Thursday, October 28, 2004
i dunno... i guess 'bloop' is the first thing that came to mind. oh, but since i don't know what else to say, i mind as well introduce you to a few of my friends. there's nicole, she likes anime but doesn't read mangas. she's mostly into boys and makeovers and stuff like that. my best and longest peep, even though we have very little in common. i don't know how we've stayed best peeps, we've been through hell and back again, but we always manage to pull through. ambi is cute and sweet and naive and adorable, and loves pretty much any anime/manga/video games. she hates anything perverted (she has/had such an innocent mind. after she met me and tsukiko it's kinda hard to tell.) then there's tsuki. she's perverted and funny; there's no one else like her. she's constantly saying parts of the human anatomy at lunchtime with serenity. i can only watch while they say these things to ambi-chan, enjoying how ambi freaks out every time. i must admit, it IS pretty funny. serenity is tall and constantly mocking me and ambi, even though we're not THAT short. our minds are linked and she has this kind of a mind control over me. i'm trying to rebel and resist but for the most part, she has the upper hand. i still love her though. but every time we're together, we end up in trouble or making asses of ourselves or pissing off teachers or something. our friendship will someday be our ruin, but at least we'll be ruined and happy. arsh i guess would be the voice of reason. she's been my peep since third grade, likes anime and reads manga, is level-headed, NOT weird (which is kinda weird that in the fact that i pretty much hang out with whack-jobs), and well, i dunno... she's normal. like nicole. wait, i take that back. nicole relishes in saying parts of the human anatomy as well. there are others but i really have to finish up my homework. ambi said she'd call me about two hours ago to finish studying for our latin quiz tomorrow but must have forgotten. wait, before i forget, this is my quiz result for the day:
 You should star in a comedy!
What Genre Movie Should You Star In? (Anime Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
oh well. happy day! ~*rini-chan*~
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