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Friday, December 17, 2004
mandy-chan's b-day!!
huzzay it's her b-day!! visit aquamarine1217 and sign her gb!! yay *does patented happy dance* right now i'm just hangin out with jenna and nicole. nicole is laughing hysterically, jenna is acting like an animal, and i... dunno. i really don't. i guess i'm high off badgers. there's this site called www.badgerbadgerbadger.com and it's really scary but it made me laugh my brains out the first time i saw it. the song kept getting stuck in my head and i can't stop singing it! we are im-ing nicole's friend and taking quizzes. joy!! ^_^ oh yeah we were playing 'the sims 2'. great game. yeah. will post tomorrow (it will be tsukikofuyu1218's b-day!) you know what parties mean? SUGAR!! weeeeeeeee!! *crashes into wall* geez i'm reminding myself of shuichi *lol* that's who i got as my gravitation boyfriend. ha, yuki-sama and cerra-chan... nevermind. finished my dbq finally and i think i did really well!! yippee-doo-dah!! ^_^ but steph-chan and i might get kicked outta math honors if we continue our lack-of-homework streak... but that's okay!! we'll just have to try harder!! hehe... i like laughing... *collapses on floor in giggling hysterics*
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Thursday, December 16, 2004
 Narcissistic. You feel bad when you're not the point of attention? Learn to stay in the background!
..:What's your psychological problem?:.. ( Anime Pictures ) brought to you by Quizilla
hahaha... me want attention... somebody please love me XD hah i'm not attention-obsessed but i thought this quiz was funny! okay so maybe my star sign makes me a wee bit of a attention-addict. and an egotist. nyah ha ha... nobody's perfect ^_^ *glomps everybody*
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huzzay, my friends, huzzay
okay i have no particular reason to be happy... but then again i have no reason to be sad, either!! ^_^ i'll be happy. *smiles* can't give y'all a quiz right now... posting from a school computer again... i've been doing that a lot lately haven't i? oh i forgot to tell you my dad was hammering something yesterday while i was trying to post and i heard him scream and he ran out of the room. he wasn't crying or anything but his face was in great anguish and his finger was bleeding; he didn't HAMMER his finger, the head of it somehow sliced his skin. anyway he's dripping red all over the floor, my mom is hunched over in mental pain b/c she cannot stand the sight of blood, and i am just there. mostly calm, a little anxious. i gave him toilet paper to stop the blood flow until bandages could be found. i kinda tended to him, being like a nurse, yet also a comedian, cracking jokes and making him laugh, thus distracting him from pain. after a little while he felt better, i went back on the computer to finish my post, yet i had forgotten the whole thing happened. ho hum. yet i still remain chipper. and i still, unfortunately, have my short-term memory completely intact. tootle-loo! ~~rini
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Wednesday, December 15, 2004
i dunno
anime club was, well, awkward. not that me, tsuki, or ambi-chan actually went to it. i suppose i'll leave it at that. on a brighter note... hooray for sugar!! or huzzah. i like both word. maybe i should start saying 'hurrah' but that sounds too normal. i know... i shall say 'huzzay'! yes it's perfect ^_^ i KNOW there was something i was gonna say but i forgot... life does that to you sometimes... or me, at least. well i'm basically happy and confused all of the time. that's kinda how i based my character's personality. once i'm able to put up fanart, i'll give you character bios, plot, etc. of the story i want to turn into an actual anime. which i would definitely like to direct. yeah. (so blah, just for you, tsuki! XD) here is a quiz that i took that had pretty pics but it called me a fool. that's just b/c the way i answered the questions, i was all happy/naive/friendly. if that is foolish then i guess i'm a fool!! (along with ambi-chan, of course!) heh here it is:
 The Fool! The card of
..:What's your personal Tarot Card?:.. ( Anime Pictures ) brought to you by Quizilla
take it if you wish... cya around... ~~*rini*~~
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004
hah! i showed that tutorial who's boss...
yeah i just finished my rocks & minerals tutorial. we had a long time to do it but OBVIOUSLY i forgot. heh. must go and work on latin, i am feeling charitable and all (it IS the holiday season)so i'll give y'all a quiz to take. yeah i probably would've given it to you anyway ^_^
 Your Spring! You are a happy-go-lucky, and free going person. Not much can get you down, and you have alot of friends! People love being around you and your energetic personality
which season are you? (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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bloopy. hehe ^_^
sorry i didn't post yesterday. i had to study for three tests that i had today (math, latin, social studies) and two essays to write and a powerpoint to do and... yeah. you know how i always love to sleep? i took a long nap yesterday... i only did one of the essays... didn't do the powerpoint... but i lucked out! english teacher was absent today. didn't have time to go through all the powerpoints today, so i got an extra day. woohoo!! ^_^ still at school posting. wOOt!! XD going to the library at four. kids read to kids. i actually ENJOY volunteer work... yeah...
