Friday, June 17, 2005
Hiya-su! How are all of you? I知 doing good! I知 soooo happy that its summer vacation! ^^ I知 going swimming and eating icecream!!!!!! You know to escape the heat? ^^ So I知 just hanging around chillin with my homies! ^^ So to leave you all off on a happy note: Hope you all enjoy the summer!
Quizzes: made by-xEloquentDesire)
Message Hang and I with what you think. It'd be greatly appricated!
Opposites Attract [Yu Yu Hakusho] -Chapter 1, The Meeting brought to you by Quizilla
Pic of the day: 
Quote of the week: ~~ 滴alf the world is composed of idiots, the other half of the people are clever enough to take indecent advantage of them.梅~ From a good Friend.
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