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In a place where I know I'll always feel loved, NY.
Member Since
Human shield. {It's a living...}
Real Name
Rini, the fox sister.
...I've done my fair share.
Anime Fan Since
I was three. Thank God for Salior Moon, heh.
Favorite Anime
Azumanga Daioh, Digimon, Furuba, Naruto.
Get back on theO.
I'm good at what I do.
| fox ressurected
Wednesday, June 8, 2005
man... i started my day a little too early...
current mood: extremely happy
listening to: the killers--somebody told me
i was up at 1:30 this morning, working on an script for english class. our teacher randomly assigned us partners, and although i was with a guy i consider a friend, i was kinda pissed about the arrangement. first off, he's every bit as talented in the department of procrastination as i am. he's even more of a slacker than i am... meaning i ended up doing the whole thing myself. all he did was bring in a couple hats! plus, he got more sleep than me. *mutters* bastard... our script/performance ended up pretty well, though. but i had to wake up early to get to an earth science regents review at 6:50! man... i want sleep... i'm on less than 5 hours, and i enjoy sleep more than the average person.
we practiced for 8th grade graduation today. i was wearing pants that consumed my feet, and they made me trip and fall in front of the grade! me, being me, wasn't embarrassed at all. i just kinda laughed and joked with the t@ng3rt!n3 about how my pants were getting back at me for me plotting to throw them out lol.
when i was talking to my project partner about, well, the project, jon came up to me and hugged me.
jon: (to my partner) i love her.
me: *glances at jon, then continues talking*
jon: *pretends to lick my face* (it was reaallly odd; he was close enough for me to kinda taste his breath and everything!)
me: O.O
serenity: *starts laughing at me due to the fact that she finds the whole thing kinda amuzing*
partner: oookaaayy....
jon: *leaves*
me: *resumes talking to my partner* is never exactly boring when you're a married woman, i suppose... still don't know why i married him, though.
i admit it; i have a tendency to completely obsess over things. drawing a certain someone who doesn't really know me that well is one of them. i have been restrained by my good friends from asking his permission to draw him, for my own good, of course (they don't ALWAYS enjoy me making an 455 of myself) in the past. i have had dreams where the entire plot is me trying to get his permission to draw him, with ambi trying to help me on my quest. he never hears my request to draw him, although he does hear ambi. only problem is, he thinks she's a whack-job and walks away. today, my dream has come true... after days of strategically placing myself at lunch tables in order to get a good view of him, my dream has come true... HE HAS GIVEN ME PERMISSION TO DRAW HIM!!!!
me: uh... i don't wanna come across as weird, or a stalker, or anything, but would you mind if i drew you sometime?
him: (WITHOUT fear, questioning, or sarcasm) sure.
i was jumping up and down for joy!! i truly was ^^ i ran around in the hallways, yelling, "HE SAID YES! HE SAID YES!" and a bunch of people thought i had asked someone out, and that they had agreed. but that truly made my day ^_^
i probably have something to do. mind as well figure out what it is before it gets too late; i intend on catching up on my sleep! ja ne ^^ *glomps everyone*
***note: i'm now on aim! oh yeah!! my name is fox incarnate (someone had already chosen the name kitsuneincarnate; come on! that is sooooo MY name!!) hopefully i can chat with y'all who're on aol***
 Your element is Light. You seem happy and good hearted at everything. You like to see the brightside of things, rather than the darkside. You have a ton of friends and love going out and spending time with them. You also ae very kind and sweet.^_~.
What's your Element?(FOR GUYS!!!!!^ ^but girls can take it too, WITH ANIME PICTURES!!!!!) brought to you by Quizilla
 You love to love and don't care who knows. Sometimes you go over board but sometimes it's not always a good over board. You believe in the love at first sight deal but sometimes that's not always good.
How much do you love? GOOD PICS brought to you by Quizilla |
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