fox ressurected
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Sunday, February 20, 2005
home sweet home
yeah, just got back home from washington, d.c.... came back a day early cause it's supposed to snow or something... had fun. we went to the smithsonian museum of air and space, and that was really cool. we saw:
the capitol building

washington monument

the treasury
caught glimpses of the white house
but the street was closed off. i guess the most action going on was when my dad almost hit a pedestrian (by accident, of course!) parking is really hard, and we didn't get to do everything that we planned. will go on later cause i really wanna see this episode of the simpsons. i haven't missed an new episode before, and i'm not gonna start now! oh, and please vote for inuyasha311's contest. (not neccessarily for me, but if you have the right to vote, don't abuse it!) bye for now ^^ |
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Friday, February 18, 2005
ehehe... i actually did get that history project done! had to miss lunch, though, writing the conclusion... my partner was supposed to do that, but it's ok.
my parents told me last night that we were going to go to washington, d.c. over break. talk about spontaneous! i probably won't get on for a few days, and if i do, it will be to comment on all of your sites. so don't go thinking i'm dead or anything!!
yeah... i found a piece of valentine's candy in my gym locker today... it had been in there for about a week... and so when i took it out, it was a little squishy. i put it in my pocket, stuck my hand in it about fifty minutes later, and...
i kept spazzing out in the computer lab. serenity found this quite amusing, actually.
it's my mom's birthday, today. birthday traditions in my family involve me going to the dentist. they made me go to the dentist on my birthday, before, too... waahhh... we're going out to eat later.
about the dentist: i had been complaining last time that i had an overbite, and I told HIM i needed braces. this time around, he agreed. i actually WANT braces, to tell you the truth. my verdict? my opinions regarding my teeth and braces are just as accurate than his, and i'm not the one who went to x amount of years in dentistry school.
like i said, i'm going to be off the otaku for a while. will post when i get back! lots of love for y'all ^^
*glomps everybody*
so... that's it for now... ja ne!! |
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Thursday, February 17, 2005
i want to... zzZZzz
i want sleep... all this week i've been waking up in the middle of the night, and since it's hard for me to go back to sleep, i've ended up with very little rest indeed. (or lack thereof ^^)
have a really stupid and pointless history project to work on... *glares at history teacher* see what you've done to me!! *shakes fist* you've forced me to rant and rave on the otaku!! you've killed my love for histo- (did i have any love for the subject to begin with?)
ehehe... vacation's coming up... i wish to just curl up in the fetal position and snooze for the whole time... but i can't sleep until i finish this project that i've procrastinated. *mutters a profanity or two under breath* well... i've gotta start working, so... ja ne.
~~i took this quiz several times, each feeling something completely different:
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
yeah every time we play jeopardy in science it's always pretty funny...
this time it was cause of steven. his group (him, jesse, bubba) weren't sure of the answer (it was wind). you can pass and NOT lose points (our sadistic science teacher made it so that if your group got in negative points, your grade would go down!) but steven, being steven, randomly blurts out, "gravity!!" the class was in hysterics. then, their next question's answer actually WAS gravity lol!!! of course they got THAT one wrong, too, and were in the negatives for most of the game.
after school was the english 9 honors exam. i'm not sure if i made it or not... it was about war and how it's bad... yeah.
jenna might stay over three nights during vacation so that she doesn't have to go away with her family and be bored/lonely. hehe it's never boring when the rabies girl is around...
yesterday we had debate club. our group lost by four points, but did pretty well considering the amount of research done between us!! like i mentioned before, it was about stem cell research. our group had to debate AGAINST it.
i'm gonna keep changing my site around... any suggestions for a theme? oh, well...
ja ne ^^ |
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Sunday, February 13, 2005
happy day before valentine's day!!
(or day before single's awareness day, according to aurus lol)
on thursday, i had a half-day, had chinese food (tofu, broccoli, and rice! YUM ^_^), and hung out with tsuki and nicole. i actually got homework done, too (for once).
