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In a place where I know I'll always feel loved, NY.
Member Since
Human shield. {It's a living...}
Real Name
Rini, the fox sister.
...I've done my fair share.
Anime Fan Since
I was three. Thank God for Salior Moon, heh.
Favorite Anime
Azumanga Daioh, Digimon, Furuba, Naruto.
Get back on theO.
I'm good at what I do.
| fox ressurected
Friday, April 1, 2005
les miserables
stayed after school on wednesday for the open dress rehersal of the high school play, les mis. it was REALLY good!! i'm officially obsessed, which is why i've changed my layout and everything (i love the song "little people"... i can relate lol ^^)
.:during the intermission:.
serenity: soooo hungry!!
me: didn't you have lunch?
serenity: don't you eat something when you get home from school?
me: no...
serenity: maybe THAT'S why you're so short!!
me: ohh.... now i have to find a corner to hide in.... *seeks out corner and sits*
serenity: *notices her shoes are untied*
*somehow or other, i end up tying them... "while i'm down there"...*
*ms. lam is getting way too much amuzement outta this and is calling me "cozette"*
{note: i can laugh at myself, which is why i found it humourous and decided to post it. please don't think serenity is mean, 'cause she said those things good-naturedly! i LOVE serenity!!}
something i found not-so-humourous: the fact that serenity believes that hayes and i are "destined" to be with each other. so what if he's the reincarnation of a fox demon. so what if we felt him staring at us in the cafeteria. so what if, when we saw him in a classroom, i start spazzing out, serenity laughing (i personally felt that it was as much at my pain as the actual seeing-of-the-hayes). so what if hayes was to walk out of that classroom that very moment, leaving me in a hysterical state where i had no idea where we were going. and so on, and so forth...
i can't believe that george's "dream analysis" came to the conclusion that i was pregnant. as if! lol and i'd NEVER bear sam's or hayes's children... yeah... i don't wanna mix up those funny-hair-smelling genes (sam's) or, according to serenity, hayes's "funny-looking" ones. to tell you the truth, i think hayes is pretty. not handsome, not sexy, not attractive, just... pretty. like a real-life bishie lol ^^ but that doesn't mean i was destined to be with him. zelda said he was "too tall" for me lol... btw go sign her gb if you haven't already please!
convinced my parents to let me install msn messenger... boy am i glad... was talking to tsuki, arsh, zelda, and my british friend from i-sketch...
jenna was upset that i couldn't sleep over tonight. frankly, i'm sick, lazy, and tired. come on, how much fun would that be? besides, i didn't sound too good a while ago. ask arsh; i sounded like i was practically choking on the phone, so we switched to an internet conversation.
i fell asleep in history for the third time in the past couple of weeks. it's always a constant battle to keep my eyes open... i swear mr. tobin would basically KILL me... i don't think he noticed, though. it was only a fifteen-minute nap (as opposed to a forty-minute one a few classes ago!)
ehehehehe... an irritatingly long post... kudos to whoever's actually read it through... i'll leave you with a quiz ^^ ja ne!
 You are Innocent
You are innocent. You possess the child-like innocence that many of us have lost, but secretly yearn to have. You are care-free and fun to be with. Your happiness is very contagious, because you have an aura of happiness wherever you go. You always seem to cheer people up whenever they're down. People love being around you because you are easy to talk to. Keep that innocence in you!
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