times. You are very caring over your friends and hate seeing them depressed. You also hate it when they fight. But other than that you are a very sweet caring kitty that no one can resist!
What kind of Kitty are you? Anime pics girlies only brought to you by Quizilla
 Your label is the Nice girl/guy. You tend to care for others over yourself. However, many people appreciate your caring side and would rather stick by you than hurt you. But, there is a downside. Some tend to abuse your kindness and take advantage of you. You always try to see the good in everyone and try not to hate. Also, you have sharp insight and a great personality. Calm, serene, and understanding, you make a worthy friend and a valuble ally to people in need. Don't change your sweet nature, your constant being-there can save a life. I suggest your go into a field that centers around working with others such as a doctor, baby-sitter, psychologist, lifeguard, or Teacher. If none of these occupations interest you, it is okay then. I am sure that there are plenty of oppertunities out there for you.
What type of teenager are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Comments (23) |
Thursday, March 17, 2005
happy st. patrick's day ^^
top 'o the morning to ya! lol
sorry for not posting... just don't really feel like it too often...
yesterday was anime club, and mary came! it was nice seeing her. stef called me a retard (with good reason, too!) when this kid that was kind of... 'mlehao'... (i don't really know what to call him lol) was kind of kicking a random chain (don't ask!) and, well, yeah...
stef: i'll clap my hands if i see him coming
*five minutes later*
stef: *starts clapping hands*
me: (thinking) why are you clapping your hands? *starts talking about 'mlehao kid'*
lol it was funny but you might've had to have been there...
drama auditions are over with. phew! *wipes brow* yeah they told us we'd get results monday, and today is... *pauses to think* FRIDAY! no, wait, thursday... (darn it all, it sure FEELS like a friday...) anyways i asked mr. dacquino and he was like 'we MIGHT post it tomorrow i'm not sure but there's no practice'... bah! *sticks tongue out at him*
i feel horrible... i've neglected to mention new club members!! all right, drumroll please!! *drums start... er, drumming... in the background* lol:
liht welcomes xxnightfirexx, iamdizzy, and i jiba i
and the ddr fan club welcomes estansse elessar, forsakenlove, freesha , i jiba i, renachan101, yureika, iamdizzy, and kawaii presea
if your name is mentioned here and you do not have a banner, please pm me. my comp has been having some difficulties not only commenting, but sending private messages, as well. gomen!
You Are 0 Years Old |
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.
am i really THAT childish? lol
You Belong in 1969 |
If you scored...
1950 - 1959: You're fun loving, romantic, and more than a little innocent. See you at the drive in!
1960 - 1969: You are a free spirit with a huge heart. Love, peace, and happiness rule - oh, and drugs too.
1970 - 1979: Bold and brash, you take life by the horns. Whether you're partying or protesting, you give it your all!
1980 - 1989: Wild, over the top, and just a little bit cheesy. You're colorful at night - and successful during the day.
1990 - 1999: With you anything goes! You're grunge one day, ghetto fabulous the next. It's all good!
i'm surprised i wasn't "ghetto-fabulous" lol jk but booger sure would be!! ^^
Comments (13) |
Tuesday, March 8, 2005
stupidity: day 2
first of all, i'd like to apologize for not getting on to most of your sites lately... GOMEN!!
well, i'm living day 2 of my successful streak of idiocy. yesterday, the most idiotic thing (out of, like, nine really stupid things) was getting my leg stuck inside a chair for an entire five minutes. it took four people working together to get it out!
today, at least two stupid things happened to me. when i went over to kiss my dad on the back of the head (now you must take into consideration that he's not a moving target) and somehow managed to bash my face in his skull. my face hurt for a really long time...
another thing: when i was taking my dinner out of the microwave, my arms randomly twitched, leaving my dinner on the floor. and you know what? i was getting a little sick of stupid/clumsy happenings, so i ate it in protest of the bad luck unjustly given to me!!
after that, i did my homework so that i could go on here! the mood says "hyper" cause i drank orange juice!! damn it when the sugar kicks in... GYAHHH!! i had orange juice last night, too, resulting in my lack of sleep.
it's been snowing a lot, and i don't want to go to school tomorrow. i think it'll be open, but they owe us at LEAST a two-hour delay!!
...that's all she wrote. SAYONARA ^^
Comments (23) |
Monday, February 28, 2005
school wasn't bad...
hehe it's usually harder to get adjusted and in the swing of things after coming back from a vacation, but for some reason, today was alright. i'm doing a project in history about song and dance in the 1920's (we got to choose the topic). i only picked it 'cause of the charleston!! i mean, come on, that dance rocks MAJOR socks!! *starts doing the charleston with serenity* lol
another member of the ddr fan club... thankies for joining otacon13!! *throws confetti while serenity tries to eat it*
that's all for now valete ^^
(note: valete = goodbye to more than one person in latin)
You Are a Golden Retriever Puppy |

