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Sunday, November 20, 2005
Misha-chan: Hello! We're on to the next chapter aren't we?
Kakashi: Yup it's going to be a long one too huh?
Misha-chan: Hmmm maybe. I've decided to prolong the time till the big date!
Kakashi: What?!
Misha-chan: Oh shut it! You're still going to go on one but not till the next chapter.
Kakashi: ...Fine....
Misha-chan: ^^
Warning:Okay this one is going to be a more mature chapter so anyone not mature enough to talk about that book thing "icha icha paradise" or any sexual preferences then don't read this. IF you do read this then I am holding you responsible you hear me?
(readers nod)
Misha-chan: good! ^^ Now on with the story!
Chapter 2:The scars of the past and the dreadfull orange book.
You looked up at Kakashi as you entered the kitchen and stood beside him watching him cook. 'Wow, who would have thought a guy could cook this good?'
Kakashi gave you a side long glance "are you feeling better Yohko-chan?"
You frowned indignently "you aren't that much older then me ya know."
Kakashi chuckled "indeed I'm not. But it makes you sound so cute and inocent."
You crossed your arms and glared "am I to understand that you are implying that I am not inocent?" Kakashi merely shrugged "I saw the bruises on your hips that doesn't come from very many things."
Now you deffinently were shocked at that "how in the hell-" Kakashi stopped chopping the vegis and cast you a warning glare before the blond haired boy Naruto came into the room.
"Good morning!" yawned Naruto as he sat down in a chair.
You glared vehemently at Kakashi before addressing Naruto "More like good afternoon but whatever floats your boat, or in this case sinks it."
"What do you mean?" asked Naruto curiously raising an eyebrow in question.
"Well, Sasuke and Sakura left to go train a while ago. Or at least thats where I think they went. I saw them leave just a little while ago." you explained in a bored tone as you swipped a pepper from Kakashi.
"What?! Noooo!!" screamed Naruto as ran out the house histerically.
You sighed as you hoisted yourself up onto the counter top crossing your legs in the process. "How did you see those scars and bruises?"
Kakashi continued chopping and merely grunted. This made you growl in anger "tell me now you stupid scare crow or face my wrath!" Kakashi stopped chopping and merely cast you a bored look clearly declaring that you weren't worth one ounce of his time. This sent a wave of anger through your body, and you reached down into a pouch that hung succurly at your hip and threw a shuriken at Kakashi's head narowly missing him and enbedding into the wall. Kakashi slowly let his gaze go from the shuriken in the wall to you. "Do you really wanna know how I found out?"
You rolled your eyes "know I threw a shuriken at you for the pure hell of it!" Again Kakashi's gaze turned cold "did I not tell you not to cuss while you are here?" You frowned and came down from the counter and walked up to him "you know some of my buisness and I want to know how you figured it out."
"Well that was easy. I was the one that rescued you. You had many cuts and I had to bandage them. Thats how I saw them. What I wanna know is how you recieved them. Well?" asked Kakashi as he put down his knife and turned fully to face you.
"My past is nobody's buisness but my own. Got it?" you growled out in warning as you glared daggers at the silver haired Junin before you.
Kakashi frowned "your past wont remain a secret if you're staying in this house. Do I make my self clear?"
"As clear a glass. Infact I can see right through you!" with that you struted off out the door slamming it behind you.
You sat in front of the river your eyes glazzed over and sightless as you went over the events of your past recalling the feeling of unwanted hands running over your body causing a shiver to go down your spine. 'Why did he have to bring that up of all things? I would rather forget...all the things that happened at that time... but it's pointless I suppose.'
The taste of voment made you pale slightly 'no...I never want to go over those memories ever again...' However, no mater how much you said no your mind raced back to that unfortunate time when you were all alone with that filth of a man who took you, your women hood no longer sacred after that day.
Vagily you recalled the feel of him running his hands donw your curves feeling you up and whispering sweet nothings into your ears making you want to vomit. His hands resting lightly on your hips as he took you. Making you whimper and scream in agony. 'Why?! Stop it! I don't want to remember that!'
A breeze blew by as you went into hysterics, tears slowly rolled down your face leaving salty trails along your cheeks. You huddled to yourself for warmth and sobbed against your knees, the tears comming out faster now. Making sobs escape your mouth even though you tried to stop them.
