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In a place where I know I'll always feel loved, NY.
Member Since
Human shield. {It's a living...}
Real Name
Rini, the fox sister.
...I've done my fair share.
Anime Fan Since
I was three. Thank God for Salior Moon, heh.
Favorite Anime
Azumanga Daioh, Digimon, Furuba, Naruto.
Get back on theO.
I'm good at what I do.
| fox ressurected
Saturday, May 7, 2005
behold... a week of my life...
i finally finshed my "i'm sorry for almost calling you a man-whore" card for colin. it looked pretty nice in the end... i wanted to keep it ^^ but i gave it to him this morning. why did i almost call him a man-whore? it all goes back to monday afternoon... *starts looking all nostalgic* (skip this next dialogue if you already know!)
me: *starts spazzing out b/c my shirt (part of my costume in drama) had finally revealed itslef after many minutes of hiding*
colin: you should take a chill pill. a really big one.
atsuko-san: like a chill-laxative
.:moments later:.
colin: *dives into costume rack, not very "chillish" at all, mind you*
me: and you say I need a chill pill?
*colin kinda looks annoyed*
me: hey, at least i didn't call you a man-whore!!
jon: you're a man-whore!!
me: only on weekends
random person (not the one in my head, darke ^^): he just called you a chicken-whore!! ('cause i had been playing with a singing chicken earlier)
speaking of chicken-whore, those of you who know me personally have witnessed me randomly burst into song and dance, ne? well, i took a shower when i got home from drama, in the upstairs bathroom. (this bathroom's shower hates me with a passion, you can bet your boots on it! will go into that later.) i started making up a song with really crappy lyrics on the spot, but it's not as if i put any thought at all into it. i mean, i don't even sing on purpose 96% of the time. the chorus went something like this:
i'm not a chicken-whore
i'm not a chicken-whore
i'm not a chicken-whore
what would i do a chicken for?
utterly bizzare, even for my standards... but i DID sing it unintentionally. now here is some evidence supporting the fact that my upstairs shower hates me:
me: la-la-la *turns on shower* aaack!! too cold!!! *turns on cold water* eeek!!! way too hot!!! *turns on hot water* *knob for hot water falls off leaving me scalding* *tries to escape hot water* *literally slips and falls* *manages to get out alive, but shaking*
it did that on purpose! on purpose, i tell you!!
writing contest-thingy with t@ng3rt!n3. we didn't do so well.... meh. (i think the other schools cheated but SHH! don't tell anyone ~_^) but see, now we're out for blood! next year we'll get 'em! YEAH!!
drama club performed "fools" last night. came out really great. it's kind of depressing, though, when it's finally over. that was the last middle school performance. the high school plays are SO much harder to get into! plus the chibi sixth graders will no longer be with us for another few years... *sigh* i'll miss my husband(s)... celebrated afterward w/ serenity, nicole, and jenna. hung out by haggen daaz... "your mom" played a large role in the conversation.
"your mom's a man-whore!"
"your mom's getting technical on my @55!!"
and so on, and so forth.
slept over at nicole's house last night (along with jenna. big surprise.) went to sleep relatively early for a sleepover (a lot of my adrenaline had drained out due the play + previous excitement) but we still laughed hysterically over "chicken run". (it's kind of an inside joke... i'd explain if it could, but the truth is, i'm on the inside and i STILL don't really get it ^^)
my parents are getting a little more lenient when it comes to me getting on the comp... triple w00t!! hold on... wait for it... here we go...
w00T w00T w00T!!!!!!
(now there's the triple w00T i promised ^_^)
will resume visiting y'all. hope you guys like the new theme!
You Are In a Fantastic Mood |

You're confident, focused, and on top of your game.
People are attracted to your energy right now.
This is the time to go for it - you're likely to get what you want! |
(yeah, darke!! ^^ w00T w00T!!!)
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