Tolerant, fun-loving, and patient.
You are eager to please - and attached to your frisbee.
see i really am jackson's half-sister!! lol |
Comments (23) |
Sunday, February 27, 2005
i was gonna read to little kids again at the library... that's always fun... but instead i ended up helping nicole with her history homework...
i'd like to welcome mizuyasha to l-i-h-t!! yeah he's a hot tamale and y'all know it!! lol thanks for joining *hugs*
school tomorrow... after a whole week off (thank you, mr. washington and mr. lincoln!) it hurts even worse to go back... *sigh* this is going to involve intense physical/mental pain regarding my brain when i get back, i know it!! can't wait to see some friends, though.

and i'd like to thank sai-sama thiiiis much *holds arms out as far as they can go* for the totally awesome award!! *glomps her*
i guess today is a relatively short post... ja ne ^^
 The Goddess of Magic and Peace. You are a born star. Always supportive and influential, you the centre of attention and you are exceptionally friendly. You are a classic beauty.
Which gorgeous goddess are you? For girls! (breath taking pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
Comments (18) |
Saturday, February 26, 2005
wheeee ^^
today reggie came over. we hung out, walked around the neighborhood... hope i don't turn her into a ddr junkie! lol
thankies inu311 for the wonderful banner; it's things like this that help keep my self-esteem alive! lol

i got a haircut and i guess i like it, not that i've ever really cared about hair before. or that i ever will. but it's short and i don't have to put much effort into it ^^
i'm a proud new member of the yuki fan club! yay elvesatemyramen, for founding it!! ^^ here is a banner:

oh, and tsuki, i FINALLY found the lyrics to that song!! lol now we'll know all the words when we sing while walking home lol:
Artist: Matt Nathanson Lyrics
Song: Laid Lyrics
This bed is on fire with passion and love
The neighbors complain about the noises above
But she only comes when she's on top
My therapist said not to see you no more
She said you're like a disease without any cure
She said I'm so obsessed that I'll become a bore, oh no
Ah you think you're so pretty (eeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeeee)
Caught your hand inside the till
Slammed your fingers in the door
Bought the kitchen knives and skewers
Dressed me up in women's clothes
Messed around with gender roles
Dye my eyes and call me pretty
Moved out of the house so you moved next door
I locked you out you cut a hole in the wall
I found you sleeping next to me I thought I was alone
You're driving me crazy when are you coming home
that's all for now, so ja ne ^^
 Goddess of Wind. You are shy and creative. You are only comfortable when or where there is a breeze.
What element are you goddess of? **for girls** **with pictures** brought to you by Quizilla
Comments (14) |
Friday, February 25, 2005
lots to say, not much time to say it...
well... went over xanth's house with serenity like i mentioned... started it off by having a long (yet interesting) conversation about whack-job art and music teachers. watched some good ol' family guy, as well as dogma. it was snowing and was all like YAY!! did some happy yuki dances too. square-danced as well as can-canned in the snow. i was wearing short sleeves and was forced into xanth's straitjacket (well it mind as well have been), much against my will. i'm a slow eater (mandy and nicole were pissed at how long it took me to finish a slice of pizza and a soda), and was picked on for it. xanth and serenity both finished two plates of macaroni and cheese before i could finish ONE!! (and i was hungry, too!) it's not like they were going too fast, either. i also got a glass of water shoved down my throat (thank you, serenity) but i can honestly say that was one of the best days ever.
today i did some 'mother-daughter bonding' with guess who? *dramatic pause* my mom! we went shopping for clothes and shoes. not exactly a clothes kind of gal, but i like hanging out with my mom, i guess. ambi-chan and i have established that shoes will become 'ghetto-fabulous' once you've worn 'em for a while. as in, grungy and disgusting, holes in it, dragging leaves that had been trapped in the laces for GOD KNOWS how long. mine were in sixth grade ^^ then my mom made me throw them out. oh yeah what was my point? shoe-shopping! my shoes were on their way to 'ghetto-fabulous-ness' lol. now i have a new project ^^
had to say no to seeing some friends today, 'cause i had made these plans for a while with my mom and i didn't want to break 'em.
welcome three new members to the ddr fan club: steptoussai, supergal16, and silverleaf!! YAY!! *throws confetti while trying to keep serenity from eating it*
and elvesatemyramen has made an uber-cool banner in addition to the first three for the 'link is a hot tamale' fan club:

this was made by steptoussai:

and i COMPLETELY forgot to mention... i became a member of the otaku guardians!! thankies blue hawk for letting me join ^^

