Thursday, December 9, 2004
honors english SUCKS
i think it should burn. yeah. and i'm not even a pyromaniac (no offense to them or anything. pyros rock my socks!! XD) i hate having an essay a day for homework to practice for the 8th grade ela exam. oh and the other day it was really scary; serenity's (since i'm lazy i'll just call her s-chan from time to time) coat sleeve was wet when i touched it and two seconds later it wasn't. yeah. it was scary at the time... like it was all some sort of illusion, perhaps... kinda bummed b/c tomorrow would be the first academic triathelon trip for our school but since it's jenn's b-day i can't go but at least i can be happy for her. oh and anyone who visited rabies girl's site: she saw who you were and is very thankful you signed her gb, but sadly she has forgotten her password and cannot get on until further notice. (i guess the otaku sent it to the wrong address.) oh and i won't bite you, chibi koneko, cause you're not 100% clear on certain things on the otaku, but i am still willing to bite venomous kitsune and pharoh yami. *bares teeth* gaahh!! huzzah (people should use that word more often; it's a good word) about the latin quiz i was sure i was gonna fail but probably passed w/ flying colors. i think. i changed my avatar (no schist) but i don't like it very much so i will probably change it soon. i have to finish some books b/c i feel like reading them and the library might want them back. the librarians were being a bunch of mean smellheads... they charged us for stuff we returned already... i went back to the shelf and brought it up to them and they cleared the charges but i wanted to bite them, i really did... here is a quiz result. i have ANOTHER friggin essay to write:
 Comic Relief
.:: What's Your Anime Personalitiy? ::. brought to you by Quizilla
i REALLY loved this quiz and this result perfectly describes me in general. 'not the sharpest crayon in the box?' yep, that's me all right!! XD ~~rini-chan~~
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