Wednesday, November 3, 2004
awww look at the widdle cabbit
today i am feeling cabbit-ish. if that's even possible. but i love the crap outta ryo-oh-ki ^_^ (please don't mock my lame attempt at spelling that.) but she's so friggin' kawaii!! i'm looking EVERYWHERE for a plushie. i have one of kenoki, though! (i said DON'T MOCK MY SPELLING) so i was GONNA put up a widdle animation of ryo-oh-ki but it's not working... i'm a tad bit slow (mentally, if you didn't guess already). but i DID finally figure out how to add comments. it's in the 'edit profile' section. duh! *punches self in head* and now i have to figure out how to add in images/ animations to postings. it's probably gonna take a while... but if people comment, i might just manage ^_^ here's my quiz result:
 ~SAMURAI GIRL~ You are nice and wise and beautiful.You're strong and cool. Isn't the gif so cute.^-^
What anime gifs are you. REALLY CUTE PICS brought to you by Quizilla
i thought that this was really adorable ^_^
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