"Please cease your crying Kanata-senpai..." begged a female voice to your left. "Naruto go get Kakashi-sensei."
"Okay!" yelled Naruto as you heard hi rush off.
However no mater what you tried the tears wouldn't stop. You remembered the cold feeling of shackles on your wrists and the feeling of hopelessness as the last sacred part of you that had yet to be taken away was stolen by the man lying on you. Even then you remembered the silent tears that fell from your eyes, and that made even more sobs wrack your body, causing you to huddle closer to yourself for comfort.
You felt Sakura's shaky hands rub circles into your back and you felt some one sit down to your left. "She must have had a bad past..." concluded a male voice with some pity. You instantly recognised it as Sasuke's voice, and you felt retarded for crying and bawling infront of complete strangers let alone children, even if they weren't really that young.
You felt someone kneeling infront of you and you hesitantly raised your head a bit to look at none other then the silver haired Junin, Kakashi. "...What do you want?!" You finally managed to get out before some more tears came. "You poor thing. I'm sorry I didn't mean to cause this to happen forgive me." whispered Kakashi as he brought you into a warm embrace, letting you cry not even caring if he got wet. His Genin team watching helplessly at the sidelines, unable to do anything to comfort you.
It was now mid-afternoon and you were resting in Kakashi's bedroom looking around at his stuff. He had told you to feel free to look around and you took full advantage of it.
You saw an orange book on the night stand and you reached over and picked it up looking at the cover. "Icha Icha Paradise" Was written there in Katakana, and you raised an eyebrow curiously and opened the book to read some of it.
Just barely ten seconds later you let out a shriek and threw the book at the person who opened the door. Which happened to be Kakashi. "How can you read that book?! It's nasty!" you yelled as you watched Kakashi with an apalled look on your face as he put the book in his pocket and scrathced the back of his head. "Well I'm sorry... I wasn't planning on having anyone other then me read it..." explained Kakashi with a slight chuckle.
You frowned "oh so what you fantasize? Hmm?" Kakashi smilled or at least you assumed so because of the mask but he stated quite happily "well no not really but if you are offering you can help me experiment with somethings..-"
Not even allowing him to complete his sentence you sent him flying through the wall with a big paper fan, grinning in victory as smoke rose from him.
Misha-chan: well there you go! Chapter two is done! ^^' I told you people there was some bad thing in there. But seriously rape is a crim and is punishable by law, which for people who don't know what that means means that you'll be going to jail if you EVER do it to someone.
Kakashi: Yes, so all of you no raping!
Misha-chan: Yeah now what to make you wear for your date Kakashi?
Kakashi: Beats me....
Misha-chan: Find out what happens in the next chapter of chains were meant to be broken!
Kakashi: Please tell her things to write she's having writters block at the moment. Thank you.
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Thursday, November 17, 2005
Chains are meant to be broken
Misha-chan: Okay folks how are all of you fine people today?
Kakashi: Will you shut up? They are fine now get on with the story!
Misha-chan: Awwwww.....fine! *Grumbles* Evil little ninja! Oh by the way you the character now have a name I kinda changed it........ it's Yohko Kanata. So I hope you like it!! The last name is thanks to my friend Kagari-san. Thank you!!
Kakashi: Get on with it!!!!
Misha-chan: Shut up I'm going all right?! Tell me what you think people! Here's your story.
Kakashi: By the way... Misha-chan is a terrible speller (Misha-chan: Hey!) so please cut her some slack! Thank you!
Chapter 1: Questions can lead to headaches.
"Aaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!" you screamed with such loudness that the man fell back landing on his rear end with a thump. However you didn't care up to this point and sprinted off at an unbelievable rate straight for the river. (AN: Of course you didn't know that...)
"Wait miss... you shouldn't go that way there's a river over there and the ground is very slippery-" began the man but stopped when he heard you scream again. Which made him rush over to where you had last been to find a slidding track in the mud that led to the edge of the river.
You tried despretly to stay a float but you were not succeding any, for the current was so stronge it just kept bringing you back under the water making you use so much of your strength just to get a gasp of air before being pulled back under let alone staying afloat. 'Crap...I can't keep this up forever darn it!' you thought as you cerviced again for some much needed air. 'Crud I'm gonna die at this rate!'