friday i was at school from about 7:20 in the morning to about 9:20 at night. this is because we had an academic trathlon meet, which is when schools have friendly competitions with each other. while we were waiting for them to show up, we ventured onto the roof of our school (thank you, serenity and stef!) and that was pretty cool, although the construction workers on top or the roof were something to watch out for. serenity got a roof-rock out of it, and i got a grey, fuzzless tennis ball that serenity would throw, i would fetch, and other people would take from me. the mind sprints (activities that we do) are always fun. we started out with a written face-off (a bunch of random questions your group has to answer), and i was like, "you guys beat our school last time, so we're out for blood!!" and then we started joking around that we were from a nearby school, and that we were trying to sabotage the school we're from. (our group was serenity, ambi-chan, atsuko-san, t.j., and me. i almost got put on another team!) next sprint, we had to fill in the blanks: "if ___ had never been invented, how would we ___ today?" next we had to come up with words that rhymed with the #s 1-9, tossing a yam up in the air, and catching it with a pie pan. after that we had to "sculpt" out of paper, make no repeats, and come up with abnormal uses for objects that other teammates made. our instructor noticed that our group came up with a lot of... "violent" uses.... lol. our last mind sprint was the oral faceoff, where you hit buzzers and answer questions (kinda like jeopardy). i thought it was kind of funny that we got a question wrong, and i was like, "oh! the answer was malaysia!!" and the other school actually guessed that. the last thing was a p.a.r.t.y. in a box (don't ask me what that stands for). it's where your team gets forty minutes to come up with a skit (no more than five minutes!), costumes, and a backdrop. there's a certain objective to it, too. ours was to explain why wearing too many hats can be a bad thing. the moral? don't be something you're not. it was great! serenity was a girl who was trying to fit in, ambi was the sage of image, t.j. got to be the sage of partying, suko-san the sage of boyfriends, and i was the sage of drunkeness and drugs. go figure lol. our group came in second place out of six. some of the girls from the other school were nice, so we exchanged e-mail. straight after that was a school dance, so we just went down to that. a garbage bag with holes for the head and arms was part of my outfit. we were "dressed to kill!!" lol and i ended up wearing that garbage bag to the dance. i'm not the kind of person who gets embarrased easily, or cares what others think, for that matter. at the friday nite lives (that's what they call dances) you can go to the cafeteria and play games/get food if you don't want to dance. booger offered me and ambi a drink, and we were joking about it being spiked. it might as well have been, cause as soon as i drank the soda i had MUCH too much energy. we faced each other in knok-hockey and we kept slapping the crap outta the puck. it flew straight up in the air and we were laughing hysterically. poor ambi-chan could've gotten hit in the head with the puck (we kind of pictured that happening). it was established that booger was my bitch, which i kind of regret (see kids, this is why you don't accept drinks from a guy). will post again some other time. jenna the rabies girl is here, and i'm getting kicked off the comp. ja ne ^^ |
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Wednesday, February 9, 2005
some random blah
well the last time i posted was...
sunday? whoa, it's been a while...
monday there was chess club. i don't really remember what else happened (curse you, selective memory!!) oh yeah... in math i walked right by where my desk was supposed to be, saw nothing, and was confused. my good friends pointed out that my desk was right where it should've been!! but i was CONVINCED it wasn't there. (just like ambi-chan was convinced my nickel was a dime lol) and i can officially say i've walked into a classroom with kids taking a test half-screaming 'she's the devil incarnate!!' (in my defense, i didn't know they were testing.)
tuesday was debate club. our topic is stem cell research. instead of picking sides like we normally do, we have to research both sides and when the time to debate comes, the side we're on will depend on the flip of a coin. while researching stem cells, a computer congratulated me on my pregnancy. i was crying out of one eye (that usually happens when i laugh hysterically) and was hyperventilating for quite a while. after school stef and i had a very, uh, 'interesting' conversation involving final fantasy characters. let's leave it at that...
today is wednesday, and that generally means anime club. only went to the last twenty minutes or so, cause there was drama club signups (we're doing a comedy this time, rather than a musical), an academic triathlon meet, and there was a learn and serve meeting, too, but i didn't go. no animal welfare club today, and i'm glad, or else i would've been REALLY overwhelemed. i helped my friend with his otaku (please visit him; his name is kaizuki!)
uh... um... i guess that's all for now. ja ne ^^ |
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Sunday, February 6, 2005
i sincerely apologize for not getting on so much... let's see, what's happened since last the post? well, um, on
saturday: jenna had slept over the night before. we woke up pretty early considering the time we fell asleep playing digimon rumble arena 2 and just talking. i forced her to play final fantasy x-2 for an hour. we had waffles for breakfast, and the morning went by watching episodes of inuyasha and digimon season 02. oh yeah; she played dark cloud for a while too. around 4:00 we hooked up with nicole and tsuki and painted boxes. i got home around 10:45, played final fantasy x-2, and read naruto volumes 4 and 5 while listening to saturday night live. when i woke up
today: i found that it was already noon, much later than i've normally slept in since the year began. i had to get ready to read to kids at the library at 2:00. when that was over, i managed to find time to finish my homework and read three books by k.a. applegate, my favorite author. now i'm here.
