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Behind you with a rusty kunai
Member Since
artist ,gamer..student and of course a ninja
Real Name
Call me Kyuu
I break a bone every year ^^~
Anime Fan Since
*shrugs* i cant even remember
Favorite Anime
Naruto,Inuyasha,Yami no Matsuei,Pita-Ten,Wolf's Rain, Full Metal Alchemist,Neon Genesis Evangelion,Psycic Acadamey, and...well...alot more.
I wanna be a great artist someday...or a Marine Biologist.
Video games, anime, manga,stuff...
well...drawing, playing video games, being a total and completley lazy person, using photoshop,Flash animation,being Hinata-ish by not talking to people...*yeah I know*...and other stuff....
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 07/10/05:
Result Posted on 07/10/05:
Result Posted on 07/10/05:
grr...fear me...and my temper tantrums. lol
Result Posted on 07/07/05:
yay ^-^
Result Posted on 07/06/05:
| You Are? by Osaku | |
| This is about you and me..err I mean you... | | | Name | FoxFire7 | | | Nickname(s) | klutz ^-^;;, Angelina | | | Age | 13 | | | Hair Color | Brown | | | Natural Hair Color (if different) | | | | Eye Color | Light blue | | | Height | 5''3 | | | Righty/Lefty | righty | | | Innie/Outtie | why the heck are you asking!?! lol innie | | | Birthplace | NJ | | | Sign | Scorpio | | | Glasses/Contacts/"I Can See" | Glasses | | | Birthmarks | One by my right eyebrow | | | Song that Describes Your life | hmmm.... | | | Relationships (aww)... | | | Are You In Love | kinda.. | | | Who Are Your Best Friends | Too many to list ^-^ | | | Do you Intend/Want to Get Married | errr.....I don't really know yet | | | If So, Where | uhh...JAPAN!!! | | | Do You Want a Family (kids!!!) | ... | | | If So, How Many | | | | If So, Boy/Girl/Doesn't Matter | ... | | | Aspirations (You go-getter you)... | | | What You Wanted to Be When You Were a Kid | Vet | | | What Do You Want to Be Now | Manga-Ka ^-^ | | | Where Do You Want to Live | Japan | | | Where Do You Want to Visit | Japan | | | Where Have You Been That You'd Rather Be Right Now | Florida | | | What Would You Change About Yourself, Given the Opportunity | I really dont know | | | Favorites... | | | Place (Near or Far, it doesn't matter) | Camp | | | Vacation Spot | wildwood NJ | | | Shopping Location | heh, the Wyoming valley mall | | | Music Genre | Japanese,Rock,Punk | | | Band | Asian-kung fu- Generation | | | Color | orange | | | Flower | bells of Ireland | | | Smell | chocolate | | | Shampoo | Suave Naturals | | | Ice Cream | Panda Paws | | | Website | The Otaku, Gaiaonline | | | Car | Cabrio | | | Movie | Too many to list @.@ | | | Actor | Orlando Bloom | | | Actress | uhhh....Angelina Jolie ( I look like her many people say) | | | Holiday | Christmas | | | Soda | Dr.Pepper | | | Book | Does Manga count? | | | Game (Board/Computer/Word/Drinking..It's all good) | err, Dot hack series for the ps2 | | | Either/Or... | | | Responsibility/Simplicity/Both(?) | Simplicity | | | Pop/Rock/Rap | rock | | | Work/Play | play | | | Car/Train/Plane | train | | | Cat/Dog | dog | | | Coke/Pepsi | coke | | | Color/B&W (photos) | color | | | Tomato/Chicken Noodle | neither....I don't like soup | | | Noon/Midnight | midnight | | | Hot/Cold | cold | | | Dawn/Dusk | dusk | | | Books/Movies | books | | | Did You or Do You... | | | Have and Siblings | Siblings...1 sister, brother on the way | | | Cry Easily | no | | | Think You are Smart | not really | | | Act Your Age | yes | | | Have Any Tattoos | no | | | Have Any Piercings | no | | | Have Any Pets | 3 | | | Get Jealous | yes | | | Ever Like Boy Bands | no | | | Believe in God/Allah/Jesus/etc. | yeah | | | Take Criticism Well | yes | | | Have You Ever... | | | Gotten Drunk Before | no | | | Smoked (cigarettes) | no | | | Done Drugs (Any) | no | | | Kissed a Member of the Opposite Sex | no | | | Kissed a Member of the Same Sex | no | | | Been on an Airplane | yes | | | Been on First Class on an Airplane | yes | | | Skinny Dipped | no | | | Had Sex | no | | | Take this Survgen survey! | | | |
Result Posted on 07/05/05:
well my eye color is blue ^-^
 Your eye color is dark blue. You rely on your logic solely, and may have more mature interests than many of your friends and family your age. You can sometimes also be interverted and lonely from a lack of understanding with people, and can be rather frustrated with some types of folke. Some may describe you as cold and distant, and you are honest with how you feel about things.
What Color Eyes Should You Have? ( With Anime Pictures ^-^ ) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 07/05/05:
pretty cool. It does explain me though
 C: Your Beauty lies
in Nature. Down to earth, laid back and a natural beauty. You have no need for
make-up or accessories that most others do. In fact you most likely find them a
nuisance. You are probably a little tom-boyish in your jeans and tees with a
great love for nature. You probably know more about plants and animals than most
people and you'd rather spend your times outdoors and in the sun, independent
and free. You can be a bit distant with people, preferring the company of
animals over people, which isn't always the best thing. You can be kind and
sweet, but not many see that side of you as you often have misunderstandings
with people. You are very go-with-the-flow sort of person and usually try to
avoid fights even if it means changing your opinion or belief. Still, you are
you look your best actually without make-up and in casual clothes. Very few can
say that. Be proud.
Some Things
That Represent You:
Earth, Wind Animal: Horse Color: Green, Purple, Earth Tones Song:
The Memory Of Trees by Enya Expression: Cool Smile
Emerald Mythological Creature: Fairy, Elf Planet: Earth
Hair Color: Brown Eye Color:
Bright Green
"Horses love me. Cowboys fear me."
Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::.. brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 07/05/05:
 Like oh my gosh. You got a guy who's cute and sweet. He's so sweet that he'ld take you out for dinner or at a cafe just to buy what you want:) Even if it's just a candy stick. Yup it's love. You got a great guy waiting for you somewhere. You just gotta look harder;)
Who's Perfect For You??? (Cute Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 05/25/05:
yay! im a uh.....rabbit thing. lol
Result Posted on 05/06/05:
wee! im sandstorm!!!! my favorite song!!!!
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