tomorrow i'm going to get a haircut, then cool silver's gonna come over and hang. bye for now!
Comments (13) |
Thursday, February 24, 2005
i'd like to publicly apologize to my friend meggido, who has been my friend since my first account, and i forgot to add to my friends list. sorry!
i was able to get on earlier (like at 4:00 in the morning) but i was just sending/ replying private messages, checking out friends' sites, and signing gbs. couldn't post before; too busy. went to new roc and played ddr till i fell down (literally!) lol actually it's cause i have problems dancing with my shoes on. i take them off, and start slipping and sliding on the platform while dancing lol ^^ yeah i had orange juice for breakfast that day and was HYPED!! (ask mandy or nicole.) i let a kid go on for my turn, more out of exhaustion than out of the kindness of my heart. but he insisted on paying for my round later on (talk about karma!), and was gonna do it again, but i didn't let him. i'd hate to take advantage of a kind stranger!
deadsy is liht's newest member. hehe like the new layout? (if only shiek were male... *sigh*) lol
lots of people recently joined the ddr fan club, ishi-maru being one of them. will mention the rest of you, i promise.
i'm on like three and a half/ four hours of sleep and i'm WIRED!! (without the help of oj this time lol) soon i'm going to go to xanth's house to hang. serenity will be there too. have to get ready, so ja ne ^^
today's quiz result:
 The Bright Side
Your angel seeks for the bright side. Your angel is part of you. Thus, you are the kind of person who values the positive side in things than most things in this world. You are aware that there are many depressed people, because they always think negative. You avoid doing that, so you always think positive. And you try to cheer people up by looking at the bright side of things. In love, you seek for someone who can cheer you up. If you ARE down, you want someone who can help you back up and keep you smiling. Go you!
Please Rate and Message!
What's Your Angel Seeking For? .:BEAUTIFUL Anime Pics AND Music!:. brought to you by Quizilla
Comments (16) |
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
sorry for the misunderstanding!!
hehe... i wasn't shaking my fist at my own school board... i was shaking it at the ones that don't give my otaku buddies a full week off!! i actually have a week myself. gomen! speaking of misunderstandings i feel like an idiot cause i actually thought ishi-chan was gonna leave the otaku!! lol like that's gonna happen we'll never let you leave ishi!!! *violently glomps you* lol hehe i'm in the laughing mood (evidently)
yesterday i went to see hitch with tsuki and nicole. i love comedies (my whole life is a joke lol see it won't stop!!) and romantic comedies are still cool by me. hehe that was fun. afterwards we played the sims and that game kinda weirds me out after my husband went bisexual on me RIGHT AFTER WE WERE MARRIED!! GOD, THE AUDACITY!! lol and wanted to cheat on me with his former male roommate!! so that's why i just play with people who AREN'T me anymore...
i have to call nicole later anyway... i'm pretty sure nicole, tsuki, and i are going to the mall...
yeah and another thing:

yeah and to y'all who complained about me not advertising: putting a big-ass button linking back to your site is advertisement, kk? i'm not mad or anything it's just if you really want gb entries you have to try REALLY hard (that is unless your site is just plain old awesome then you don't have to try so hard lol) but i would go and sign about 30 gbs a day at one point. the t@ng3rt!n3 worked at it too. plus i had to start over with a new account. that was a major blow to the head, getting 176 then plummeting down to 0. like i said; i'm NOT mad. please don't feel like i'm lecturing or anything. (even though this sounds a tad bit lecture-ish hehe funny word ^^)
oh, and... i'm thinking of starting yet another club: THE UBER-SEXY SQUARESOFT CREW!! lol
the first few banners are in my intro... i only have paint to work with so combined with my skill my banners always suck lol and this club is for guys as well as girls (i'm just not gonna start putting up banners about how i'm gonna brake for uber-sexy yuna anytime soon lol) wait, i know i had a point... *shakes fist at blasted short-term memory* oh yeah! *pats short-term memory on the head and feeds it some crumpets* feel free to make your own banners for it cause like i said mine suck ^^
l-i-h-t welcomes a new member: elvesatemyramen!! (who also happened to make an uber-tamale-ish banner for it) hehe 'uber-tamale-ish'...
and the ddr fan club welcomes cool silver!! thankies for joining ^^
well that's all, i guess... ja ne! |
Comments (26) |
Monday, February 21, 2005
not much to say
i dunno... i'm mad at those who don't give kids a week off of school this time of year!!!
*shakes fist at them*
hehe i just realized... it's monday!! day one of vacation. i think i'm gonna hang out with tsuki and nicole later. i find more enjoyment out of checking up on you guys than actually posting myself... so i'll resume doing so as soon as i post this... oh yeah and please sign the tang3rtin3's gb if you have not already done so!!! she's THIS close *holds pointer finger and thumb really really close to each other* to 100 signatures. hope y'all have a happy vacation ^^ |
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