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Sunday, January 23, 2005
can you even see this?!?!?!
something majorly screwed up my site... i can't get it back... i've created a new name... oh, man... i...
anymore. i just don't.....
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Saturday, January 22, 2005
gotta do homework
okay so my dad forgot about my internet thing. my mom did not *sigh* this can only mean that i must do all my homework before i can get on again... geez they made it really hard this whole week to get on! well i couldn't visit EVERYBODY'S sites (considering it's pretty early in the morning and not everyone has posted yet) and i'm gonna have to scramble off the comp before i get yelled at. so i guess i'll cy'all...
 Your Anime Personality is Kind!!!!
What type of Anime Personality do you have? (for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
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Friday, January 21, 2005
oh... arigato!!
thank y'all for the kind words... *hugs everyone* i feel MUCH better... ^_^ just made an otaku site for jenna's cousin... swordheartkenshin... but she probably won't be on for a while. today i attempted to pick up serenity... keyword 'attempt'... so it didn't exactly work. gomen sere-chan!! oh, speaking of gomen... after school yesterday i went up to my friend ami and was like 'two wednesdays ago... were you walking home with that guy you like?' and she was like 'rini, i think i should really tell you about my... CANCER...' and she dragged me out to another wing of the school and told me that the guy was right behind us!!! i kept saying 'i'm sorry, i'm sorry,' but we were both laughing hysterically and she was like 'it's okay it was really funny' and i said 'yeah but it would've been funnier if it didn't happen to YOU...'
right this very moment i'm talking on the phone to jenna-rabies girl- and she's actually trying to convince me to allow her clean up MY room. i'm not gonna let her, obviously... although it's kinda funny, bringing her hopes up and watching them come crashing down... yeah i know it's kinda mean but if you were in my shoes, first off if your feet are bigger than 8 mens (yeah i wear mens shoes. big whoop.) you might feel a little restricted. wait a minute what was i saying? oh yeah you'd probably find it funny too!! i mean, come on, even SHE'S laughing half the time. i guess i'll let y'all know if anything else happens... in the meantime here's a quiz:
Which Kingdom Hearts Character are You Most Like? brought to you by Quizilla
i can't believe i've gotten kairi every time i've taken a kh quiz (except for the one on the otaku.)
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Thursday, January 20, 2005
not feeling well... gyahh....
yeah my back has been killing me lately and my stomach and head hurt now as well... *sigh* i'm doing this from comp apps. i'm glad my mom let me come in late so i could get a couple more hours of sleep. i took a two-hour nap last night, from around 7:30-9:30... then i had to do my math... *sigh* off to visit your sites then, i suppose... cya.
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
howdies!! i AM on after all ^_^
hey, thanks for the love and support, y'all... really appreciate it! *glomps everybody*
i suppose having parents who are annoyed at you who always forget that they're annoyed at you can be a beautiful thing....
i think the time is right for... *drumroll* ANOTHER TOP TEN!! this top ten is... *some more drums, er--drumming i suppose* CUTE THINGS I'D LOVE TO GLOMP!!
10) chocobos... can't forget those... no... that would be CRIMINAL...

9) shippo. a kitsune. so i have to!

8) tails from sonic--yet another obligation to glomp.

7) vulpix. it's ANOTHER fox. and it's kawaii ^_^

6) eevee... it's foxlike...

5) ryo-oh-ki from tenchi muyo (i know what you're thinking. 'finally! a change in species!!'

4) ken-ohki from tenchi muyo (with ryo-oh-ki too!)

3) aww... it's kilala...

2) mokona from magic knight rayearth!! i want one...

1) my most wanted thing to glomp is... calumon!! i LOVE him. i AM him. he's a chibi little thing that just likes to run around, happy and playing and eating cream puffs. well when i unintentionally started speaking in a voice kinda like his, i was dubbed calumon. meanwhile, jenna remains impmon. yeah... so here's a few pics:

this one is me and jenna:

*note* if you feel i've missed something that deserves to be in here, just pm me and i'll admit it next post...
okay, the highlights of yesterday:
1) had a wasabi-covered pea eating contest. once you start doing 20 at a time, it starts getting painful... the results:
first round: both contestants start out with one pea
second round: contestant who went last the time before must make record again
third round: other contestant must beat the first one, eating peas at an interval of 5
once we got up to 45 wasabi-covered peas at once we changed the increments to 1...
2) spreading good pocky joy to everyone!! the chocolate-flavored kind. go figure.
what happened today? oh! i know!! i came to a few conclusions:
1) i am a slacker
2) i am very good at slacking
3) if i were to be paid for slacking i would be set for life
yeah i know the fourth one has absolutely NOTHING to do with the other ones... but it's true if you're in the situation i'm in... and no, i'm not gonna delve any deeper...
in home and career skills we had kind of a mock auction to see what our values were. the max you could bid was $1000 (mock money, of course) and i outbid everyone in the class for "a chance to help the sick and needy"... $1000 spent on that... i'm really weird.
this is perfect for me, considering the fact that a) it is a pig, and i LOVE pigs (although not as much as kitsunes), and b) i'm astrology-obsessed. isn't it kawaii? ^_^

