Sunday, October 31, 2004
yippee!! it's that time of year again. this halloween i'm gonna be emi from ddr!! i'm so happy ^_^ i gonna go trick-or-treating with my peeps jenn, tsukiko, and jenna. (i didn't mention her before. we went to elementary school together, but she goes to a different middle school/high school.) we're gonna watch "scary" movies afterward. i say "scary" because we're gonna be at jenn's house watching her movies and she nearly pissed herself after seeing 'the grudge' with me... which i found very amusing. not the movie; it was kinda boring and stupid. her freaking out was funny. me: "jenn, you'd have to actually go into that house in japan in order for the spirit to come get you."
jenn: "then we're not going to japan. EVER. or at least until i forget this movie."
me: *starts making noises in my throat exactly like the revenge/obsessed spirit in the movie*
jenn: STOP THAT!!
me: *laughs hysterically* but it's funny!!
okay so now you officially know a side of me that's not hyper and happy and fuzzy pink bunnies. yes, that's right: i enjoy scaring the crap outta people. a couple weeks ago, not even halloween or anything, i had a sleepover with serenity, tsukiko, ambi, and ina. our goal was to cram as much anime and ddr into it as we possibly could. we had at least three hours of ddr. as far as anime goes, well, this is how we fared: one episode of inuyasha, six episodes of wolf's rain, an episode of yu yu hakusho, trigun, cowboy bebop, the first dvd of both azumanga daioh and panyo panyo di gi charat, and the inuyasha movie. anyways, what was my point? oh yeah; scaring the crap outta my peeps. it's, like, pitch-black outside, maybe 1:30 am, not that late. ambi, tsukiko, and i all went upstairs to go to the bathroom during a commercial. as i was going in, i said, "hey, tsukiko; isn't this kinda like that dream you had?"
tsukiko: what dream?
me: you know, that dream where that crazy ax-murderer breaks into our house while we're having a sleepover...
tsukiko: wait, i think i remember...
ambi: *shivers*
tsukiko: oh, yeah, i know that one. but he wasn't an ax-murderer; he was a child molester.
ambi: *eyes widen*
me: well i'm gonna go pee now. you can finish the story while i'm in there... *enters bathroom*
tsukiko: well it was really funny, because in our frenzy you got locked outside with him, ambi.
me: *walks out of bathroom* your turn tsuki!
tsuki: *enters bathroom*
me: that's the way it is in scary movies.
ambi: huh?
me: i mean, you always get taken when you're all alone. like our friend tsuki here alone in the bathroom. i wouldn't be surprised if we never saw her again...
ambi: but... but... oh man, now i can't go to the bathroom by myself! thanks a lot, yuki!
me: you're welcome ^_^
tsukiko: *walks out of bathroom* now you can go, ambi!
ambi: uh.. um...
tsukiko: are you telling me you don't have to go now?
ambi: no, i do, but... whatever you do, yuki, don't leave me!
tsukiko: well in that case i'll be going downstairs.
ambi: *enters bathroom*
me: *turns off all the lights* nyah ha ha!
ambi: *leaves bathroom* ahh!! whay is it so dark?!?
tsukiko: *runs up stairs* you guys, i saw some shadowy figures in the kitchen!!
ambi: *sweatdrop* eeek!
me: sounds like fun...
tsukiko: you LOCA girl, you hear me?
all: *creep downstairs*
tsukiko: oops. i guess those 'shadowy figures' were just sernenity's older brothers...
ambi: you guys are SO mean!!!
and poor little ambi-chan was STILL scared...
a week or so later ambi found out that i had scared her on purpose. she was kinda pissed, but got over it...
on a field trip ambi labeled me a health hazard because mandy (another peep) was sitting in the window seat, i was in the aisle, and she was trying to talk to other people in the aisle seats, so her ass pushed me LITERALLY into the aisle. i was laughing hysterically, squatting on the floor in the middle of tarnation, got back up on the seat, was pushed off yet again by mandy's butt, gave up trying, got labeled a health hazard, dove into ambi/danielle's seat, sat down in that itty bitty little space where your feet are supposed to go, and just stayed there for the rest of the bus ride home. but i really AM a health hazard. when our school had a lock-down because some dudes broke into a diner one town over and weren't caught, there were helicopters hovering over the school. ambi-chan was like, "ahh!! what's going on?!?! is there like gonna be a bomb or something?!?!? will you protect me from the bomb yuki?
me: sure. duck!! *shoves ambi into a wall* okay that was just practice ^_^
ambi: wahhh!!!
okey-dokey then. it's been a pleasure hearing myself talk, er, i mean, type. well here's my quiz result for the day:  Guys just love...your cheery dispostion!
What Do Guys Love About You? (with pics :3) brought to you by Quizilla
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