The current suddenly became much faster sending you crashing into the jagged rocks at the bottom of the river. 'Ouch!' The rocks tore at your flesh causing streams of your blood to go surging out into the water. 'Crap! There better not be any evil flesh eating fish in this river!' That however was one of your least concerns at the moment for again the current had changed sending you crashing into a large boulder. This only succeded in sending your head into a screaming rage, making your vission blur and your body cease its' movement. '...darn it... well I guess this is it... I've got nothing left... But I never recieved my first kiss!!' That was your last thought as you blacked out, but not before you felt stronge arms grab ahold of your body.
An annoying voice awoke you from the the darkness of your mind and you groaned when sunlight hit you in the eyes.
"Kakashi-sensei! She's awake!!" exclaimed an orange haired youth as he looked from you to the door.
"All right Naruto just keep it down. She does have a concussion you know?" asked Kakashi as he brought in some food for you.
You not knowing what the heck was going on glared at the silver haired man "who the hell are you? And where the hell am I?"
Naruto's eyes went wide "Hey she cussed!" A girl with pink hair and bright green eyes shook ker head at the blond haired boy to her right "oh be quiet Naruto! She's allowed to cuss, she doesn't know what's going on!" Naruto bowed his head in defeat "you're right Sakura. Sorry..."
You rolled your eyes and sighed in annoyence 'this is going to be a long day...' This action seemed to have caught the silver haired mans attention "My name is Hatake Kakashi, and you are in my home. These are my genin, Naruto(the blond boy with blue eyes), Sakura(the pink haired green eyed girl), and the one in the corner is Sasuke(this one had blackish blue hair with onyx eyes). Now may I ask that you refrain from using profanity in front of them?"
You glared at Kakashi in anger 'he dares to order me around?' Kakashi seeing the challenge in you reaches up and lightly taps you on the head causing you to wince slightly. 'Darn it! He's right I do have a concussion!'
Kakashi chuckled slightly at you "all right now I have introduced us to you but now can you introduce yourself to us? It's not everyday I have a complete stranger in my bed."
Your right eye twitched at his last statement "My name is Yohko Kanata. I am from the land of the waves. " Kakashi's eye widdened noticably "I see... well Miss. Kanata you are a long way from home." You nod your head slowly "hai, I know. This is leaf country is it not?" Kakashi too gave a nod as he lazily stated "yes it is. But why are you so far away from home?" Now he deffinently had you there you had no clue as to how you reached this land considering you had to have gone across an ocean to reach it from the Mist Country. "I actually have no clue. I just sorta woke up here." you stated as your eyes trailed down to your outfit "whos clothes am I wearing?"
Kakashi raised an eyebrow "oh those are from a friend of mine, her name is Kurenai. From what you were wearing I'm right in assuming you were an ambu?"
Now you raised an eyebrow then frowned in a challenge before growling out "even if I was, sir, you know I wouldn't be able to answer that question truthfully." Kakashi chuckled again as he rubbed the back of his head with his right hand "oh well yes, but I had to ask...."
"I know lets play twenty questions!" exclaimed Naruto eagerly wanting to get to know you since he assumed you were indeed an ambu. You growled but nodded your concent already feeling a headache comming on.
"How old are you?"
"How old were you when you became ambu?"
"Oh yeah you can't answer that...uh....how old were you when you became chunin?"
"Wow! Thats sooo cool! Oh uhhhhh....What are your parents?"
"....My mother .....was a medicnin, and my father.....was an ambu"
"Really? Neat! Wait a minute....you said was."
"That's right was. They are both dead."
"I'm sorry...."
"Why? You didn't know them so don't be. Besides they died with their heads held high."
"Oh I just thought you were still... you know sad about it.... Do you have any other family?"
"No brothers or sisters?"
"I see... Well in that cass I'll be your brother! Believe it! It'll be wicked! "
"Whats your favorite food?"
"Neat-o! Mine too. Ummm Do you have a huband?"
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"Do you have any kids?"
"Heck no!!!!"
"Do you think that kakashi-sensei is hot?"
"Would you go out with him?"
"Yes! I mean-"
"Hahaha! You said yes!"
"Thats not what I meant, I meant to say no!"
