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Wednesday, December 8, 2004
like the new color scheme?
okay so it's not new but it's not old... too lazy to explain... but it's different than what i had before, and that's what matters!! ^_^ yeah i'm smiling but i feel sad inside *tears* on the otaku at least *more tears* cause... cause... cause there are lots of people who took me off their friends list after i had seen myself on it!! *cries a big river* well i'm not gonna mention any names but you know who you are. if i did something to offend you, please tell me. if you took me off for no reason at all, well... >_< !! oh and venomous kitsune, chibi koneko, & pharoh yami: if you don't update soon i promise i will bite you!! here is a quiz and i am going to go no so toodles!! ^_^ ~~rini
p.s. a quizzy-poo for y'all:
Goddess of Happiness
What Emotional Goddess Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, December 7, 2004
achoo!! *blows nose*
yeah i'm sick. i told you i was feeling a LITTLE bit crappy since friday. i think that everybody should visit my friend rabies girl because... well... um... she needs some friends, k? if you don't mind... yesterday i couldn't post but i KNEW i had to say something... um... oh yeah, my old 6th grade teacher got arrested. AGAIN. it's a shame, since he was one of my favorite ones. too bad he had to go ruin everything by violating his prohibation and being a sick son of a bitch... oh but today was a half day!! *smiles* yeah i know it was a drastic subject change. me tsuki and jenn ordered chinese takeout (which took two hours!) and we played 'the sims 2'. yeah it was fun ^_^. oh and if anyone thinks being different is a bad thing? UP YOURS!!! my peeps and i are oficially known as freaks but i'm perfectly fine w/ that so i'll put up a quiz showing how proud i am!! oh yeah individual people kick major ass!!!
Your an individual. Just because you enjoy things most people dont doesn't mean you're a freak so dont listen to them. they know nothing. You're most likly a very nice person to be around and peeple like you for that.
what kind of personality do you have? brought to you by Quizilla
well i HAVE to get off (or else i'm gonna get in trouble) so i guess this is bye bye!! ~~~rini-chan~~~
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Saturday, December 4, 2004
theatre day
yeah it's that time of year again. okay, so it's officially the first theatre day. i dunno why i chose the little dude with sunglasses; i guess i honestly felt he was being neglected. anyways for theatre day we got to choose a few workshop activities. the only one i REALLY wanted was directing, cause i wanna be an anime director, and it also happened to be the only one i REALLY didn't get. i was like, oh well, you don't always get what you want, yuki. my first workshop was shakespeare which was fun. i worked with my peep kathryn and we interpreted a bunch of quotes and junk. we made the teacher laugh! next was wicked which i though was gonna be cool. i guess it was but i was like the only one in the group who hasn't seen it so it wasn't as fun as it could've been. last was theatre games, which i'm pretty sure was a second choice for me but since directing was full, well, you know. i ended up in a room full of little kids. the lady who was working with us, jamie, was really cool. she and this girl named alice were the only things keeping me sane. this one kid was REALLY obnoxious, i know this is mean but i wanted to stand up and chuck my chair at him. this other kid looked pissed and like he was pms or something and him mom forced him to be there. when we were telling a group story together (one person starts it off, another does a sentence or two and so on) and it was his turn he said 'and the dog died and went to hell'. in a room filled with extremely young children. oh god, it was unbearable, screaming and screwing around and fun for them but excrutiating physical pain for me. when i got outta there i decided that i might not want any kids. either that or i'll adopt a teenager. after that i hung out with serenity and heather and we got heather an otaku account (arsh2882) but since i still feel like crap things weren't exactly coming up daisies for me. we saw a few high school plays later on, and i was ticked off cause the complete works of william shakespeare (abridged) was sold out. we saw 'you're a good man charlie brown', 'a piece of my heart', and 'steel magnolias'. the only one i REALLY liked was the charlie brown one. and now i'm here. ho-hum. so i guess goodnight and here is a quiz:
The Jester!
What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
p.s.--if i could somehow magically turn back time, i guess i would sign up for shakespeare, stage combat (that sounded like fun!), and singing for musical theatre. i would also get us all to leave serenity's house earlier so that we could get tickets to the shakespeare one. i guess it's just tough schist for me (lol). hey at least i can make a joke outta my half-good half-craptacular day.
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Friday, December 3, 2004
it's over!!!!!!!
okay so we performed our brains out and i had to sneeze and nicky had to blow her nose and everyone had to laugh and *gasp* i missed one of my lines and i just kinda smiled like nothing went wrong and no one even noticed that something was missing and *gasp* my peeps steph and kristin and jenn and jenna all watched us and afterward we went screaming and yelling our brains out and *gasp* i always get hyper after plays so like a freak i went and hugged pharoh yami and then our group of peeps started chasing him and his bud like rabid fangirls (lol kitsune lily!!) and *gasp* we chased them down to haagen daz (k so i can't spell. big whoop) and cornered him into a bathroom and so two seconds ago i had to send him an apology *gasp* oh and they turned our microphones on right when i was saying something involving the word 'bastard' so everyone in the audience kinda heard that before we went on and *gasp* i really shouldn't be on the computer right now but i felt that it is my obligation to tell you how it went *gasp* okay i'm done. here's a quiz for y'all!!
