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myOtaku.com: fox ressurected

Saturday, April 23, 2005

wow... i only stayed up until 2:30 last night... that's kind of lame for my standards when i'm at a friend's house... i was with nicole and jenna. i'm currently going through an obsession where i MUST draw things with paint. i'm surprised, because before this week, i've never looked at a picture and tried to draw it on the comp. i usually draw with a pencil and paper.

i'm procrastinating just like serenity... only difference is, i'm delaying the inevitable comp apps cartoon. i was soooo thrilled when i learned that we were using flash! i guess i'm just a procrastinator at heart, whether i want to do it or not lol

i've been having some avatar confusion. while at nicole's house, it kept showing up as my previous ed one (...what? short? i'm not short!), even though i've changed it a while ago. now, on my comp at home, it's fine. what's up with that?

i drew matt from season 02 of digimon... cause i was triple-dog-dared by the t@ng3rt!n3... i think i could have done better... i'll just hand-draw you one, and give it to you at school, kk?


(hehe... messed up on the face...)

i suppose that's all for now. ja ne ^_^

I'm a cute whore!
You are a total cute whore! If a 5 year old owns
it you probably do to! tee hee isn't that too

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