"Uh huh. Right you like Kakashi-sensei don't you?"
"No I think he's the most annoying person ever!"
"Hahaha. Kanata-senpai has a crush on Kakashi-sensei!!"
You glared daggers at the kid and growled out "Will you shut it! I do not!" Kakashi chuckled "I think that's enough of that game! So how about it Miss. Kanata? Come with me out to dinner?"
"Darn it all call me Yohko! I'm only going to go if you're paying!" you exclaimed in anger then blushed slightly in realisation. Kakashi chuckled once again "of course! Then it's agreed we are going to dinner tonight!"
You grimaced 'blast them all to hell....' Holding your head in your hands as they rambled on.
Misha-chan: Well there you go! Dang I just typed five pages....
Kakashi: Thats alot. Hey I got a date! What the heck am I gonna wear?
Misha-chan: Who cares we'll figure it out later!
Kakashi: awww....how am I gonna pay for it?
Misha-chan: You're a Junin. You can afford it!
Kakashi: Hey yeah you're right!
Misha-chan: Well hope you guys liked it! Find out what happens next chapter of Chains are meant to be broken!
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Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Good evening one and all! So very sorry that I have not done squat on this site but it is now changing! See now I have changed my site’s theme!! Booyah! ^^ So now I shall give you the first part of a story okay? Okay!! ^^
Chains are meant to be broken
Even Destiny comes at a price are you willing to pay it?
General info:
You: (this means you are more then likely a girl! If you are a guy I’m sorry!! I’ll make one for you guys later!)
Name: Yohko (and…..no you don’t get a last name partially because I can’t think of one. One however will be given to you later.) ^^’ (sorry!)
Age:we'll say you're nineteen.
Hair: long silver straight hair some of it up in buns (no, not like that sailor moon chick!) on either side of your head but the rest of it is down and reaches just to your knees.
Eyes: a yellow-gold-amber color, that tends to change depending on your mood.
Outfit: A red silk Chinese dress with a golden phoenix embroidered on it with delicate golden silk threads, with two slits on both sides reaching all the way up to your hips. Simple black heels accompany your outfit, showing off your long slender legs.
Attitude: well let’s just say you’re….. Spunky. ^^’ (Don’t kill me!!)And maybe just a tad……Egocentric. But…who really cares!
Past: well lets just say you’ve had a hard knock life and the world basically knocks you on your rear a lot but you always bounce back that is until your parents are murdered and you are left all ALONE!! You have to sell your house and everything save some clothes and a golden locket that was given to you by your parents just before they died…. Did I mention it was on your birthday? No? Well it was. Sad life huh? So you go for a walk through the park one rainy day curling up in a small ball under a big sakura tree and slowly falling into a dreamless sleep. When you awake you glance up into the eyes or should I say eye? Of a ninja with silver hair and a Leaf hatai-ate tilted so that it covered the mans left eye. His mouth and nose were covered bye a black mask that met up with the hatai-ate on the left side. (AN: if you don’t know who this is….*glares* Then shame on you! It’s the lovable Hatake Kakashi!!) “Hey there are you all right? You really shouldn’t sleep on the ground or you’ll catch a cold,” advised the man as he lazily observed you with his right eye. You opened your mouth and…screamed!
(That’s the prelude to what is to come. Just be patient for it okay?)
Thank you!
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Thursday, September 29, 2005

Hello everyone! How have you all been? I’ve been all right. I’ve been on grounding though. It stinks! Anyway I’m now working on fixing this site up once more so please be patient! Okay? Thank you. The theme more then likely wont change but the style of my posts obviously will, so bare with me! Thank you!
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Tarot card of the day!
The priestess

The High Priestess suggests the idea of using your inner intuition to come to an effective outcome. In using intuition one will come to reliance solely on the self rather then outside influences. The High Priestess brings courage and strength from within and she encourages one to grow from within rather then depend on what others insist is for your highest good. The idea here is to listen to what your heart is telling you and follow those instincts. The High Priestess challenges us to listen to our emotions as they usually lead us in the right direction. The High Priestess does not always react to what is on the surface as she knows that something lies deeper within the depths.
When reversed this card represents over-reliance on others thoughts and opinions. The inability to act instinctually and come to a conclusion on your own. A person with self-doubt and the refusal to act according to one's own better judgment.