hope i didn't take up too much of your time...
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
in comp apps...
yeah i'm pm-img ryo-oki while trying to post... won't get on later today to visit your sites. sorry!! yeah my parents are a little annoyed at me... 'too much internet'... yeah, right ^_^ might not get on tomorrow either...
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Monday, January 17, 2005
i think i'm in love...
er... um... *blushes* well, you see... *blushes some more* i think i've found my true soulmate. the name? POCKY!!!!! WHEEEEEEEEE!!! *does happy hyper sugary pocky dance* ESPECIALLY THE COCONUT MILK FLAVOR!! (the other kinds still rock socks too, though.) yesterday i went with my parents to run some errands and junk, and i asked my mom if we could go to the asian supermarket. she said we could, and it was there that i found my yummy pocky goodness awaiting me. so... i have no choice but to bring some pocky into school tomorrow to help spread the pocky-loving culture!! GO POCKY!! (btw, serenity-- i get wasabi-covered peas from the asian supermarket. that means, TOMORROW! BRING YOUR WATER BOTTLES!! IT'S ON!!!!!!) didn't get to see 'phantom of the opera' due to some...
'complications'... but later that night went to nicole's and hung out with her and tsuki. we watched 'scary movie'... can someone say, 'scarring'?!?! but it was fun. well, here is a quiz result:
 goddess of snow loving and playful, though a bit distant
Which goddess or magic are YOU?(Anime pics)plz rate brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, January 16, 2005
What Kanji word best suits you? brought to you by Quizilla
sure... why not? cool quiz, though. i reccomend it to y'all. later today i'm pretty sure we're gonna see 'phantom of the opera' today although i could very well be mistaken... have to check and make sure... ehehe gonna try and study for mid-terms. how come we have them and we're not even in high school yet?!?! gyahh!! but NOW i'm going to go eat oatmeal. YUM ^_^ ~*rini*~
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Saturday, January 15, 2005
k... so now what?
hmm... what has happened since my last post? well i guess we took the second part of the elas on thursday *starts muttering profanities involving ny state* but the whole writing-of-the-essays was easier than the multiple choice/ listening section. i dunno. friday went by so fast. tsuki wasn't there cause she wasn't feeling well. this whole week everyone was like sick or half-dead. something's going around, i guess. at lunchtime ambi-chan was CONVINCED that my nickel was, indeed, a dime, even though i only had five cents to my name. it was really funny, but i guess you had to be one of us to think it was. i can picture us at some school reunion thirty years from now. 'it was a dime. i swear it was.' 'you're out of you're friggin mind,' and so on. after school played ddr for a while, then ate pizza bagels (wouldn't you know it, they taste pretty darn good w/o cheese! and i'm NOT being sarcastic!!) until like 6:15. i felt like a piece of crap when i got home cause of my parents. 'if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything,' and so i decided not to speak for a while. i wanted to tell them that i loved them. i would never do anything to make them upset on purpose. but i was hurt, and refused to speak. i went up to my mom and my dad and started signing to them, 'i love you'. they got annoyed because it wasn't like my vocal cords were damaged. plus before mom had said 'if you can't say anything nice' etc. they assumed i was signing something mean about them. plus, my dad could make out the 'you', so they assumed that since i was siging 'f**k you, f**k you,' cause i kept signing it over and over. i got annoyed and left the room. i had to resist the temptation to flip them off, saying 'understand THAT? DO YOU GET THIS LANGUAGE?!?!' but thank god for the world i have at least a little self-control. i came back and tried again. eventually it came to a point where i had to break down and talk. i made the sign for the letter i, choking on my tears. 'i', i sobbed. 'l'. 'o'. 'v'. 'e'. 'y'. 'o'. 'u'... i left the room again. my mom chased after me and hugged me. she went to kiss my head, and i went, 'WAIT! a dog kinda slobbered on my head earlier,' and she was like, 'oh, so THAT'S why your hair smells so bad,' and we both burst out laughing. even around 7:30-8:00 i went over nicole's house to hang out. jenna was there too. i ended up sleeping over cause, well, it just happened. i mean it wasn't planned or anything. we stayed up playing 'the sims 2' and watching t.v. woke up around 8:00 (well at least me and jenna) and woke nicole up with our talking. we saw 'fat albert' with tsuki, not a movie i'd generally go see. i guess i was the only one who didn't really like it. not my taste, let's put it. but i went anyway, and now i'm here. i'm trying to make a new avatar, but it's ticking me off. these are the results of a test that i had taken to see if i had any personality disorders. i am truly dissatisfied with my outcome. i mean, i was hoping (er, i mean, expecting) to get every single disorder dangerously high. however, my perfect world where i am a mentally insane whack-job has been shattered... wahhh...
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
err... computer's being a turd... AGAIN.....
it's not enough that it hinders me from commenting most of the time. no, that's not good enough! it must make it so that i cannot read the comments that you've posted!! gyahhh!!! *runs around frantically in circles* *screams* *pauses for breath* *screams again* ahh, much better... yeah the first part of the 8th-grade elas were today. they suck major butt. i guess that's the price you pay for living in new york ^_^ yeah now that i think about it some of my currently-in-ninth-grade friends had said last year to flee the country and i wish i'd taken heed... oh yeah that booger threw up in his science class. although he's messed up in the head i hope he feels better... anime club was alright although i can't say i did much besides help one of the art teachers bring boxes to her car. yeah i'd never have guessed anybody could be so enthusiastic about boxes until today... i'm gonna give y'all some more quizzes, ok? i'm in that quiz-giving mood...
now i'm gonna be all paranoid cause i sit across from steven in art... like i'm gonna kill him or something... wait, isn't there some guy named steve on blue's clues? maybe i'll kill HIM. xanth, remember that evil blue while we were ice skating? lol.
hehe comic relief ain't that bad but do you get paid is all i'm asking?
that quiz is all positive and stuff. good for self-esteem ^_^ and this next one is HILARIOUS (well i thought it was!)
hehe... yeah... i guess arsh and i have a fondness for sock puppets, no?
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