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Sunday, December 12, 2004
jurples i can't think of a subject ^_^
i'm pleased that i was able to make new friends on the otaku. i have a lot of homework that i have procrastinated, to rabies girl's horror. she REALLY wanted to come over... i'm on the internet b/c it has become an addiction, but i guess it's better than smoking pot!! here is a nice little quiz:
 You are most like the Yugi kitten. See the big smile and those angle wing (Angle wings ?) Well well you are really happy over live like it is right now and you have manny friends how will allways be there for you and you will allways bee there fore theme.
wich yu-gi-oh kitten are you ? ( some words are miss speld brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, December 11, 2004
i wish this was me...
alright, i have come to the conclusion the the me + sugar @
12:30 in the morning = a very bad thing. i stayed up until past 5:00 in the morning and woke up around 8:00 (or somewhere around there) so i'm basically on three hours of sleep!! here is a quiz result and i'll post later if anything happens:
 You are Sailor Venus! Senshi of love and very similar to Sailor Moon. You can be quite ditzy, but lovable all the same. Although you may not see so at first glance, you can be quite strong and once you’ve set a goal for yourself you will do anything to reach it. Take the quiz!
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Friday, December 10, 2004
jenn's b-day (party)
okay it's not her actual b-day until monday but we celebrated it today. yeah it was great right now i'm bloated from japanese food!! ^_^ so i didn't go to the academic triathelon thingy but this was much better. i got to chill with my peeps! huzzah!! playing 'the sims 2' is always cool too. oh in english today my teacher was like 'you can fill up a whole essay with b.s. but graders probably won't like b.s.' and she said 'we should probably come up with a better alternative to "b.s."'. i am the kind of person who is loud and obnoxious and hyper with friends yet quiet and well-behaved in class. for some odd reason i was possesed to blurt out, 'bullschist!' and people actually laughed!! (if you don't get it, it's cause 'schist' is an kind of a joke with our grade and earth science.) but i didn't have lunch today. i missed lunch like three times this week. my english teacher was actually concerned and instead of making me make up an essay she told me to just go home b/c i probably wouldn't write too well on an empty stomach. i lucked out for once!! thanks for hearing me out!! ~~~rini~~~
Very optimistic person, loves to keep things in high spirits. Usually the peron who tries to cheer up the uncheerable, and succeeds.
What FF7 char are you?? brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, December 9, 2004
honors english SUCKS
i think it should burn. yeah. and i'm not even a pyromaniac (no offense to them or anything. pyros rock my socks!! XD) i hate having an essay a day for homework to practice for the 8th grade ela exam. oh and the other day it was really scary; serenity's (since i'm lazy i'll just call her s-chan from time to time) coat sleeve was wet when i touched it and two seconds later it wasn't. yeah. it was scary at the time... like it was all some sort of illusion, perhaps... kinda bummed b/c tomorrow would be the first academic triathelon trip for our school but since it's jenn's b-day i can't go but at least i can be happy for her. oh and anyone who visited rabies girl's site: she saw who you were and is very thankful you signed her gb, but sadly she has forgotten her password and cannot get on until further notice. (i guess the otaku sent it to the wrong address.) oh and i won't bite you, chibi koneko, cause you're not 100% clear on certain things on the otaku, but i am still willing to bite venomous kitsune and pharoh yami. *bares teeth* gaahh!! huzzah (people should use that word more often; it's a good word) about the latin quiz i was sure i was gonna fail but probably passed w/ flying colors. i think. i changed my avatar (no schist) but i don't like it very much so i will probably change it soon. i have to finish some books b/c i feel like reading them and the library might want them back. the librarians were being a bunch of mean smellheads... they charged us for stuff we returned already... i went back to the shelf and brought it up to them and they cleared the charges but i wanted to bite them, i really did... here is a quiz result. i have ANOTHER friggin essay to write:
 Comic Relief
.:: What's Your Anime Personalitiy? ::. brought to you by Quizilla
i REALLY loved this quiz and this result perfectly describes me in general. 'not the sharpest crayon in the box?' yep, that's me all right!! XD ~~rini-chan~~
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