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Sunday, July 24, 2005
When I awoke next morning I found that my brother was no where in the apartment. It took me a few minutes but I finally heard a faint sob come from my mothers room. I walked into the room tentively “mother wha-” My mother sobbed even harder “Kira, they they are going to take you beck to live with your fathers brother…. Your uncle.. Yusuke was so mad he took a bat and busted your uncle in the head with it. Your aunt called the cops and now they have him in a cell!!” I felt a sob rack through my body, but I held it in as I heard a knock on the door. My mother dried her eyes and walked to the door and opened it. There in the door stood my uncle and he walked in and over to me “why hello young lady are you ready to leave?” All the while the cheesy smile never left his face. I glared at him “my bro, you let him get sent to Juvi!” My uncle nodded “yes that kid is a real trouble maker, honestly Atsuko I did you a favor now you don’t have to look after either of them and you can drink till your hearts content!” My eyes brimmed with tears “ She wouldn’t have to drink if it wasn’t for you! My family may be small and we may not be close but we’re still a family and I would rather die then see it be torn apart!” With that I ran out the house into the pouring rain and ran and ran. Not paying attention as to where I was going until I finally made to a house in a nice neighborhood and silently walked to the door and rang the door bell. Kurama appeared in the door as it opened, yawning slightly and looked slightly startled to find me there on his doorstep soaking wet from the rain with tear flowing down my face. “Kira….Mother is it okay if my friend stays the night?” We waited a few seconds before hearing “of course Shuichi, bring her in she must be freezing!” So Kurama stepped aside and let me enter into the house where he gave me a towel and I took a warm bath then changed into some of his cloths then curled up on the bed with my head laying in Kurama’s lap and told everything that had befallen us that night and this morning.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2005
I awoke to be in my room and I groaned slightly as I rolled over to look at my sky blue ceiling. ‘Alright, Leanko, I’m ready to get on with my life…Which I guess means that I have to go to work….and school….’ I sat up slowly whincing slightly, then sneezing. ‘Man I must have gotten a cold!!’ I heard a crash come from downstairs and walked over to my door and peeked out of it caustiously to see a case worker there standing with my mom glaring daggers at her. “They killed him miss we have to take them to jail….” Mumbled the case worker slowly looking at the dent in the wall where they plate had hit it. I took a step out and felt an arm wrap around my neck and pulled me into a different room. I looked up at Yusuke in alarm “we didn’t do that Yusuke!! The cop-” Yusuke nodded “we know that Kira they just probably want to question us.” My eyes widened “Yusuke I don’t want to go to the Jail house! You can’t afford to go either!! You just got out of Juvi three months ago!” I stated in a panic. Yusuke sat on the bed and drew me on it with him and we layed under the covers quietly listening to the argument downstairs. “Don’t worry I’ll keep you safe Kira now go back to sleep… I don’t think we’ll be going anywhere tonight.” Mumbled Yusuke with a yawn. In return I yawned and curled up against him and drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

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Monday, July 18, 2005

A week passed since the incident at the hospital and I was actually allowed to leave I guess cause I was a nervous reck from what happened. So they let me come home. I’m actually remembering some things from my past with Kurama and Hiei…but they are small things. Not to much to get excited about but enough I guess…I’m currently sitting in Hiei’s lap and looking out the window. There was a funeral for Leanko but I didn’t go…I couldn’t my heart couldn’t take it. After that I didn’t really say anything to anyone, which wasn’t really a problem I guess because Hiei can read my mind with the weird third eye thingy. The doc said it was manic depression that that was the reason I couldn’t talk. Whatever, I didn’t know if it was or not I just know that my heart was broken and so was my spirit. My best friend was killed by my own father! I turned my head when I heard my name being called. My bro gave me a worried look “ Kira… are you okay?” I raised an eyebrow and looked over at Hiei. “She says she’s fine detective.” Stated Hiei who placed a light kiss on my forhead. Yusuke shook his head and grabbed my wrist “Kira you’re not fine! You haven’t spoken a word to anyone except for Hiei since you got out!! That wasn’t even speaking either! You were just thinking!” I sighed in aggravation and looked over to Hiei again but he shook his head “ no onna, it’s your turn to talk.” I glared at him. “ The detective is right Kira, you need to speak for your self now.” Explained Hiei releasing me as I stood up and walked out the door of the house slamming it behind me. I walked for a block or two actually maybe even more then that, I didn’t really