School Girl
What kind of girl are you? brought to you by Quizilla
okay so i'm not hot. two out of three isn't too bad!! ^_^ ~~*rini*~~
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omg!! it's da performance!! *squeals*
okay, so basically our cast has been working our butts off for the past month or so, staying after school long hours while managing to have fun while we're at it. now all our hard work is gonna pay off!!!!! if i mess up, or if my throat cracks in the middle of my lines, i will probably die laughing. speaking of death, after school yesterday there was this van parked outside it at like 6:30 at night while me and my peeps were waiting for our ride. it looked like one of those funeral vans! plus there was all this stuff in the news about child abductors in vans and junk in our area. i kept going, 'let's go up to it!' and heather was all like 'not funny, rini!' but i wasn't trying to be funny. truly. it's just my initial reaction to things like that, that's all. but what WAS funny was yesterday's latin class. we were talking about conjugating numbers whether the noun is feminine, masculine, or neuter. then we got on the topic of how if there was one guy and fifty girls in a room, the whole group would be rendered masculine. that wasn't the funny part. someone asked, 'what if the guy was dead?' and the group would still be considered masculine. that's still not the funny part. when someone asked, 'what about michael jackson?' our teacher said, 'i don't know. let's just label him neuter and stick him in a corner,' THAT was the funny part. for me at least. maybe it was just one of those things you had to be there for... i apologise to any mj fans on the otaku... oh and here is a quiz that i really liked so please take it:
You're SUNNY!!! You are very hyperactive and is always happy. You cheer up the atmosphere around you and have lots of friends because of your friendly personality. You love to party and stay in a large group. You kind of feel insecure if you are not with your friends. But don't worry, people like you for who you are and belive in yourself. o(>_<)o
Which weather do you represent?(w.anime pic results) brought to you by Quizilla
yeah this is usually me but not today cause my thoat is f***ing sore but that's okay i'll get over it. i will post and tell you how the play went.
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meh *cough cough*
i'm sick at my house right now. the only reason why i'm posting is that i'm going to school in a little while. i can't miss all of the school day cause drama club is actually performing today. *groans* dammit, why do i have to go?!?!?!
Your anime hair color is pink.
What is your anime hair color? brought to you by Quizilla
the other anime hair color quiz that i took said i had green hair. i suggest you take both (they're both pretty good and accurate). anyways, i have to leave RIGHT NOW or else i'm gonna get yelled at. bye!!
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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
*makes a scary devil face* hee hee ^_^
okay i have gotten REALLY bad with the posting, mostly b/c i have been sleeping over my peeps' houses lately and my dad had this super important project that was saved on the only computer in the house w/ internet access and he didn't want anything to happen to it. *takes a deep breath* wow, i typed that whole big run-on in one breath ^_^ here is a quiz; please don't hate me!!
must go and do homework... *shudders*
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Monday, November 29, 2004
posting from computer apps again...
yeah i have nothing better to do. it was post or work on a brochure. the thing is, it had to be about an event in history, not just anything you want. bleh!! but the teacher didn't specify AMERICAN history, so i'm gonna do something from feudal japan, possibly the heiji war... i'll give y'all a quiz when i get home. my results are all saved on my computer at home. waahhh!! oh well, you'll just have to wait a few hours!! 'ts', or 'tough schist'. lol. it's an inside joke from science class... hope to see you peeps around. laters!! ^_^ ~*rini-chan*~
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Saturday, November 27, 2004
yeah i'm REALLY losing my touch
okay so i was a post behind until just now. it was worth it cause i actually had a sleepover w/ tsuki!! we had planned it THREE WEEKS AGO, and now we have finally done it!! we have achieved the impossible!! (btw, the art museuum yesterday was really awesome ^_^) today me, tsuki, jenn, and jenna all hung out. we spent our time together playing 'the sims 2' (which is a really great game), listening to music, and pretty much just hanging out. tsukiko was OBSESSED w/ this song from an old tv show and kept playing it over and over, but she eventually stopped. jenna got physically abused by herself b/c she kept being an asshole and i was gonna reach over and punch her but she was like 'i can do it myself' and punched herself. this was convenient for me, because i'm usually too lazy to hit peeps, so each time she started being annoying i'd be like, 'jenna! go beat yourself up!!' and she would!! XD don't worry, this was all good fun, jenna was never hit in an unfriendly way ^_^ here's a quiz i kinda lost track as to how many i owe i gave one per post, so add nine, carry the two... i'm lost and i don't care!! as long as you peeps get your quizzes, i'm fine:
You are a noble warrior.
You believe there is no true evil, and that everyone can turn onto the good side. You spare your enemies when they admit defeat. You fight with a passion. You save those in need, and put their safety first. You use a long sword and a shield.
What type of Swordsman are you? brought to you by Quizilla
i thought that this was a really super quiz and that everyone should take it!! cya ^_^
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Friday, November 26, 2004
turkey thankful blah blah blah
geez, i must be losing my touch... i've missed yet another post!! my real thanksgiving wasn't as fun as my make-believe one on wednesday... on the REAL thanksgiving day i had to sit in a three-hour car ride to my destination, and upon arrival i was forced to be with someone who has been my very irritating friend since we were infants. i mean, i love her to death, but at first it was all awkward silence. it took a while for things to be halfway normal again. we ate food (duh!), watched 'harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban' (it was my first time seeing it, and it wasn't HALF as good as the book), and we played ddr for almost an hour(at least that was good). the only reason we stopped was b/c my dad kept saying 'c'mon, let's go!' so we unplugged everything and i had all my stuff packed away when my parents decided that they should talk another hour longer!! my peep and i were bored so she started surfing the net and i was lying on the couch staring into space and eventually we started writing things on each others' faces with markers like 'happy turkey day' and 'i like cheese'. i REALLY have to go now so that i can go see my peep tsukiko. tsuki and i have NEVER had a sleepover just the two of us before, and we've been really good peeps for a long time. not only that, but we're going to an art museum!! weeee!!!! *jumps up and starts doing happy dance* okay well i really have to go but i will leave you with a quiz result:
Playful Angel! Sunbeam in the end.
What kind of Angel are you? .._..contains Anime pictures.._.. brought to you by Quizilla
cya around!! *rini*
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