if you guys don't feel like commenting, i understand. i mean, i don't always get to comment on your sites nowadays... but i CAN blame my turd-of-a-computer for that. i usually just end up discouraged or pm-ing an otaku if i try and comment...
i guess that's all. no quizzes today. ja ne ^^ |
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Friday, February 4, 2005
hehehe... jenna is sleeping over my house tonight... i cleaned my room just so she could come... yeah her site is new and improved so go check out 'rabies girl' if you haven't done so, kk?
we had a MAJOR laugh attack... my sides still hurt, and it's not cause i'm being sat on... we laughed hysterically while trying to consume our chibi microwave pizzas and iced teas. she made me spit out my iced tea TWICE in the sink!! she pretty much choked on her pizza cheese too... the more we choked, the more we laughed... the more we laughed, the more we laughed some more... now we're back on the computer. if you have any free time, help xanth figure out how hiei's hat would look on his head. peace for now.
~*fox ressurected*~ (and jenna/rabies girl/girl who forces me to clean my room so she can invite herself over/ stalker/ girl who just now made up this song:
*music note* i stalk you
you stalk me
let's get together
and stalk barney
with a spyglass here
and a camera over there
wow this song is going to hell. hey, that's where my brain is!
*music note*
...didja like her little song? (it scared me, too...)
jenna's quiz results:
 you are the cute but psycho happy bunny. You adorable, but a little out there. It's alright, you might not have it all, but there are worse
which happy bunny are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 -Bad- You're the exact opposite of what any guy wants or needs, unless he happens to need a quick lay. You're cruel. You toy with people. You're probably a bitch, and i don't think i'd like you if i met you. Oh go screw a random male already.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
lol that didn't really sound like her but it was funny!
 Your Hidden Power Is Water
You have a rather calm soul, but when tempted will get pissed off at those who bug you. You do whatever you can in your powers to help those of your allies and have a okay taste for human kind, but you find them rather annoying on occasions.
Gem Stone: Saphire, Eye Color:Ice Blue,Hair Color:Dark Blue that's long that goes to your waist.
Quote:If you wait for me
Then I'll come for you. Although I've travelled far, I always hold a place for you
In my heart. If you think of me, If you miss me once in a while, Then I'll return to you. I'll return and fill that space in your heart
What Is Your True Hidden Power? .::Beautiful Anime Pics::. brought to you by Quizilla
my results:
 you are the cute but psycho happy bunny. You adorable, but a little out there. It's alright, you might not have it all, but there are worse
which happy bunny are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your Heart is Pink
What Color is Your Heart? brought to you by Quizilla
 -Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're the kind of chick that can hang out with your boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't care about presents or about going to fancy placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 Your Hidden Power Is Wind
You have a twisted soul. You change your directions and mind easily. Your beauty is you over powering feature. But many enemies are surprised by your beauty and your great power to control wind
Gem Stone: Amethist, Eye Color:Grey Blue,Hair Color:Grey that goes to your shoulder Blades
Quote:And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear.
And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.
What Is Your True Hidden Power? .::Beautiful Anime Pics::. brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, February 2, 2005
i dunno
after school i hung out with sam and nicole... we were at nicole's house... sam wanted to curl her hair with nicole's mom's curler... nicole said no, and i made a bargain:
'let sam curl her hair, and you can do whatever you want to mine. makeup too. you can give me a makeover...'
i kinda regret it, but a promise is a promise. i'm not exactly what one might consider 'girly'. jenna and i once spent at least a half hour trying to escape mandy and nicole trying to put makeup on us...
(the part that sucks is that for some reason or another, sam ended up straightening her hair instead, a simpler request that i wouldn't have had to bargain for, leaving me with an unwanted, unneccessary makeover. bleh. #-_-)
trying to make banners for darkkairi's club... sorry i'm taking so long... i made a few before but kinda deleted them...
not much else to say, i guess. ja ne ^^ |
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Tuesday, February 1, 2005
ehehe... ^^
yep i've turned into a rather lethargic gal... i'm still sleeping most of the time... but i DID manage to read a few k.a. applegates over the weekend! huzzay for actually being able to read for once ^_^ yeah not much to say or do, so i'm gonna just visit as many of you as i can before i get kicked off, k?
(i was gonna give you guys some quizilla quizzes, but the server was down... AGAIN... *sigh* so then i kept refreshing every single page and was like #-_- *shakes fist at computer screen* 'refresh, damn you, refresh!!' i'm just gonna give you some other quizzes instead ^^)
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