pay attention as the rain fell down against me cold and wet, making my body shiver, but my mind cheer with delight. I some how managed to wined up in the cemetery standing in front of my friends grave, looking lost as a puppy. I sank to my knees infront of it and stared at it for a few hours not moving not doing much of anything but crying and letting the rain hit me. I looked up when I felt the rain not hitting me anymore, there standing behind me was Kurama with an umbrella. His face held a sad smile of knowing as he searched my face. He bent down and whipped away my tears with his thumb “ easy aisu hana would Leanko want you to be this sad?” I shook my head after a few minutes. He kneeled down before me and looked in my eyes “tell me what it is that you feel sister, I want to help you.” I opened my mouth for a second then shut it and shook my head. He chuckled “did you forget how to speak Kira?” I thought for a moment then shook my head “..n-n-no…..i-it’s just t-t-to h-hard….” Kurama nodded his head slightly “yes, it can be hard sometimes, especially if you’re broken on the inside right?” My eyes widened slightly and I nodded “y-yes….I-I h-h-hurt…” He hugged me to him “I know young one, I know….”
dun dun duuunn!! ^^ What is to happen next? Hehe. I know that was a tad depressing but I thought it was kinda cool… So yeah! ^^’ will Kurama get Kira to talk more? Will Kira’s heart finally heal? Find out in the next chapter!! b>
Pic of the day

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Saturday, July 16, 2005

“Kira you’re half fox demon and have human……” mumbled Yusuke as he squeezed my hand gently. I blinked “I’m a WHAT?!” Kurama and Hiei whinced. Which caught my attention “okay….what are Kurama and Hiei? I know they aren’t human…” Kurama smiled “I am a fox demon, and your half brother….” Kurama mumbled the last part but I caught it. “WHAT?!” I yelled as I glared dangerously at Hiei “What is Hiei to me then?” Hiei suddenly found the ceiling VERY interesting “Hn.” I raised an eyebrow and pinched his cheek “you better tell me more then just hn pal or your going to be in a world of hurt!” Yusuke chuckled as Hiei moved my hand out of the way from his face and kissed my cheek. “Hiei is your mate Kira!” stated Kurama with a smile. “WWWWHHHHHHAAAAAAAATTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????” with that I passed out against Hiei sinking into the welcoming darkness.
When I awoke next I was lying down in the hospital bed and nobody else was in the room. It was dark out side so I assumed I had been out since night time. Huh, someone most have kept the lights off for me. How nice! ^^ Not that I really care but …..huh? What was that scratching sound? I looked over into the darkness in the corner of my room and was nearly scared out of my mind to see ….
dun dun duuunn!! ^^ What is it that she sees? Well you’ll just have to wait and find out huh? (gets bombarded by readers!!) Sorry!!!! I can’t write anymore I have to go to work soon!! ^^’ b>
Pic of the day

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Friday, July 15, 2005
I awoke to the sound of machines beeping and soft breathing. I slowly opened my eyes and groaned darn it! What idiot turned on the lights?! The moment that thought came the lights went out and I let my eyes adjust to the darkness, and a small smile came to my face, much better. I looked around and realized with startled look that I was in the hospital!! I sat up only to scream in pain and fall back down against the pillows. Silent tears were slowly coming down my face and then I felt someone brush them away and then lift me up slightly and lay me against them. I breathed in their sent and realized with a shocked expression that it was none other then Hiei! (Oo) That’s when I felt my hands in someone else’s hands, this made me look at the person to realize that it was Yusuke!! Now I felt someone stroke my head, making me look up at none other then Kurama! “Okay…umm….I’m lost! What is going on?” I asked completely confused as to the situation at hand, I mean it’s not everyday when your bro’s friends suddenly get really close to you! Kurama smilled slightly “well aisuhana we agreed that it’s time we told you the truth.” Yusuke chuckled then shook his head “ yeah but not till your ready. Anyway you’ve been in a comma for the past week. They really did do a number to you I guess…” I yawned because of Kurama stroking my head and Hiei’s odd warmth that soothed my aking body. Then I saw Kuwabara come in “hey who turned off the lights?” I growled I was so close to falling asleep then he decided to ruin it by waking me up!! “The boogy man did stupid! Go find him and kill him for me!” I stated calmly as I looked at Kuwabara. I mean he did have a good heart and all but seriously the boy got on my nerves! Something twitched on my head and I lifted my hand up and nearly shouted FOX EARS!!!!!!!! “WHAT THE -” Yusuke covered my mouth “easy Kira, just take it easy….” I glared at him out right “what do you mean just take it easy?! Do you suddenly wake up to have animal characteristics?! Huh? No you don’t! So you better tell me what is going on or I’ll POUND IT OUT OF YOU!!!!!!!!!” Everybody sweatdropped at that even Hiei. “Okay, ummm….. Kira you’re a..”
