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In a place where I know I'll always feel loved, NY.
Member Since
Human shield. {It's a living...}
Real Name
Rini, the fox sister.
...I've done my fair share.
Anime Fan Since
I was three. Thank God for Salior Moon, heh.
Favorite Anime
Azumanga Daioh, Digimon, Furuba, Naruto.
Get back on theO.
I'm good at what I do.
| fox ressurected
Monday, April 11, 2005
heh i slept over nicole's house on saturday night... jenna was there, too ^^ we hung out at chester park for a while, and jenna and i tagged along as nicole went with her mom to get her nails done. jenna and i kept playing m*a*s*h on a park bench, and it was funny... she was always in a movie theatre. me? i was always with colin! heh, i wasn't really planning on spending the night, but it was kinda late and my parents said i could. they went to sleep sometime before 11:00. i stayed up until 4:00 a.m. playing the sims 2. then we woke up around 8:00... i ended up with four hours of sleep, but since it's my own fault, i can't really complain.
i came home to clean my room, since if it was messy, reggie wouldn't be allowed over. we walked around town to the library, because i thought i might be able to read to kids. it turns out there was some sort of special program there, so i couldn't. we still had fun walking around, though.
~today in drama~
me: colin, would it bother you if i proposed marriage to you?
colin: yes.
lloyd: how come he gets a choice in the matter?
me: *without thinking* because i respect him.
lloyd: does that mean you don't respect me?
me: no... i didn't say THAT... i respect you, too... i just don't respect you.
lloyd: i don't get it.
me: good. you're not supposed to. if you did, i'd be worried.
(before that, we had an *clears throat* rather awkward conversation concerning his gender. i'm not gonna delve into that one...)
i ended up propsing to colin, anyway. he said 'no'... *sobs*
oh, yeah... i officially sleep-divorced hayes. we are no longer together. (not that we ever were!) in art, i did something that looked pretty cool for our paper dyeing project. mrs. schwarz said that to cut it up for the collage would be a crime. my reply?
"some of the things serenity said about me and the muffin man are a crime."
(she agreed wholeheartedly!! ^^ lol)
i was hungry, so after i read my lines i went to get some candy from mrs. arm. she was on the phone, and i didn't want to bother her, so i ended up talking to mr. stein. by the time i went back to the auditorium, drama club was over.
oh, yeah; atsuko-san was REALLY hyper/odder than usual in drama. he kept blurting out random things and making me laugh ^^
being rushed off the comp, so if there was something i wanted to say, odds are, i'm going to forget by the next time i post. oh, well... ja ne ^_^
*note* i thought that this was an interesting quiz! i'm not exactly a whore, but hey: it's a living!!
 You are a total cute whore! If a 5 year old owns it you probably do to! tee hee isn't that too adorable!
What kind of Anime Whore are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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