Dun Dun Dunnn!! Heehee. Wait to find out what is wronge with Kira chan!! In the next exciting episode of My Story!!
This has been a story from your hostess Misha Seta.

Pic of the day

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Thursday, July 14, 2005
My Story!!Part one
I sit and wonder sometimes honestly, what’s the point? Here I am at home in me and my bro’s room, with his odd friends that seem so familiar to me and yet they are all talking in code! Honestly, if they don’t want me here then fine, I’ll leave! So with that thought I stood up and growled out “okay I may be tired from my soccer tournament but I’m not stupid! If you guys don’t want me to hear something then tell me to get my ass out of the room and I’ll leave!” With that I swirled around and left. My brother seeming to give a crap about me because he followed me out of the room. Actually I noticed that they all followed, which was a tad…odd… but I didn’t think much of it. “Come on Kira we didn’t mean anything by it!” whined Yusuke only a few feet behind me. I shook my head “please just shut up! I don’t give a crap anymore! About you or anyone else in this freakin’ room!!” I saw that Kurama’s eyes softened slightly as if he was just socked in the face but he didn’t say anything but “we’re sorry to hear that Kira…” I felt my bad attitude soften slightly but I kept glaring at everyone then my gaze landed on Hiei “why are you giving me that dopy look?! Quit! I don’t know why you guys seem so familiar to me but your starting to get on my last nerve!! So .cut. it. Out!!!!!” I screamed at them then I walked right out the door not caring if it slammed shut behind me. Grr… men!! They are sooooo aggravating sometimes it makes my stinking head hurt!! I was rounding a corner when I was bashed in the head by a pole of some sort! I was sent reeling into a vacant ally and I felt more then saw a few guys hands rome over my body. One unparticular landed around my crouch and he started to unzip my shorts. However dazed I was I wasn’t about to let anyone take advantage of me down there!! So finding some source of strength I hauled off and hit the guy where it hurts. I smirked in satisfaction when I heard him scream but the smirk quickly vanished as I was bombarded by tons of blows from the bat and a knife. “You’ll pay for that you little hore!” yelled the guy that I had kicked as he kicked me while I was down on the ground real hard in my stomach I heard a sickening crack and felt pain numb some of my senses as I slowly become over whelmed by the pain I felt one of the guys trying to get my shorts down again but he didn’t get a chance as I saw a flash of steel and heard tons of screaming as some of the guys ran from the area but one of them couldn’t, the guy who was forcing himself on me and had done most of the damage was pinned to the wall by none other then Hiei! I groaned slightly as I felt gentle hands help me up from the ground. I looked to the owners of those hands and saw that it was Yusuke and Kurama! (Oo) “You can’t treat girls like that sleese-ball!!” yelled a screeching voice, and I more then visibly whinced. Kuwabara! “Will you please shut your hole idiot? Your hurting my head!” I growled in complete agitation as I finally stood up on my own after pushing their hands away, I admit I was a little shaky but I can stand on my own darn it!! I hobbled over to where Hiei was standing resisting the urge to slaughter the fool butI moved the sword down and out of the way as the guy fell to the ground saying “oh thank you so much-” Before he even finished the sentence I slammed my fist into his face and heard a crack signaling that I had broken his jaw. Then I kicked him in the stomach and limped a few feet away before passing out and being enveloped in the wonderful darkness.
This has been part one of Misha’s story!

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